ArJdbc.load_java_part :DB2 require 'arjdbc/db2/column' module ArJdbc # @note This adapter doesn't support explain `config.active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds` should be commented (Rails < 4.0) module DB2 # @private def self.extended(adapter); initialize!; end # @private @@_initialized = nil # @private def self.initialize! return if @@_initialized; @@_initialized = true require 'arjdbc/util/serialized_attributes' Util::SerializedAttributes.setup /blob|clob/i, 'after_save_with_db2_lob' end # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcAdapter#jdbc_connection_class def self.jdbc_connection_class ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::DB2JdbcConnection end # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcAdapter#jdbc_column_class def jdbc_column_class ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::DB2Column end # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Jdbc::ArelSupport def self.arel_visitor_type(config = nil) require 'arel/visitors/db2'; ::Arel::Visitors::DB2 end # @deprecated no longer used # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcAdapter#arel2_visitors def self.arel2_visitors(config) { 'db2' => arel_visitor_type } end # @private @@emulate_booleans = true # Boolean emulation can be disabled using : # # ArJdbc::DB2.emulate_booleans = false # def self.emulate_booleans?; @@emulate_booleans; end # @deprecated Use {#emulate_booleans?} instead. def self.emulate_booleans; @@emulate_booleans; end # @see #emulate_booleans? def self.emulate_booleans=(emulate); @@emulate_booleans = emulate; end # @private @@update_lob_values = true # Updating records with LOB values (binary/text columns) in a separate # statement can be disabled using : # # ArJdbc::DB2.update_lob_values = false # # @note This only applies when prepared statements are not used. def self.update_lob_values?; @@update_lob_values; end # @see #update_lob_values? def self.update_lob_values=(update); @@update_lob_values = update; end # @see #update_lob_values? # @see ArJdbc::Util::SerializedAttributes#update_lob_columns def update_lob_value?(value, column = nil) DB2.update_lob_values? && ! prepared_statements? # && value end # @see #quote # @private BLOB_VALUE_MARKER = "BLOB('')" # @see #quote # @private CLOB_VALUE_MARKER = "''" def configure_connection schema = self.schema set_schema(schema) if schema && schema != config[:username] end ADAPTER_NAME = 'DB2'.freeze def adapter_name ADAPTER_NAME end NATIVE_DATABASE_TYPES = { :string => { :name => "varchar", :limit => 255 }, :integer => { :name => "integer" }, :float => { :name => "real" }, # :limit => 24 :double => { :name => "double" }, # :limit => 53 :text => { :name => "clob" }, :binary => { :name => "blob" }, :xml => { :name => "xml" }, :decimal => { :name => "decimal" }, # :limit => 31 :char => { :name => "char" }, # :limit => 254 :date => { :name => "date" }, :datetime => { :name => "timestamp" }, :timestamp => { :name => "timestamp" }, :time => { :name => "time" }, :boolean => { :name => "smallint" }, # no native boolean type #:rowid => { :name => "rowid" }, # rowid is a supported datatype on z/OS and i/5 #:serial => { :name => "serial" }, # supported datatype on Informix Dynamic Server #:graphic => { :name => "graphic", :limit => 1 }, # :limit => 127 } # @override def native_database_types # NOTE: currently merging with what JDBC gives us since there's a lot # of DB2-like stuff we could be connecting e.g. "classic", Z/OS etc. # types = super types = super.merge(NATIVE_DATABASE_TYPES) types end # @private class TableDefinition < ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TableDefinition def xml(*args) options = args.extract_options! column(args[0], 'xml', options) end # IBM DB adapter (MRI) compatibility : # @private # @deprecated def double(*args) options = args.extract_options! column(args[0], 'double', options) end # @private def decfloat(*args) options = args.extract_options! column(args[0], 'decfloat', options) end def graphic(*args) options = args.extract_options! column(args[0], 'graphic', options) end # @private # @deprecated def vargraphic(*args) options = args.extract_options! column(args[0], 'vargraphic', options) end # @private # @deprecated def bigint(*args) options = args.extract_options! column(args[0], 'bigint', options) end def char(*args) options = args.extract_options! column(args[0], 'char', options) end # alias_method :character, :char end def table_definition(*args) new_table_definition(TableDefinition, *args) end def prefetch_primary_key?