- [1.1.x] add :readonly option to :has_many. - Work as framework on Rails. - How to support dSCorePropagationData? ignore it? all systemOnly == "TRUE" attribute can be ignored? - Add parsing position to DistinguishedNameInvalid error like @. - Support TLS optioins (e.g. CA certification file and so on) - Provide FormHelper for LDAP entry's attribute to handle multiple values (["foo", "bar", ...]) and option value ({"binary" => "..."}, {"lang-en-us" => "..."}) - Test SASL bind. - Add result pagination via LDAP::Controls - serialize & serialized_attributes - schema mgmt - how does AR handle it? - columns() -- ? http://api.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html#M000865 - provide full documentation for new API. - handle all exception raised from Ruby/LDAP and wrap as ActiveLdap exception. I think we need to develop an application using ActiveLdap. - Add locking around Timeout.alarm() to ensure a multithreaded ruby app doesn't hit any race conditions - Add AR matching exceptions: * ActiveRecordError -- ActiveLdapError as base * AssociationTypeMismatch * SerializationTypeMismatch * ConnectionNotEstablished * RecordNotFound * LdapActionInvalid - like StatementInvalid * MultiparameterAssignmentErrors * AttributeAssignmentError * RecordNotSaved