runOn: - { minServerVersion: "4.3.4" } data: - {_id: 1, x: 11} - {_id: 2, x: 22} - {_id: 3, x: 33} collection_name: &collection_name 'DeleteMany_hint' tests: - description: "DeleteMany with hint string" operations: - object: collection name: deleteMany arguments: filter: &filter { _id: { $gt: 1 } } hint: "_id_" result: &result deletedCount: 2 expectations: - command_started_event: command: delete: *collection_name deletes: - q: *filter hint: "_id_" limit: 0 outcome: &outcome collection: data: - {_id: 1, x: 11 } - description: "DeleteMany with hint document" operations: - object: collection name: deleteMany arguments: filter: *filter hint: { _id: 1 } result: *result expectations: - command_started_event: command: delete: *collection_name deletes: - q: *filter hint: { _id: 1 } limit: 0 outcome: *outcome