(table_name = nil) # TRUE if the table has no identity column names = table_name.upcase.split(".") sql = "SELECT 1 FROM SYSCAT.COLUMNS WHERE IDENTITY = 'Y' " sql << "AND TABSCHEMA = '#{names.first}' " if names.size == 2 sql << "AND TABNAME = '#{names.last}'" select_one(sql).nil? end def next_sequence_value(sequence_name) select_value("SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR #{sequence_name} FROM sysibm.sysdummy1") end def create_table(name, options = {}) if zos? zos_create_table(name, options) else super(name, options) end end def zos_create_table(name, options = {}) # NOTE: this won't work for 4.0 - need to pass different initialize args : table_definition = unless options[:id] == false table_definition.primary_key(options[:primary_key] || primary_key(name)) end yield table_definition # Clobs in DB2 Host have to be created after the Table with an auxiliary Table. # First: Save them for later in Array "clobs" clobs = { |x| x.type.to_s == "text" } # Second: and delete them from the original Colums-Array table_definition.columns.delete_if { |x| x.type.to_s == "text" } drop_table(name, options) if options[:force] && table_exists?(name) create_sql = "CREATE#{' TEMPORARY' if options[:temporary]} TABLE " create_sql << "#{quote_table_name(name)} (" create_sql << table_definition.to_sql create_sql << ") #{options[:options]}" if @config[:database] && @config[:tablespace] in_db_table_space = " IN #{@config[:database]}.#{@config[:tablespace]}" else in_db_table_space = '' end create_sql << in_db_table_space execute create_sql # Table definition is complete only when a unique index is created on the primary_key column for DB2 V8 on zOS # create index on id column if options[:id] is nil or id ==true # else check if options[:primary_key]is not nil then create an unique index on that column # TODO someone on Z/OS should test this out - also not needed for V9 ? #primary_column = options[:id] == true ? 'id' : options[:primary_key] #add_index(name, (primary_column || 'id').to_s, :unique => true) clobs.each do |clob_column| column_name = execute "ALTER TABLE #{name + ' ADD COLUMN ' + column_name + ' clob'}" clob_table_name = name + '_' + column_name + '_CD_' if @config[:database] && @config[:lob_tablespaces] in_lob_table_space = " IN #{@config[:database]}.#{@config[:lob_tablespaces][name.split(".")[1]]}" else in_lob_table_space = '' end execute "CREATE AUXILIARY TABLE #{clob_table_name} #{in_lob_table_space} STORES #{name} COLUMN #{column_name}" execute "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX #{clob_table_name} ON #{clob_table_name};" end end private :zos_create_table def pk_and_sequence_for(table) # In JDBC/DB2 side, only upcase names of table and column are handled. keys = super(table.upcase) if keys && keys[0] # In ActiveRecord side, only downcase names of table and column are handled. keys[0] = keys[0].downcase end keys end # Properly quotes the various data types. # @param value contains the data # @param column (optional) contains info on the field # @override def quote(value, column = nil) return value.quoted_id if value.respond_to?(:quoted_id) return value if sql_literal?(value) if column if column.respond_to?(:primary) && column.primary && column.klass != String return value.to_i.to_s end if value && (column.type.to_sym == :decimal || column.type.to_sym == :integer) return value.to_s end end column_type = column && column.type.to_sym case value when nil then 'NULL' when Numeric # IBM_DB doesn't accept quotes on numeric types # if the column type is text or string, return the quote value if column_type == :text || column_type == :string "'#{value}'" else value.to_s end when String, ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars if column_type == :binary && column.sql_type !~ /for bit data/i if update_lob_value?(value, column) value.nil? ? 'NULL' : BLOB_VALUE_MARKER # '@@@IBMBINARY@@@'" else "BLOB('#{quote_string(value)}')" end elsif column && column.sql_type =~ /clob/ # :text if update_lob_value?(value, column) value.nil? ? 'NULL' : CLOB_VALUE_MARKER # "'@@@IBMTEXT@@@'" else "'#{quote_string(value)}'" end elsif column_type == :xml value.nil? ? 'NULL' : "'#{quote_string(value)}'" # "'@@@IBMXML@@@'" else "'#{quote_string(value)}'" end when Symbol then "'#{quote_string(value.to_s)}'" when Time # AS400 doesn't support date in time column if column_type == :time quote_time(value) else super end else super end end # @override def quoted_date(value) if value.acts_like?(:time) && value.respond_to?(:usec) usec = sprintf("%06d", value.usec) value = ::ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone == :utc ? value.getutc : value.getlocal "#{value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}.