module Fox # # Base class for all windows # # === Events # # The following messages are sent by FXWindow to its target: # # +SEL_MAP+:: sent when the window is mapped to the screen; the message data is an FXEvent instance. # +SEL_UNMAP+:: sent when the window is unmapped; the message data is an FXEvent instance. # +SEL_CONFIGURE+:: sent when the window's size changes; the message data is an FXEvent instance. # +SEL_ENTER+:: sent when the mouse cursor enters this window # +SEL_LEAVE+:: sent when the mouse cursor leaves this window # +SEL_FOCUSIN+:: sent when this window gains the focus # +SEL_FOCUSOUT+:: sent when this window loses the focus # +SEL_UPDATE+:: sent when this window needs an update # +SEL_UNGRABBED+:: sent when this window loses the mouse grab (or capture) # # For each of the following keyboard-related events, the message data is an FXEvent instance: # # +SEL_KEYPRESS+:: sent when a key is pressed # +SEL_KEYRELEASE+:: sent when a key is released # # For each of the following mouse-related events, the message data is an FXEvent instance: # # +SEL_MOTION+:: sent when the mouse moves # +SEL_LEFTBUTTONPRESS+:: sent when the left mouse button goes down # +SEL_LEFTBUTTONRELEASE+:: sent when the left mouse button goes up # +SEL_MIDDLEBUTTONPRESS+:: sent when the middle mouse button goes down # +SEL_MIDDLEBUTTONRELEASE+:: sent when the middle mouse button goes up # +SEL_RIGHTBUTTONPRESS+:: sent when the right mouse button goes down # +SEL_RIGHTBUTTONRELEASE+:: sent when the right mouse button goes up # +SEL_MOUSEWHEEL+:: sent when the mouse wheel is scrolled # # For each of the following selection-related events, the message data is an FXEvent instance: # # +SEL_SELECTION_GAINED+:: sent when this window acquires the selection # +SEL_SELECTION_LOST+:: sent when this window loses the selection # +SEL_SELECTION_REQUEST+:: sent when this window's selection is requested # # For each of the following clipboard-related events, the message data is an FXEvent instance: # # +SEL_CLIPBOARD_GAINED+:: sent when this window acquires the clipboard # +SEL_CLIPBOARD_LOST+:: sent when this window loses the clipboard # +SEL_CLIPBOARD_REQUEST+:: sent when this window's clipboard data is requested # # For each of the following drag-and-drop events, the message data is an FXEvent instance: # # +SEL_BEGINDRAG+:: sent at the beginning of a drag operation # +SEL_DRAGGED+:: sent while stuff is being dragged around # +SEL_ENDDRAG+:: sent at the end of a drag operation # +SEL_DND_ENTER+:: drag-and-drop enter # +SEL_DND_LEAVE+:: drag-and-drop leave # +SEL_DND_MOTION+:: drag-and-drop motion # +SEL_DND_DROP+:: drag-and-drop motion # +SEL_DND_REQUEST+:: drag-and-drop request # # === Layout hints for child widgets # # +LAYOUT_NORMAL+:: Default layout mode # +LAYOUT_SIDE_TOP+:: Pack on top side (default) # +LAYOUT_SIDE_BOTTOM+:: Pack on bottom side # +LAYOUT_SIDE_LEFT+:: Pack on left side # +LAYOUT_SIDE_RIGHT+:: Pack on right side # +LAYOUT_FILL_COLUMN+:: Matrix column is stretchable # +LAYOUT_FILL_ROW+:: Matrix row is stretchable # +LAYOUT_LEFT+:: Stick on left (default) # +LAYOUT_RIGHT+:: Stick on right # +LAYOUT_CENTER_X+:: Center horizontally # +LAYOUT_FIX_X+:: X fixed # +LAYOUT_TOP+:: Stick on top (default) # +LAYOUT_BOTTOM+:: Stick on bottom # +LAYOUT_CENTER_Y+:: Center vertically # +LAYOUT_FIX_Y+:: Y fixed # +LAYOUT_FIX_WIDTH+:: Width fixed # +LAYOUT_FIX_HEIGHT+:: Height fixed # +LAYOUT_MIN_WIDTH+:: Minimum width is the default # +LAYOUT_MIN_HEIGHT+:: Minimum height is the default # +LAYOUT_FILL_X+:: Stretch or shrink horizontally # +LAYOUT_FILL_Y+:: Stretch or shrink vertically # +LAYOUT_EXPLICIT+:: Explicit placement # +LAYOUT_DOCK_SAME+:: Dock on same galley, if it fits # +LAYOUT_DOCK_NEXT+:: Dock on next galley # # === Frame border appearance styles (for subclasses) # # +FRAME_NONE+:: Default is no frame # +FRAME_SUNKEN+:: Sunken border # +FRAME_RAISED+:: Raised border # +FRAME_THICK+:: Thick border # +FRAME_GROOVE+:: A groove or etched-in border # +FRAME_RIDGE+:: A ridge or embossed border # +FRAME_LINE+:: Simple line border # +FRAME_NORMAL+:: Regular raised/thick border # # === Packing style (for packers) # # +PACK_NORMAL+:: Default is each its own size # +PACK_UNIFORM_HEIGHT+:: Uniform height # +PACK_UNIFORM_WIDTH+:: Uniform width # # === Message IDs common to most windows # # +ID_NONE+:: x # +ID_HIDE+:: x # +ID_SHOW+:: x # +ID_TOGGLESHOWN+:: x # +ID_LOWER+:: x # +ID_RAISE+:: x # +ID_DELETE+:: x # +ID_DISABLE+:: x # +ID_ENABLE+:: x # +ID_TOGGLEENABLED+:: x # +ID_UNCHECK+:: x # +ID_CHECK+:: x # +ID_UNKNOWN+:: x # +ID_UPDATE+:: x # +ID_AUTOSCROLL+:: x # +ID_HSCROLLED+:: x # +ID_VSCROLLED+:: x # +ID_SETVALUE+:: x # +ID_SETINTVALUE+:: x # +ID_SETREALVALUE+:: x # +ID_SETSTRINGVALUE+:: x # +ID_SETINTRANGE+:: x # +ID_SETREALRANGE+:: x # +ID_GETINTVALUE+:: x # +ID_GETREALVALUE+:: x # +ID_GETSTRINGVALUE+:: x # +ID_GETINTRANGE+:: x # +ID_GETREALRANGE+:: x # +ID_QUERY_MENU+:: x # +ID_HOTKEY+:: x # +ID_ACCEL+:: x # +ID_UNPOST+:: x # +ID_POST+:: x # +ID_MDI_TILEHORIZONTAL+:: x # +ID_MDI_TILEVERTICAL+:: x # +ID_MDI_CASCADE+:: x # +ID_MDI_MAXIMIZE+:: x # +ID_MDI_MINIMIZE+:: x # +ID_MDI_RESTORE+:: x # +ID_MDI_CLOSE+:: x # +ID_MDI_WINDOW+:: x # +ID_MDI_MENUWINDOW+:: x # +ID_MDI_MENUMINIMIZE+:: x # +ID_MDI_MENURESTORE+:: x # +ID_MDI_MENUCLOSE+:: x # +ID_MDI_NEXT+:: x # +ID_MDI_PREV+:: x class FXWindow < FXDrawable # This window's parent window [FXWindow] attr_reader :parent # This window's owner window [FXWindow] attr_reader :owner # The shell window for this window [FXWindow] attr_reader :shell # Root window [FXWindow] attr_reader :root # Next (sibling) window, if any [FXWindow] attr_reader :next # Previous (sibling) window, if any [FXWindow] attr_reader :prev # This window's first child window, if any [FXWindow] attr_reader :first # This window's last child window, if any [FXWindow] attr_reader :last # Currently focused child window, if any [FXWindow] attr_reader :focus # Window key [Integer] attr_accessor :key # Message target object for this window [FXObject] attr_accessor :target # Message identifier for this window [Integer] attr_accessor :selector # This window's x-coordinate, in the parent's coordinate system [Integer] attr_accessor :x # This window's y-coordinate, in the parent's coordinate system [Integer] attr_accessor :y # The accelerator table for this window [FXAccelTable] attr_accessor :accelTable # Layout hints for this window [Integer] attr_accessor :layoutHints # Number of child windows for this window [Integer] attr_reader :numChildren # Default cursor for this window [FXCursor] attr_accessor :defaultCursor # Drag cursor for this window [FXCursor] attr_accessor :dragCursor # Window background color [FXColor] attr_accessor :backColor # Common DND type: Raw octet stream def FXWindow.octetType; end # Common DND type: Delete request def FXWindow.deleteType; end # Common DND type: ASCII text request def FXWindow.textType; end # Common DND type: UTF-8 text request def FXWindow.utf8Type; end # Common DND type: UTF-16 text request def FXWindow.utf16Type; end # Common DND type: Color def FXWindow.colorType; end # Common DND type: URI List def FXWindow.urilistType; end # Common DND type: Clipboard text type (pre-registered) def FXWindow.stringType; end # Common DND type: Clipboard image type (pre-registered) def FXWindow.imageType; end # Common DND type name: Raw octet stream def FXWindow.octetTypeName() ; end # Common DND type name: Delete request def FXWindow.deleteTypeName() ; end # Common DND type name: ASCII text def FXWindow.textTypeName() ; end # Common DND type name: Color def FXWindow.colorTypeName() ; end # Common DND type name: URI List def FXWindow.urilistTypeName() ; end # Common DND type name: UTF-8 text request def FXWindow.utf8TypeName() ; end # Common DND type name: UTF-16 text request def FXWindow.utf16TypeName() ; end # # Return an initialized FXWindow instance, for a child window. # # ==== Parameters: # # +p+:: the parent window for this window [FXComposite] # +opts+:: window options [Integer] # +x+:: initial x-position [Integer] # +y+:: initial y-position [Integer] # +width+:: initial width [Integer] # +height+:: initial height [Integer] # def initialize(p, opts=0, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0) # :yields: theWindow end # # Return an initialized FXWindow instance, for a shell window. # # ==== Parameters: # # +a+:: an application instance [FXApp] # +vis+:: the visual to use for this