* @copyright 2007-2008 Digg.com, Inc. * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version CVS: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Net_Gearman * @link http://www.danga.com/gearman/ */ require_once 'Net/Gearman/Exception.php'; /** * The base connection class * * @category Net * @package Net_Gearman * @author Joe Stump * @copyright 2007-2008 Digg.com, Inc. * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://www.danga.com/gearman/ */ class Net_Gearman_Connection { /** * A list of valid Gearman commands * * This is a list of valid Gearman commands (the key of the array), their * integery type (first key in second array) used in the binary header, and * the arguments / order of arguments to send/receive. * * @var array $commands * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$magic * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::connect() */ static protected $commands = array( 'can_do' => array(1, array('func')), 'can_do_timeout' => array(23, array('func', 'timeout')), 'cant_do' => array(2, array('func')), 'reset_abilities' => array(3, array()), 'set_client_id' => array(22, array('client_id')), 'pre_sleep' => array(4, array()), 'noop' => array(6, array()), 'submit_job' => array(7, array('func', 'uniq', 'arg')), 'submit_job_high' => array(21, array('func', 'uniq', 'arg')), 'submit_job_bg' => array(18, array('func', 'uniq', 'arg')), 'job_created' => array(8, array('handle')), 'grab_job' => array(9, array()), 'no_job' => array(10, array()), 'job_assign' => array(11, array('handle', 'func', 'arg')), 'work_status' => array(12, array('handle', 'numerator', 'denominator')), 'work_complete' => array(13, array('handle', 'result')), 'work_fail' => array(14, array('handle')), 'get_status' => array(15, array('handle')), 'status_res' => array(20, array('handle', 'known', 'running', 'numerator', 'denominator')), 'echo_req' => array(16, array('text')), 'echo_res' => array(17, array('text')), 'error' => array(19, array('err_code', 'err_text')), 'all_yours' => array(24, array()) ); /** * The reverse of Net_Gearman_Connection::$commands * * This is the same as the Net_Gearman_Connection::$commands array only * it's keyed by the magic (integer value) value of the command. * * @var array $magic * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$commands * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::connect() */ static protected $magic = array(); /** * Tasks waiting for a handle * * Tasks are popped onto this queue as they're submitted so that they can * later be popped off of the queue once a handle has been assigned via * the job_created command. * * @access public * @var array $waiting * @static */ static public $waiting = array(); /** * Is PHP's multibyte overload turned on? * * @var integer $multiByteSupport */ static protected $multiByteSupport = null; /** * Constructor * * @return void */ final private function __construct() { // Don't allow this class to be instantiated } /** * Connect to Gearman * * Opens the socket to the Gearman Job server. It throws an exception if * a socket error occurs. Also populates Net_Gearman_Connection::$magic. * * @param string $host e.g. or * @param int $timeout Timeout in milliseconds * * @return resource A connection to a Gearman server * @throws Net_Gearman_Exception when it can't connect to server * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$waiting * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$magic * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$commands */ static public function connect($host, $timeout = 2000) { if (!count(self::$magic)) { foreach (self::$commands as $cmd => $i) { self::$magic[$i[0]] = array($cmd, $i[1]); } } $err = ''; $errno = 0; $port = 7003; if (strpos($host, ':')) { list($host, $port) = explode(':', $host); } $start = microtime(true); do { $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); @socket_connect($socket, $host, $port); $errorCode = socket_last_error($socket); socket_set_nonblock($socket); socket_set_option($socket, SOL_TCP, 1, 1); $timeLeft = ((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000); } while (!is_resource($socket) && $timeLeft < $timeout); if ($errorCode == 111) { throw new Net_Gearman_Exception("Can't connect to server"); } self::$waiting[(int)$socket] = array(); return $socket; } /** * Send a command to Gearman * * This is the command that takes the string version of the command you * wish to run (e.g. 'can_do', 'grab_job', etc.) along with an array of * parameters (in key value pairings) and packs it all up to send across * the socket. * * @param resource $socket The socket to send the command to * @param string $command Command to send (e.g. 