module BetterErrors # @private class StackFrame def self.from_exception(exception) idx_offset = 0 list = do |frame, idx| frame_binding = exception.__better_errors_bindings_stack[idx - idx_offset] next unless md = /\A(?.*?):(?\d+)(:in `(?.*)')?/.match(frame) # prevent mismatching frames in the backtrace with the binding stack if frame_binding and frame_binding.eval("__FILE__") != md[:file] idx_offset += 1 frame_binding = nil end[:file], md[:line].to_i, md[:name], frame_binding) end.compact if exception.is_a?(SyntaxError) && exception.to_s =~ /\A(.*):(\d*):/ list.unshift$1, $2.to_i, "") end list end attr_reader :filename, :line, :name, :frame_binding def initialize(filename, line, name, frame_binding = nil) @filename = filename @line = line @name = name @frame_binding = frame_binding set_pretty_method_name if frame_binding end def application? root = BetterErrors.application_root filename.index(root) == 0 if root end def application_path filename[(BetterErrors.application_root.length+1)..-1] end def gem? Gem.path.any? { |path| filename.index(path) == 0 } end def gem_path Gem.path.each do |path| if filename.index(path) == 0 return filename.gsub("#{path}/gems/", "(gem) ") end end end def class_name @class_name end def method_name @method_name || @name end def context if gem? :gem elsif application? :application else :dunno end end def pretty_path case context when :application; application_path when :gem; gem_path else filename end end def local_variables return {} unless frame_binding frame_binding.eval("local_variables").each_with_object({}) do |name, hash| begin hash[name] = frame_binding.eval(name.to_s) rescue NameError => e # local_variables sometimes returns broken variables. # end end end def instance_variables return {} unless frame_binding Hash[frame_binding.eval("instance_variables").map { |x| [x, frame_binding.eval(x.to_s)] }] end def to_s "#{pretty_path}:#{line}:in `#{name}'" end private def set_pretty_method_name name =~ /\A(block (\([^)]+\) )?in )?/ recv = frame_binding.eval("self") return unless method_name = frame_binding.eval("__method__") if recv.is_a? Module @class_name = "#{$1}#{recv}" @method_name = ".#{method_name}" else @class_name = "#{$1}#{recv.class}" @method_name = "##{method_name}" end end end end