window [FXVisual] # def initialize(a, vis) # :yields: theWindow end # # Return an initialized FXWindow instance, for an owned window. # # ==== Parameters: # # +a+:: an application instance [FXApp] # +own+:: the owner window for this window [FXWindow] # +opts+:: window options [Integer] # +x+:: initial x-position [Integer] # +y+:: initial y-position [Integer] # +width+:: initial width [Integer] # +height+:: initial height [Integer] # def initialize(a, own, opts, x, y, w, h) # :yields: theWindow end # Return the window width (in pixels). def width; end # # Set the window width; and flag the widget as being in need of # layout by its parent. This does not immediately update the server- # side representation of the widget. # def width=(w); end # Return the window height (in pixels). def height; end # # Set the window height; and flag the widget as being in need of # layout by its parent. This does not immediately update the server- # side representation of the widget. # def height=(h); end # Return the default width of this window def defaultWidth(); end # Return the default height of this window def defaultHeight(); end # Return width for given height def getWidthForHeight(givenHeight); end # Return height for given width def getHeightForWidth(givenWidth); end # # Add this hot key to the closest ancestor's accelerator table. # def addHotKey(code) accel = nil win = self while win && (accel = win.accelTable).nil? win = win.parent end if accel accel.addAccel(code, self, MKUINT(ID_HOTKEY, SEL_KEYPRESS), MKUINT(ID_HOTKEY, SEL_KEYRELEASE)) end end # # Remove this hot key from the closest ancestor's accelerator # table. # def remHotKey(code) accel = nil win = self while win && (accel = win.accelTable).nil? win = win.parent end if accel accel.removeAccel(code) end end # Return +true+ if this window is a shell window. def shell?() ; end # # Return +true+ if specified _window_ is ancestor of this window. # def childOf?(window) ; end # # Return +true+ if this window contains _child_ in its subtree. # def containsChild?(child) ; end # Return the child window at specified coordinates (_x_, _y_) def getChildAt(x, y) ; end # Return the index (starting from zero) of the specified child _window_, # or -1 if the window is not a child of this window. def indexOfChild(window) ; end # Remove specified child window def removeChild(child) ; end # Return the child window at specified index. Raises IndexError if _index_ is out of range. def childAtIndex(index) ; end # Return the common ancestor of window _a_ and window _b_. def FXWindow.commonAncestor(a, b); end # Return +true+ if sibling _a_ comes before sibling _b_. def FXWindow.before?(a, b); end # Return +true+ if sibling _a_ comes after sibling _b_. def FXWindow.after?(a, b); end # Return compose context (an FXComposeContext). def composeContext; end # Create compose context. def createComposeContext; end # Destroy compose context. def destroyComposeContext; end # Return the cursor position and mouse button-state as a three-element array. def cursorPosition() ; end # Warp the cursor to the new position (_x_, _y_). def setCursorPosition(x, y); end # Return +true+ if this window is able to receive mouse and keyboard events. def enabled?() ; end # Return +true+ if this window is active. def active?() ; end # Return +true+ if this window is a control capable of receiving the focus. def canFocus?() ; end # Return +true+ if this window has the focus. def hasFocus?() ; end # Return +true+ if this window is in the focus chain. def inFocusChain? ; end # Move the focus to this window. def setFocus(); end # Remove the focus from this window. def killFocus(); end # Notification that focus moved to a new child window. def changeFocus(child); end # This changes the default window which responds to the *Enter* # key in a dialog. If _enable_ is +true+, this window becomes the default # window; when _enable_ is +false+, this window will no longer be the # default window. Finally, when _enable_ is +MAYBE+, the default window # will revert to the initial default window. def setDefault(enable=TRUE) ; end # Return +true+ if this is the default window. def default?() ; end # Make this window the initial default window. def setInitial(enable=true) ; end # Return +true+ if this is the initial default window. def initial?