def setup_gems # # define required gems: jinda_gem, jinda_dev_gem jinda_gem = [ ["bson", "4.4.2"], ["maruku", "~> 0.7.3"], ["bcrypt"], ["rouge"], ["normalize-rails"], ["font-awesome-rails"], ["font-awesome-sass", "~> 5.12.0"], ["meta-tags"], ["jquery-turbolinks", "2.1.0"], ["mongo", "2.11.3"], ["turbolinks_render"], ["haml-rails", "~> 2.0.1"], ["haml", "~> 5.1", ">= 5.1.2"], ["mail"], ["prawn"], ["redcarpet"], ["oauth2", "1.4.4"], ["omniauth", "1.9.1"], ["omniauth-oauth2", "1.6.0"], ["omniauth-identity", "~> 1.1.1"], ["omniauth-facebook", "6.0.0"], ["omniauth-google-oauth2", "0.8.0"], ["dotenv-rails"], ["cloudinary", "1.13.2"], ["kaminari", "1.2.0"], ["jquery-rails", "4.3.5"] ] # jinda_custom_gem = [ ["mongoid-paperclip", require: "mongoid_paperclip"], ["kaminari-mongoid", "1.0.1"], ["nokogiri", "~> 1.11.0"], ["mongoid", git: ""] # ["mongoid", "~> 7.1.0"] ] # jinda_dev_gem = [ ["shoulda"], ["rspec"], ["rspec-rails"], ["better_errors"], ["binding_of_caller"], ["pry-byebug"], ["factory_bot_rails"], ["database_cleaner"], ["guard"], ["guard-rspec"], ["guard-minitest"], ["capybara"], ["selenium-webdriver"], ["rb-fsevent"], ["valid_attribute"], ["faker"] ] # Check each jinda_gem and create new array if found one otherwise just create. # Open Gemfile add gem if not exist jinda_gem.each do |g| unless (%x(gem list -e --no-versions #{g[0]})) == "#{g[0]}\n" if g.count == 2 gem g[0], g[1] else gem g[0] end else if g.count == 2 xgem_0 = %x(gem list -e #{g[0]}) unless xgem_0.include?(("#{g[1]}").gsub(/[~> ]/, '')) # puts " Found existing #{xgem_0} in Gemfile or System, Please edit Gemfile", :red puts " Found existing #{xgem_0} in Gemfile or System, Please edit Gemfile" gem g[0], g[1] else # puts " Checking #{g[0]} found Ver. #{g[1]} already exist in Gemfile", :green puts " Checking #{g[0]} found Ver. #{g[1]} already exist in Gemfile" end end # puts " SKIP adding #{g[0]} in Gemfile", :yellow puts " SKIP adding #{g[0]} in Gemfile" end end # create list of gem in sub-group dev and test jinda_dev_new = jinda_dev_gem.each do |g| unless (%x(gem list -e --no-versions #{g[0]})) == "#{g[0]}\n" jinda_dev_new << g else # puts " #{g[0]} already exist in Gemfile", :yellow puts " #{g[0]} already exist in Gemfile" end end unless jinda_dev_new.count == 0 gem_group :development, :test do jinda_dev_new.each do |n| if n.count == 1 gem n[0] else gem n[0], n[1] end end end end # create list of custom gem jinda_custom_new = jinda_custom_gem.each do |g| # unless (%x(gem list -e --no-versions #{g[0]})) == "#{g[0]}\n" unless"Gemfile").include?("#{g[0]}, #{g[1]}") jinda_custom_new << g else puts " #{g[0]} already exist in Gemfile", :yellow puts " #{g[0]} already exist in Gemfile", :yellow end end unless jinda_custom_new.count == 0 jinda_custom_new.each do |c| # puts " Checking if #{c[0]} already exist in Gemfile", :yellow puts " Checking if #{c[0]} already exist in Gemfile" if c.count == 1 gem c[0] else gem c[0], c[1] end end end end