prepend_file 'Gemfile' do <<-RUBY require 'rbconfig' HOST_OS = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] RUBY end append_file 'Gemfile' do <<-RUBY guard_notifications = #{config['guard_notifications'].inspect} group :development do case HOST_OS when /darwin/i gem 'rb-fsevent' gem 'ruby_gntp' if guard_notifications when /linux/i gem 'libnotify' gem 'rb-inotify' when /mswin|windows/i gem 'rb-fchange' gem 'win32console' gem 'rb-notifu' if guard_notifications end end RUBY end # LiveReload application nil, :env => "development" do "config.middleware.insert_before(Rack::Lock, Rack::LiveReload)" end gem_group :development do gem 'guard-livereload' gem 'yajl-ruby' gem 'rack-livereload' # Guard for other Scrolls gem 'guard-bundler' gem 'guard-test' if scrolls.include? 'test_unit' KNOWN_GUARD_SCROLLS = %w[cucumber haml less passenger puma redis resque rspec unicorn] KNOWN_GUARD_SCROLLS.each do |scroll| gem "guard-#{scroll}" if scrolls.include? scroll end end after_bundler do run "bundle exec guard init" # TODO move livereload to the top of the Guardfile so it is zippy quick end __END__ name: Guard description: Command line tool to file system modification events; Powers Up with other scrolls! author: drnic website: requires: [] run_after: [] run_before: [] category: other # exclusive: config: - guard_notifications: type: boolean prompt: "Enable desktop Guard/Growl notifications?"