=begin This file is part of the Arachni-RPC project and may be subject to redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni-RPC EM web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. =end module Arachni module RPC require_relative 'client/handler' # Simple RPC client capable of: # # * TLS encryption. # * Asynchronous and synchronous requests. # * Handling remote asynchronous calls that defer their result. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos class Client # Default amount of connections to maintain in the re-use pool. DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE = 1 # @return [Hash] # Options hash. attr_reader :opts # @return [Integer] # Amount of connections in the pool. attr_reader :connection_count # @example Example options: # # { # :host => 'localhost', # :port => 7331, # # # optional authentication token, if it doesn't match the one # # set on the server-side you'll be getting exceptions. # :token => 'superdupersecret', # # :serializer => Marshal, # # :max_retries => 0, # # # In order to enable peer verification one must first provide # # the following: # # SSL CA certificate # :ssl_ca => cwd + '/../spec/pems/cacert.pem', # # SSL private key # :ssl_pkey => cwd + '/../spec/pems/client/key.pem', # # SSL certificate # :ssl_cert => cwd + '/../spec/pems/client/cert.pem' # } # # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String] :host Hostname/IP address. # @option opts [Integer] :port Port number. # @option opts [String] :socket Path to UNIX domain socket. # @option opts [Integer] :connection_pool_size (1) # Amount of connections to keep open. # @option opts [String] :token Optional authentication token. # @option opts [.dump, .load] :serializer (YAML) # Serializer to use for message transmission. # @option opts [Integer] :max_retries # How many times to retry failed requests. # @option opts [String] :ssl_ca SSL CA certificate. # @option opts [String] :ssl_pkey SSL private key. # @option opts [String] :ssl_cert SSL certificate. def initialize( opts ) @opts = opts.merge( role: :client ) @token = @opts[:token] @host, @port = @opts[:host], @opts[:port].to_i @socket = @opts[:socket] if !@socket && !(@host || @port) fail ArgumentError, 'Needs either a :socket or :host and :port options.' end @port = @port.to_i if @host && @port <= 0 fail ArgumentError, "Invalid port: #{@port}" end @pool_size = @opts[:connection_pool_size] || DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE @reactor = Reactor.global @connections = @reactor.create_queue @connection_count = 0 end # Connection factory, will re-use or create new connections as needed to # accommodate the workload. # # @param [Block] block # Block to be passed a {Handler connection}. # # @return [Boolean] # `true` if a new connection had to be established, `false` if an existing # one was re-used. def connect( &block ) ensure_reactor_running if @connections.empty? && @connection_count < @pool_size opts = @socket ? @socket : [@host, @port] block.call @reactor.connect( *[opts, Handler, @opts.merge( client: self )].flatten ) increment_connection_counter return true end pop_block = proc do |conn| # Some connections may have died while they were waiting in the # queue, get rid of them and start all over in case the queue has # been emptied. if !conn.done? connection_failed conn connect( &block ) next end block.call conn end @connections.pop( &pop_block ) false end # Close all connections. def close ensure_reactor_running @reactor.on_tick do |task| @connections.pop(&:close_without_retry) task.done if @connections.empty? end end def increment_connection_counter @connection_count += 1 end # {Handler#done? Finished} {Handler}s push themselves here to be re-used. # # @param [Handler] connection def push_connection( connection ) ensure_reactor_running @connections << connection end # Handles failed connections. # # @param [Handler] connection def connection_failed( connection ) ensure_reactor_running @connection_count -= 1 connection.close_without_retry end # Calls a remote method and grabs the result. # # There are 2 ways to perform a call, async (non-blocking) and sync (blocking). # # @example To perform an async call you need to provide a block to handle the result. # # server.call( 'handler.method', arg1, arg2 ) do |res| # do_stuff( res ) # end # # @example To perform a sync (blocking), call without a block. # # res = server.call( 'handler.method', arg1, arg2 ) # # @param [String] msg # RPC message in the form of `handler.method`. # @param [Array] args # Collection of arguments to be passed to the method. # @param [Block] block def call( msg, *args, &block ) ensure_reactor_running req = Request.new( message: msg, args: args, callback: block, token: @token ) block_given? ? call_async( req ) : call_sync( req ) end private def set_exception( req, e ) msg = @socket ? " for '#{@socket}'." : " for '#{@host}:#{@port}'." exc = (e.is_a?( Reactor::Connection::Error::SSL ) ? Exceptions::SSLPeerVerificationFailed : Exceptions::ConnectionError ).new( e.to_s + msg ) exc.set_backtrace e.backtrace req.callback.call exc end def call_async( req, &block ) req.callback = block if block_given? begin connect do |connection| error = (connection.is_a?( Exception ) and connection) || connection.error next set_exception( req, error ) if error connection.send_request( req ) end rescue => e set_exception( req, e ) end end def call_sync( req ) # If we're in the Reactor thread use a Fiber and if we're not use a Thread. if @reactor.in_same_thread? fail 'Cannot perform synchronous calls when running in the ' + "#{Arachni::Reactor} loop." end q = Queue.new call_async( req ) { |obj| q << obj } ret = q.pop raise ret if ret.is_a?( Exception ) ret end def ensure_reactor_running return if @reactor.running? @reactor.run_in_thread end end end end