#{usec}" else super end end if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 def quote_time(value) value = ::ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone == :utc ? value.getutc : value.getlocal # AS400 doesn't support date in time column "'#{value.strftime("%H:%M:%S")}'" end def quote_column_name(column_name) column_name.to_s end def modify_types(types) super(types) types[:primary_key] = 'int not null generated by default as identity (start with 1) primary key' types[:string][:limit] = 255 types[:integer][:limit] = nil types[:boolean] = {:name => "decimal(1)"} types end def type_to_sql(type, limit = nil, precision = nil, scale = nil) limit = nil if type.to_sym == :integer super(type, limit, precision, scale) end def add_column_options!(sql, options) # handle case of defaults for CLOB columns, # which might get incorrect if we write LOBs in the after_save callback if options_include_default?(options) column = options[:column] if column && column.type == :text sql << " DEFAULT #{quote(options.delete(:default))}" end if column && column.type == :binary # quoting required for the default value of a column : value = options.delete(:default) # DB2 z/OS only allows NULL or "" (empty) string as DEFAULT value # for a BLOB column. non-empty string and non-NULL, return error! if value.nil? sql_value = "NULL" else sql_value = zos? ? "#{value}" : "BLOB('#{quote_string(value)}'" end sql << " DEFAULT #{sql_value}" end end super end # @note Only used with (non-AREL) ActiveRecord **2.3**. # @see Arel::Visitors::DB2 def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) replace_limit_offset!(sql, options[:limit], options[:offset]) end if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 # @private shared with {Arel::Visitors::DB2} def replace_limit_offset!(sql, limit, offset) return sql unless limit limit = limit.to_i if offset replace_limit_offset_with_ordering(sql, limit, offset) else if limit == 1 sql << " FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY" else sql << " FETCH FIRST #{limit} ROWS ONLY" end sql end end # @private only used from {Arel::Visitors::DB2} def replace_limit_offset_for_arel!( query, sql ) replace_limit_offset_with_ordering sql, query.limit.value, query.offset && query.offset.value, query.orders end def replace_limit_offset_with_ordering( sql, limit, offset, orders=[] ) sql.sub!(/SELECT/i, "SELECT B.* FROM (SELECT A.*, row_number() over (#{build_ordering(orders)}) AS internal$rownum FROM (SELECT") sql << ") A ) B WHERE B.internal$rownum > #{offset} AND B.internal$rownum <= #{limit + offset}" sql end private :replace_limit_offset_with_ordering def build_ordering( orders ) return '' unless orders.size > 0 # need to remove the library/table names from the orderings because we are not really ordering by them anymore # we are actually ordering by the results of a query where the result set has the same column names orders = do |o| # need to keep in mind that the order clause could be wrapped in a function matches = /(?:\w+\(|\s)*(\S+)(?:\)|\s)*/.match(o) o = o.gsub( matches[1], matches[1].split('.').last ) if matches o end "ORDER BY " + orders.join( ', ') end private :build_ordering # @deprecated seems not sued nor tested ?! def runstats_for_table(tablename, priority = 10) @connection.execute_update "call sysproc.admin_cmd('RUNSTATS ON TABLE #{tablename} WITH DISTRIBUTION AND DETAILED INDEXES ALL UTIL_IMPACT_PRIORITY #{priority}')" end def add_index(table_name, column_name, options = {}) if ! zos? || ( table_name.to_s == ActiveRecord::Migrator.schema_migrations_table_name.to_s ) column_name = column_name.to_s if column_name.is_a?(Symbol) super else statement = 'CREATE' statement << ' UNIQUE ' if options[:unique] statement << " INDEX #{ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix}#{options[:name]} " statement << " ON #{table_name}(#{column_name})" execute statement end end # @override def remove_index!(table_name, index_name) execute "DROP INDEX #{quote_column_name(index_name)}" end # # ...not supported on IBM i, so we raise in this case def rename_column(table_name, column_name, new_column_name) #:nodoc: sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} RENAME COLUMN #{column_name} TO #{new_column_name}" execute_table_change(sql, table_name, 'Rename Column') end def change_column_null(table_name, column_name, null) if null sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} DROP NOT NULL" else sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} SET NOT NULL" end execute_table_change(sql, table_name, 'Change Column') end def change_column_default(table_name, column_name, default) if default.nil? sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} DROP DEFAULT" else sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} SET WITH DEFAULT #{quote(default)}" end execute_table_change(sql, table_name, 'Change Column') end def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) data_type = type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale]) sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} SET DATA TYPE #{data_type}" execute_table_change(sql, table_name, 'Change Column') if options.include?