// ========================================================================== // Project: Greenhouse.layoutController // Copyright: ©2010 Mike Ball // ========================================================================== /*globals Greenhouse */ /** @class Layout controller properties used by the layout palette. The content should be bound to the current page design controller selection. @extends SC.ObjectController */ Greenhouse.layoutController = SC.ObjectController.create( /** @scope Greenhouse.layoutController.prototype */ { contentBinding: "Greenhouse.pageController.designController.selection", allowsMultipleContent: YES, // palette like behavior /** Determines which set of dimensions should be visible in the layout palette in the horizontal direction. */ hDimNowShowing: function() { var loc = this.get('anchorLocation'), K = SC.ViewDesigner, ret = 'leftDimensions'; if (loc & K.ANCHOR_LEFT) ret = 'leftDimensions'; else if (loc & K.ANCHOR_RIGHT) ret = 'rightDimensions'; else if (loc & K.ANCHOR_CENTERX) ret = 'centerXDimensions'; else if (loc & K.ANCHOR_WIDTH) ret = 'widthDimensions'; return ret ; }.property('anchorLocation').cacheable(), /** Determines which set of dimensions should be visible in the layout palette in the vertical direction. */ vDimNowShowing: function() { var loc = this.get('anchorLocation'), K = SC.ViewDesigner, ret = 'topDimensions'; if (loc & K.ANCHOR_TOP) ret = 'topDimensions'; else if (loc & K.ANCHOR_BOTTOM) ret = 'bottomDimensions'; else if (loc & K.ANCHOR_CENTERY) ret = 'centerYDimensions'; else if (loc & K.ANCHOR_HEIGHT) ret = 'heightDimensions'; return ret ; }.property('anchorLocation').cacheable() }) ;