() ; end # Enable the window to receive mouse and keyboard events. def enable(); end # Disable the window from receiving mouse and keyboard events. def disable(); end # Create all of the server-side resources for this window. def create(); end # Detach the server-side resources for this window. def detach(); end # Destroy the server-side resources for this window. def destroy(); end # # Set window shape, where _shape_ is either an FXRegion, FXBitmap or # FXIcon instance. # def setShape(shape); end # Clear window shape def clearShape(); end # Raise this window to the top of the stacking order. def raiseWindow(); end # Lower this window to the bottom of the stacking order. def lower(); end # # Move the window immediately, in the parent's coordinate system. # Update the server representation as well if the window is realized. # Perform layout of the children when necessary. # def move(x, y) ; end # # Resize the window to the specified width and height immediately, # updating the server representation as well, if the window was realized. # Perform layout of the children when necessary. # def resize(w, h) ; end # # Move and resize the window immediately, in the parent's coordinate system. # Update the server representation as well if the window is realized. # Perform layout of the children when necessary. # def position(x, y, w, h); end # Mark this window's layout as dirty def recalc(); end # Perform layout immediately. def layout(); end # Generate a SEL_UPDATE message for the window and its children. def forceRefresh(); end # Reparent this window under new _father_ window, before _other_ sibling.. def reparent(father, other); end # Scroll rectangle (_x_, _y_, _w_, _h_) by a shift of (_dx_, _dy_) def scroll(x, y, w, h, dx, dy); end # Mark the entire window client area dirty. def update() ; end # Mark the specified rectangle dirty def update(x, y, w, h) ; end # Process any outstanding repaint messages immediately, for the given rectangle def repaint(x, y, w, h) ; end # If marked but not yet painted, paint the entire window def repaint() ; end # Grab the mouse to this window; future mouse events will be # reported to this window even while the cursor goes outside of this window def grab() ; end # Release the mouse grab def ungrab(); end # Return +true+ if the window has been grabbed def grabbed?() ; end # Grab keyboard device def grabKeyboard(); end # Ungrab keyboard device def ungrabKeyboard(); end # Return +true+ if active grab is in effect def grabbedKeyboard?() ; end # Show this window def show(); end # Hide this window def hide(); end # Return +true+ if this window is shown. def shown?() ; end alias visible? shown? # Return +true+ if this window is a composite. def composite?() ; end # Return +true+ if this window is under the cursor def underCursor?() ; end # Return +true+ if this window owns the primary selection def hasSelection?() ; end # # Try to acquire the primary selection, given an array of drag types. # Returns +true+ on success. # def acquireSelection(typesArray) ; end # # Release the primary selection. Returns +true+ on success. # def releaseSelection(); end # Return +true+ if this window owns the clipboard def hasClipboard?() ; end # # Try to acquire the clipboard, given an array of drag types. # Returns +true+ on success. # def acquireClipboard(typesArray) ; end # # Release the clipboard. Returns +true+ on success. # def releaseClipboard(); end # Enable this window to receive drops def dropEnable(); end # Disable this window from receiving drops def dropDisable(); end # Return +true+ if this window is able to receive drops def dropEnabled?() ; end # Return +true+ if a drag operation has been initiated from this window def dragging?() ; end # Initiate a drag operation with an array of previously registered drag types def beginDrag(typesArray) ; end # When dragging, inform the drop target of the new position and # the drag action. The _action_ is a constant, one of: # # +DRAG_REJECT+:: reject all drop actions # +DRAG_ACCEPT+:: accept any drop action # +DRAG_COPY+:: accept this drop as a copy # +DRAG_MOVE+:: accept this drop as a move # +DRAG_LINK+:: accept this drop as a link # +DRAG_PRIVATE+:: private def handleDrag(x, y, action=DRAG_COPY) ; end # # Terminate the drag operation with or without actually dropping the data. # Return the action performed by the target. # def endDrag(drop=true); end # Return +true+ if this window is the target of a drop def dropTarget?