{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances#-} module Language.Ruby.Hubris where --import Data.Word import Data.Map as Map -- import Language.Ruby.Hubris.Binding -- import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) --import Foreign.C.Types import Language.Ruby.Hubris.Binding --import Control.Monad (forM) import Control.Applicative import qualified Debug.Trace as T import Foreign.C.String import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.ByteString.Internal(w2c,c2w) -- type Value = CULong import System.IO.Unsafe import Data.Array.IArray import Data.Maybe import Control.Exception import Prelude hiding(catch) import Monad hiding (when) import Data.Typeable class Callable a where arity :: a -> Int instance (Callable b, Haskellable a) => Callable (a -> b) where arity x = 1 + arity (undefined :: b) instance Rubyable a => Callable a where arity x = 0 -- with thanks to copumpkin on #haskell and twitter -- wrap :: (Haskellable a, Rubyable b) => (a->b) -> (Value -> Value) -- wrap func v= unsafePerformIO $ do r <- try (evaluate $ toRuby . func $ toHaskell v) -- case r of -- Left (e::SomeException) -> createException (show e) `traces` "died in haskell" -- Right a -> return a -- -- wrapIO too? Is there a more generic way of doin -- g this? would need a = a', b = IO c, so Rubyable b => Rubyable (IO c). (Throw away Show constraint, not necessary) data HubrisException = HubrisException String deriving(Show, Typeable) instance Exception HubrisException -- utility stuff: sshow :: S.ByteString -> [Char] sshow s = Prelude.map w2c $S.unpack s lshow :: L.ByteString -> [Char] lshow s = Prelude.map w2c $L.unpack s -- debugging only trace a b = b traces :: b -> String -> b traces = flip trace when :: Value -> RubyType -> a -> a when v b c = if (rubyType v == b) then c else trace (show (rubyType v,b)) $ throw (HubrisException "failed in when") class Haskellable a where toHaskell :: Value -> a class Rubyable a where toRuby :: a -> Value instance Haskellable Int where toHaskell v = when v RT_FIXNUM $ fix2int v -- this is ugly, maybe we can use template haskell to remove the boilerplate? instance (Rubyable a, Rubyable b) => Rubyable (a,b) where toRuby (a,b) = unsafePerformIO $ do ary <- rb_ary_new2 2 rb_ary_push ary (toRuby a) rb_ary_push ary (toRuby b) return ary instance (Rubyable a, Rubyable b, Rubyable c) => Rubyable (a,b,c) where toRuby (a,b,c) = unsafePerformIO $ do ary <- rb_ary_new2 3 rb_ary_push ary (toRuby a) rb_ary_push ary (toRuby b) rb_ary_push ary (toRuby c) return ary instance (Haskellable a, Haskellable b) => Haskellable (a,b) where toHaskell v = when v RT_ARRAY $ unsafePerformIO $ do a <- toHaskell <$> rb_ary_entry v 0 b <- toHaskell <$> rb_ary_entry v 1 return (a,b) instance (Haskellable a, Haskellable b, Haskellable c) => Haskellable (a,b,c) where toHaskell v = when v RT_ARRAY $ unsafePerformIO $ do a <- toHaskell <$> rb_ary_entry v 0 b <- toHaskell <$> rb_ary_entry v 1 c <- toHaskell <$> rb_ary_entry v 2 return (a,b,c) instance Rubyable Int where toRuby i = int2fix i instance Rubyable a => Rubyable (IO a) where toRuby a = unsafePerformIO (a >>= return . toRuby) instance Haskellable Integer where toHaskell v = case rubyType v of RT_BIGNUM -> trace ("got a big") $ read $ unsafePerformIO (rb_big2str v 10 >>= str2cstr >>= peekCString) RT_FIXNUM -> trace("got a fix") $ fromIntegral $ fix2int v _ -> throw (HubrisException "Integer") -- wonder if it's kosher to just let the pattern match fail... instance Rubyable Integer where toRuby i = trace ("integer to ruby") $ rb_str_to_inum (unsafePerformIO $ (newCAString $ show i) >>= rb_str_new2) 10 1 instance Haskellable Bool where toHaskell v = case rubyType v of RT_TRUE -> True RT_FALSE -> False _ -> throw (HubrisException "Bool") instance Rubyable Bool where toRuby True = constToRuby RUBY_Qtrue toRuby False = constToRuby RUBY_Qfalse instance Rubyable Double where toRuby d = rb_float_new d instance Haskellable Double where toHaskell v = case rubyType v of RT_FLOAT -> num2dbl v RT_FIXNUM -> fromIntegral $ fix2int v _ -> throw (HubrisException "Double") instance Rubyable Value where toRuby v = v instance Haskellable Value where toHaskell v = v