# Rails helpers for producing Bootstrap alert boxes. # # See: http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/components.html#alerts # # @example # <%= alert('Default alert') %> # # <%= alert('Watch out!', :error) %> # # <%= alert('This is the body', heading: 'Title') %> # # <%= alert :success do %> # <%= alert_heading('A List') %> # # <% end %> module Bootstrap::AlertHelper ALERT_ATTRIBUTES = %w(error success info block) # @overload alert(text, alert_type, options={}) # @param text [String] text of the label # @param alert_type [Symbol, String] if present must be one of {Bootstrap::AlertHelper::ALERT_ATTRIBUTES} # @param options [Hash] unrecognized options become html attributes for returned alert
# @option options [String] :heading if present, include a heading in the alert # @option options [Boolean] :close if +false+, don't include a close link ('x') # @return [String] Returns html for alert def alert(*args, &block) text = args.shift unless block_given? options = canonicalize_options(args.extract_options!) options = ensure_class(options, 'alert') options = add_alert_classes(options, args) heading = options.delete(:heading) show_close = options.delete(:close) != false if block_given? content_tag(:div, options) do alert_close(show_close) + alert_heading(heading) + capture(&block) end else content_tag(:div, options) do alert_close(show_close) + alert_heading(heading) + text end end end # Return an alert box close button # # @return [String] html for alert close button def alert_close(show=true) return '' unless show content_tag(:button, '×'.html_safe, class: 'close', data: {dismiss: 'alert'}) end # Return an alert heading # # @return [String] html for alert heading def alert_heading(heading) return '' unless heading.present? content_tag(:h4, heading) end private def add_alert_classes(options, alert_attributes) validate_alert_attributes(alert_attributes) classes = ['alert'] + alert_attributes.map { |e| "alert-#{e}" } ensure_class(options, classes) end def validate_alert_attributes(alert_attributes) alert_attributes.each { |e| raise(InvalidAlertAttributeError, e.inspect) unless ALERT_ATTRIBUTES.include?(e.to_s) } end end