function gotoBuilder() { var uri = new URI('/builder') uri.go() } function gotoProfiles() { var uri = new URI('/profiles') uri.go() } function moveUp() { if ( $('navigation') ) { var active = $('navigation').getElement('.active') var previous = active.getPrevious('.shortcut') if (previous) { var previousY = previous.getPosition().y, windowY = window.getSize().y if (previousY > windowY) { var scroller = new Fx.Scroll(window, {duration: 10}) scroller.toElement(previous) } active.toggleClass('active') previous.toggleClass('active') } } } function moveDown() { if ( $('navigation') ) { var active = $('navigation').getElement('.active') var next = active.getNext('.shortcut') if (next) { var nextY = next.getPosition().y, windowY = window.getSize().y if (nextY > windowY) { var scroller = new Fx.Scroll(window, {duration: 10}) scroller.toElement(next) } active.toggleClass('active') next.toggleClass('active') } } } function select() { if ( $('navigation') ) { var active = $('navigation').getElement('.active') var destination = active.getElement('a').get('href') var uri = new URI(destination) uri.go() } } function back() { history.go(-1) } function help() { mask.toggle(); } window.addEvent('domready', function() { /* bindings */ vKeyboard = new Keyboard({defaultEventType: 'keydown'}); vKeyboard.addShortcuts({ 'builder': { 'keys': 'c', 'description': 'Go to the builder', 'handler': gotoBuilder }, 'profiles': { 'keys': 'g+i', 'description': 'Go to the list of profiles', 'handler': gotoProfiles }, 'up': { 'keys': 'k', 'description': 'Move cursor up', 'handler': moveUp }, 'down': { 'keys': 'j', 'description': 'Move cursor down', 'handler': moveDown }, 'select': { 'keys': 'enter', 'description': 'Select the element', 'handler': select }, 'back': { 'keys': 'u', 'description': 'Go to previous location', 'handler': back }, 'help': { 'keys': 'h', 'description': 'Display a list of shortcuts', 'handler': help } }); /* Shortcuts cheat sheet */ mask = new Mask('shortcuts', { hideOnClick: true, onHide: function() { shortcutsContainer.hide() }, onShow: function() { var offset = document.body.getScroll().y + 100 shortcutsContainer.setStyle('top', offset) } }); shortcutsContainer = new Element('div', { 'id': 'shortcuts', }); var rows = [] vKeyboard.getShortcuts().each(function(shortcut) { rows.push([shortcut.keys, shortcut.description]) }); var table = new HtmlTable({ headers: ['Keys', 'Description'], rows: rows }); shortcutsContainer.hide() shortcutsContainer.grab(table) document.body.grab(shortcutsContainer, 'top') var shortcutsLink = new Element('a', { 'html': 'Shortcuts', 'href': '#', 'events': { 'click': function() { help() } } }); var footer = $('footer') footer.set('html', footer.get('html') + ' | ') $('footer').grab(shortcutsLink) });