() ; end # When being dragged over, indicate that no further +SEL_DND_MOTION+ messages # are required while the cursor is inside the given rectangle def setDragRectangle(x, y, w, h, wantUpdates=true); end # When being dragged over, indicate we want to receive +SEL_DND_MOTION+ messages # every time the cursor moves def clearDragRectangle(); # When being dragged over, indicate acceptance or rejection of the dragged data. # The _action_ is a constant indicating the suggested drag action, one of: # # +DRAG_REJECT+:: reject all drop actions # +DRAG_ACCEPT+:: accept any drop action # +DRAG_COPY+:: accept this drop as a copy # +DRAG_MOVE+:: accept this drop as a move # +DRAG_LINK+:: accept this drop as a link # +DRAG_PRIVATE+:: private def acceptDrop(action=DRAG_ACCEPT); end # Returns +DRAG_REJECT+ when the drop target would not accept the drop; # otherwise indicates acceptance by returning one of +DRAG_ACCEPT+, # +DRAG_COPY+, +DRAG_MOVE+ or +DRAG_LINK+. def didAccept() ; end # # Sent by the drop target in response to +SEL_DND_DROP+. The drag action # should be the same as the action the drop target reported to the drag # source in reponse to the +SEL_DND_MOTION+ message. # This function notifies the drag source that its part of the drop transaction # is finished, and that it is free to release any resources involved in the # drag operation. # Calling #dropFinished is advisable in cases where the drop target needs # to perform complex processing on the data received from the drag source, # prior to returning from the +SEL_DND_DROP+ message handler. # def dropFinished(action=DRAG_REJECT); end # When being dragged over, inquire the drag types being offered. # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of # +FROM_SELECTION+, +FROM_CLIPBOARD+ or +FROM_DRAGNDROP+. # Returns an array of drag types. def inquireDNDTypes(origin) ; end # When being dragged over, return +true+ if we are offered the given drag type. # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of # +FROM_SELECTION+, +FROM_CLIPBOARD+ or +FROM_DRAGNDROP+. # The _type_ is a previously registered drag type. def offeredDNDType?(origin, type) ; end # When being dragged over, return the drag action def inquireDNDAction() ; end # Get DND data; the caller becomes the owner of the array. # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of # +FROM_SELECTION+, +FROM_CLIPBOARD+ or +FROM_DRAGNDROP+. # The _type_ is a previously registered drag type. def getDNDData(origin, type) ; end # Set DND data; ownership is transferred to the system. # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of # +FROM_SELECTION+, +FROM_CLIPBOARD+ or +FROM_DRAGNDROP+. # The _type_ is a previously registered drag type. def setDNDData(origin, type, data) ; end # Return +true+ if this window logically contains the given point (_parentX_, _parentY_). def contains?(parentX, parentY) ; end # Translate coordinates (_fromX_, _fromY_) from _fromWindow_'s coordinate system # to this window's coordinate system. Returns a two-element array containing the # coordinates in this window's coordinate system. def translateCoordinatesFrom(fromWindow, fromX, fromY) ; end # Translate coordinates (_fromX_, _fromY_) from this window's coordinate system # to _toWindow_'s coordinate system. Returns a two-element array containing the # coordinates in _toWindow_'s coordinate system. def translateCoordinatesTo(toWindow, fromX, fromY) ; end # Return +true+ if this window does save-unders. def doesSaveUnder?() ; end # # Translate message for localization; using the current FXTranslator, # an attempt is made to translate the given message into the current # language. An optional hint may be passed to break any ties in case # more than one tranlation is possible for the given message text. # In addition, the name of the widget is passed as context name so # that controls in a single dialog may be grouped together. # def tr(message, hint=nil); end end end