Feature: API navigation In order to get the data from my API As a user I want to navigate through the API Scenario: Links When I connect to the API Then I should be able to navigate to posts and authors Scenario: Links When I connect to the API Then I should be able to paginate posts Then I should be able to paginate authors Scenario: Templated links Given I connect to the API When I search for a post with a templated link Then the API should receive the request with all the params Scenario: Templated links with multiple values Given I connect to the API When I search for posts by tag with a templated link Then the API should receive the request for posts by tag with all the params Scenario: Attributes Given I connect to the API When I load a single post Then I should be able to access it's title and body Scenario: Embedded resources Given I connect to the API When I load a single post Then I should also be able to access it's embedded comments Scenario: Navigation links When I connect to the API Then I should be able to navigate to next page Then I should be able to navigate to next page without links Scenario: Counts When I connect to the API Then I should be able to count embedded items Then I should be able to iterate over embedded items