'can_do') * @param array $params Params to send * * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$commands, Net_Gearman_Connection::$socket * @return boolean * @throws Net_Gearman_Exception on invalid command or unable to write */ static public function send($socket, $command, array $params = array()) { if (!isset(self::$commands[$command])) { throw new Net_Gearman_Exception('Invalid command: ' . $command); } $data = array(); foreach (self::$commands[$command][1] as $field) { if (isset($params[$field])) { $data[] = $params[$field]; } } $d = implode("\x00", $data); $cmd = "\0REQ" . pack("NN", self::$commands[$command][0], self::stringLength($d)) . $d; $cmdLength = self::stringLength($cmd); $written = 0; $error = false; do { $check = @socket_write($socket, self::subString($cmd, $written, $cmdLength), $cmdLength); if ($check === false) { if (socket_last_error($socket) == SOCKET_EAGAIN or socket_last_error($socket) == SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK or socket_last_error($socket) == SOCKET_EINPROGRESS) { // skip this is okay } else { $error = true; break; } } $written += (int)$check; } while ($written < $cmdLength); if ($error === true) { throw new Net_Gearman_Exception( 'Could not write command to socket' ); } } /** * Read command from Gearman * * @param resource $socket The socket to read from * * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$magic * @return array Result read back from Gearman * @throws Net_Gearman_Exception connection issues or invalid responses */ static public function read($socket) { $header = ''; do { $buf = socket_read($socket, 12 - self::stringLength($header)); $header .= $buf; } while ($buf !== false && $buf !== '' && self::stringLength($header) < 12); if ($buf === '') { throw new Net_Gearman_Exception("Connection was reset"); } if (self::stringLength($header) == 0) { return array(); } $resp = @unpack('a4magic/Ntype/Nlen', $header); if (!count($resp) == 3) { throw new Net_Gearman_Exception('Received an invalid response'); } if (!isset(self::$magic[$resp['type']])) { throw new Net_Gearman_Exception( 'Invalid response magic returned: ' . $resp['type'] ); } $return = array(); if ($resp['len'] > 0) { $data = ''; while (self::stringLength($data) < $resp['len']) { $data .= socket_read($socket, $resp['len'] - self::stringLength($data)); } $d = explode("\x00", $data); foreach (self::$magic[$resp['type']][1] as $i => $a) { $return[$a] = $d[$i]; } } $function = self::$magic[$resp['type']][0]; if ($function == 'error') { if (!self::stringLength($return['err_text'])) { $return['err_text'] = 'Unknown error; see error code.'; } throw new Net_Gearman_Exception( $return['err_text'], $return['err_code'] ); } return array('function' => self::$magic[$resp['type']][0], 'type' => $resp['type'], 'data' => $return); } /** * Blocking socket read * * @param resource $socket The socket to read from * @param float $timeout The timeout for the read * * @throws Net_Gearman_Exception on timeouts * @return array */ static public function blockingRead($socket, $timeout = 500) { static $cmds = array(); $tv_sec = floor(($timeout % 1000)); $tv_usec = ($timeout * 1000); $start = microtime(true); while (count($cmds) == 0) { if (((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000) > $timeout) { throw new Net_Gearman_Exception('Blocking read timed out'); } $write = null; $except = null; $read = array($socket); socket_select($read, $write, $except, $tv_sec, $tv_usec); foreach ($read as $s) { $cmds[] = Net_Gearman_Connection::read($s); } } return array_shift($cmds); } /** * Close the connection * * @param resource $socket The connection/socket to close * * @return void */ static public function close($socket) { if (is_resource($socket)) { socket_close($socket); } } /** * Are we connected? * * @param resource $conn The connection/socket to check * * @return boolean False if we aren't connected */ static public function isConnected($conn) { return (is_null($conn) !== true && is_resource($conn) === true && strtolower(get_resource_type($conn)) == 'socket'); } /** * Determine if we should use mb_strlen or stock strlen * * @param string $value The string value to check * * @return integer Size of string * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$multiByteSupport */ static public function stringLength($value) { if (is_null(self::$multiByteSupport)) { self::$multiByteSupport = intval(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')); } if (self::$multiByteSupport & 2) { return mb_strlen($value, '8bit'); } else { return strlen($value); } } /** * Multibyte substr() implementation * * @param string $str The string to substr() * @param integer $start The first position used * @param integer $length The maximum length of the returned string * * @return string Portion of $str specified by $start and $length * @see Net_Gearman_Connection::$multiByteSupport * @link http://us3.php.net/mb_substr * @link http://us3.php.net/substr */ static public function subString($str, $start, $length) { if (is_null(self::$multiByteSupport)) { self::$multiByteSupport = intval(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')); } if (self::$multiByteSupport & 2) { return mb_substr($str, $start, $length, '8bit'); } else { return substr($str, $start, $length); } } } ?>