(:default) and options.include?(:null) # which to run first? if options[:null] or options[:default].nil? change_column_null(table_name, column_name, options[:null]) change_column_default(table_name, column_name, options[:default]) else change_column_default(table_name, column_name, options[:default]) change_column_null(table_name, column_name, options[:null]) end elsif options.include?(:default) change_column_default(table_name, column_name, options[:default]) elsif options.include?(:null) change_column_null(table_name, column_name, options[:null]) end end def remove_column(table_name, *column_names) # outcome = nil column_names = column_names.flatten for column_name in column_names sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_name}" outcome = execute_table_change(sql, table_name, 'Remove Column') end column_names.size == 1 ? outcome : nil end def rename_table(name, new_name) # execute_table_change("RENAME TABLE #{name} TO #{new_name}", new_name, 'Rename Table') end def tables @connection.tables(nil, schema) end # only record precision and scale for types that can set them via CREATE TABLE: # HAVE_LIMIT = %w(FLOAT DECFLOAT CHAR VARCHAR CLOB BLOB NCHAR NCLOB DBCLOB GRAPHIC VARGRAPHIC) # TIMESTAMP HAVE_PRECISION = %w(DECIMAL NUMERIC) HAVE_SCALE = %w(DECIMAL NUMERIC) def columns(table_name, name = nil) columns = @connection.columns_internal(table_name.to_s, nil, schema) # catalog == nil if zos? # Remove the mighty db2_generated_rowid_for_lobs from the list of columns columns = columns.reject { |col| "db2_generated_rowid_for_lobs" == } end # scrub out sizing info when CREATE TABLE doesn't support it # but JDBC reports it (doh!) for column in columns base_sql_type = column.sql_type.sub(/\(.*/, "").upcase column.limit = nil unless HAVE_LIMIT.include?(base_sql_type) column.precision = nil unless HAVE_PRECISION.include?(base_sql_type) #column.scale = nil unless HAVE_SCALE.include?(base_sql_type) end columns end def indexes(table_name, name = nil) @connection.indexes(table_name, name, schema) end def recreate_database(name = nil, options = {}) drop_database(name) end def drop_database(name = nil) tables.each { |table| drop_table("#{table}") } end def execute_table_change(sql, table_name, name = nil) outcome = execute(sql, name) reorg_table(table_name, name) outcome end protected :execute_table_change def reorg_table(table_name, name = nil) exec_update "call sysproc.admin_cmd ('REORG TABLE #{table_name}')", name, [] end private :reorg_table # alias_method :execute_and_auto_confirm, :execute # Returns the value of an identity column of the last *INSERT* statement # made over this connection. # @note Check the *IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL* function for documentation. # @return [Fixnum] def last_insert_id @connection.identity_val_local end # NOTE: only setup query analysis on AR <= 3.0 since on 3.1 {#exec_query}, # {#exec_insert} will be used for AR generated queries/inserts etc. # Also there's prepared statement support and {#execute} is meant to stay # as a way of running non-prepared SQL statements (returning raw results). if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 || ( ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MINOR < 1 ) def _execute(sql, name = nil) if @connection.execute_query_raw(sql) elsif self.class.insert?(sql) @connection.execute_insert(sql) || last_insert_id else @connection.execute_update(sql) end end private :_execute end DRIVER_NAME = ''.freeze # @private def zos? @zos = nil unless defined? @zos return @zos unless @zos.nil? @zos = if url = config[:url] !!( url =~ /^jdbc:db2j:net:/ && config[:driver] == DRIVER_NAME ) else nil end end # @private # @deprecated no longer used def as400? false end def schema db2_schema end def schema=(schema) set_schema(@db2_schema = schema) if db2_schema != schema end private def set_schema(schema) execute("SET SCHEMA #{schema}") end def db2_schema @db2_schema = false unless defined? @db2_schema return @db2_schema if @db2_schema != false @db2_schema = if config[:schema].present? config[:schema] elsif config[:jndi].present? nil # let JNDI worry about schema else # LUW implementation uses schema name of username by default config[:username].presence || ENV['USER'] end end end end module ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters remove_const(:DB2Column) if const_defined?(:DB2Column) class DB2Column < JdbcColumn include ::ArJdbc::DB2::Column end end