instance Haskellable S.ByteString where toHaskell v = when v RT_STRING $ unsafePerformIO $ str2cstr v >>= S.packCString >>= \a -> return a `traces` ("strict to Haskell: " ++ sshow a) instance Rubyable S.ByteString where toRuby s = unsafePerformIO $ S.useAsCStringLen s rb_str_new -- \(cs,len) -> rb_str_new (cs,len) --`traces` ("sstrict back to ruby:" ++ (show $ S.unpack s)) instance Rubyable () where toRuby () = toRuby True -- ??? instance Haskellable L.ByteString where toHaskell v = L.fromChunks [toHaskell v] instance Rubyable L.ByteString where toRuby s = let res = S.concat $ L.toChunks s in trace ("lazy back to ruby: " ++ show (S.unpack res)) (toRuby res) instance Haskellable a => Haskellable [a] where toHaskell v = when v RT_ARRAY $ Prelude.map toHaskell $ unsafePerformIO $ mapM (rb_ary_entry v . fromIntegral) [0..(rb_ary_len v) - 1] instance Rubyable a => Rubyable [a] where toRuby l = unsafePerformIO $ do ary <- rb_ary_new2 $ fromIntegral $ Prelude.length l mapM_ (\x -> rb_ary_push ary (toRuby x)) l return ary -- this one is probably horribly inefficient. instance (Integral a, Ix a, Haskellable b) => Haskellable (Array a b) where toHaskell v = let x = toHaskell v in (listArray (0, fromIntegral $ Prelude.length x) x) -- could be more efficient, perhaps, but it's space-efficient still thanks to laziness instance (Rubyable b, Ix a) => Rubyable (Array a b) where toRuby a = toRuby $ Data.Array.IArray.elems a instance Haskellable RubyHash where toHaskell v = when v RT_HASH $ RubyHash v instance Rubyable RubyHash where toRuby (RubyHash v) = v -- Nil maps to Nothing - all the other falsey values map to real haskell values. instance Haskellable a => Haskellable (Maybe a) where toHaskell v = case rubyType v of RT_NIL -> Nothing `traces` "Haskell got nothing" _ -> Just (toHaskell v) `traces` "Haskell got a value" instance Rubyable a => Rubyable (Maybe a) where toRuby Nothing = constToRuby RUBY_Qnil `traces` "Sending ruby a nil" toRuby (Just a) = toRuby a `traces` "Sending a value back" newtype RubyHash = RubyHash Value -- don't export constructor instance (Ord a, Eq a, Rubyable a, Rubyable b) => Rubyable (Map.Map a b) where toRuby s = unsafePerformIO $ do hash <- rb_hash_new mapM_ (\(k,v) -> rb_hash_aset hash (toRuby k) (toRuby v)) (toList s) return hash instance (Ord a, Eq a, Haskellable b, Haskellable a) => Haskellable (Map.Map a b) where toHaskell hash = when hash RT_HASH $ unsafePerformIO $ -- fromJust is legit, rb_keys will always return list do -- putStrLn "Bringing hash over" keys <- rb_keys hash -- putStrLn ("got the keys: " ++ show keys) l :: [Value] <- toHaskell <$> rb_keys hash r <- foldM (\m k -> do -- putStrLn $ "Key is " ++ show k val <- rb_hash_aref hash k -- putStrLn $ "Val is " ++ show val return $ Map.insert (toHaskell k) (toHaskell val) m) Map.empty l return r -- This is a tricky case. -- The ruby FFI wants us to pass a C callback which it can apply to each key-value pair -- of the hash, so Haskell cannot be fully in control of the process - this makes building -- up a Data.Map object in the natural way a bit tricky. -- current thoughts: -- 1. write a direct binding to the ruby API, include a C level function for getting the keys. -- just eat the cost of transferring through a keys call + looping over the elements. -- One big benefit - while iteration is expensive, using it as a hash table should be cheap -- (although probably needs to stay in the IO monad, which is less convenient.) -- -- 2. write a binding to the Judy library that creates a Judy object directly. If we can convince -- HsJudy to accept that, then we're golden - we still have to copy over, but keys operations -- should be cheap (and hopefully lazy, but test to make sure). -- -- These are of course not mutually exclusive. -- -- The first should probably be a part of the base package. The second needs access to internals, -- but should probably be an optional package. This means that in Hubris.Internals, we should expose -- > rb_foreach :: Value {- HASH -} -> (CFunction ((Key,Value,a) -> a)) -> a -> IO a -- -- -- instance Haskellable (Map.Map a b ) where -- toHaskell (T_HASH s) = unsafePerformIO $ -- get_each -- toHaskell _ = Nothing