require 'bundler' require 'bundler/setup' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rake' require "rspec/core/rake_task" $LOAD_PATH.unshift 'spec' require 'support/ruby_interpreter' do |t| #t.rspec_opts = %w[--format documentation] end desc "Run all examples using rcov" :rcov => :cleanup_rcov_files do |t| t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = %[-Ilib -Ispec --exclude "spec/*,gems/*" --text-report --sort coverage --aggregate] end task :cleanup_rcov_files do rm_rf '' end permutations = { 'fakeweb' => %w( net/http typhoeus ), 'typhoeus' => %w( typhoeus ), 'webmock' => %w( net/http typhoeus httpclient patron em-http-request curb ) } permutations.delete('typhoeus') if RUBY_INTERPRETER == :jruby require 'cucumber/rake/task' namespace :features do permutations.each do |http_stubbing_adapter, http_libraries| features_subtasks = [] namespace http_stubbing_adapter do http_libraries.each do |http_lib| next if RUBY_INTERPRETER != :mri && %w( patron em-http-request curb ).include?(http_lib) next if RUBY_INTERPRETER == :jruby && http_lib == 'typhoeus' sanitized_http_lib = http_lib.gsub('/', '_') features_subtasks << "features:#{http_stubbing_adapter}:#{sanitized_http_lib}" task "#{sanitized_http_lib}_prep" do ENV['HTTP_STUBBING_ADAPTER'] = http_stubbing_adapter ENV['HTTP_LIB'] = http_lib end { sanitized_http_lib => "#{features_subtasks.last}_prep" }, "Run the features using #{http_stubbing_adapter} and #{http_lib}") do |t| t.cucumber_opts = ['--format', 'progress', '--tags', "@#{http_stubbing_adapter},@all_http_libs,@#{sanitized_http_lib}"] # disable scenarios on heroku that can't pass due to heroku's restrictions t.cucumber_opts += ['--tags', '~@spawns_localhost_server'] if ENV.keys.include?('HEROKU_SLUG') end end end desc "Run the features using #{http_stubbing_adapter} and each of #{http_stubbing_adapter}'s supported http libraries" task http_stubbing_adapter => features_subtasks end end desc "Run the features using each supported permutation of http stubbing library and http library." task :features => { |a| "features:#{a}" } task :default => [:spec, :features]