module Voltron module Notify module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../../../templates", __FILE__) desc "Add Voltron Notify initializer" def inject_initializer voltron_initialzer_path = Rails.root.join("config", "initializers", "voltron.rb") unless File.exist? voltron_initialzer_path unless system("cd #{Rails.root.to_s} && rails generate voltron:install") puts "Voltron initializer does not exist. Please ensure you have the 'voltron' gem installed and run `rails g voltron:install` to create it" return false end end current_initiailzer = voltron_initialzer_path unless current_initiailzer.match( === Voltron Notify Configuration ===/)) inject_into_file(voltron_initialzer_path, after: "Voltron.setup do |config|\n") do <<-CONTENT # === Voltron Notify Configuration === # Whether or not to use the ActiveJob queue to handle sending email/sms messages # A queue is still only used if configured via config.active_job.queue_adapter # config.notify.use_queue = false # How long to delay sending email/sms messages. Use this in conjunction with config.notify.use_queue # config.notify.delay = 0.seconds # Twilio account id number # config.notify.sms_account_sid = "" # Twilio authentication token # config.notify.sms_auth_token = "" # Default from phone number. Must be the number provided by Twilio. # Avoid the overhead of pre-formatting the number by entering in the format "+1234567890" # config.notify.sms_from = "" # Default from email address. If not specified the default from in the mailer or the :from param on mail() is used # config.notify.email_from = "" CONTENT end end end def copy_migrations copy_migration "create_voltron_notifications" copy_migration "create_voltron_notification_sms_notifications" copy_migration "create_voltron_notification_email_notifications" copy_migration "create_voltron_notification_sms_notification_attachments" end def copy_views copy_file "../../../app/views/voltron/notification_mailer/notify.html.erb", Rails.root.join("app", "views", "voltron", "notification_mailer", "notify.html.erb") end protected def copy_migration(filename) if migration_exists?(Rails.root.join("db", "migrate"), filename) say_status("skipped", "Migration #{filename}.rb already exists") else copy_file "db/migrate/#{filename}.rb", Rails.root.join("db", "migrate", "#{migration_number}_#{filename}.rb") end end def migration_exists?(dirname, filename) Dir.glob("#{dirname}/[0-9]*_*.rb").grep(/\d+_#{filename}.rb$/).first end def migration_id_exists?(dirname, id) Dir.glob("#{dirname}/#{id}*").length > 0 end def migration_number @migration_number ||="%Y%m%d%H%M%S").to_i while migration_id_exists?(Rails.root.join("db", "migrate"), @migration_number) do @migration_number += 1 end @migration_number end end end end end