Transport for London Station Information 0 Transport for London Station Information
TfL | Station information TfL | Station information 1.0 Thu, 31 Jul 2008 12:49:08 +0100 Transport for London 259200 1440 2880 Every quarter (c) Transport for London en
Acton Town
Acton Town Station, London Underground Ltd., Gunnersbury Lane, London, W3 8HN
0845 330 9875
District Piccadilly 3 1 0 0 4 yes 2 2 4 no 4 snack, 0 drink 0 on platforms, 0 in ticket halls, 0 elsewhere yes yes subway to street. Gunnersbury Lane Level EASTBOUND 14, 14 stairs down WESTBOUND 14,14 stairs down District LEVEL_300 Piccadilly LEVEL_100 Main entrance: 05:30 21:30 06:00 21:30 07:00 23:00 Acton Town Station Acton Town Station, London Underground Ltd., Gunnersbury Lane, London, W3 8HN -.280251203536110600,51.502749773000570000,0
Aldgate Station, London Underground Ltd., Aldgate High St, London, EC3N 1AH
0845 330 9878
Circle Hammersmith & City Metropolitan 1 1 0 0 6 no 0 0 3 no 4 0 on platforms, 0 in ticket halls, 0 elsewhere no yes electronic whiteboards in ticket hall. Aldgate High Street Level 16, 10, 14 stairs down Metropolitan LEVEL_200 Circle LEVEL_200 Northern 07:00 10:00 15:30 19:00 Aldgate Station Aldgate Station, London Underground Ltd., Aldgate High St, London, EC3N 1AH -.075614184477749600,51.514271823083390000,0
Aldgate East
Aldgate East Station, London Underground Ltd., Whitechapel High St, London, E1 7PT
0845 330 9878
Circle District Hammersmith & City 1 2 0 0 9 no 1 2 8 no 7 0 on platforms, 0 in ticket halls, 0 elsewhere yes yes Whitechapel High Street (North Side) and Commercial Street (West Side) 13, 13 stairs down 9, 13 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Leman Street (West) (Colchester Street) 16, 6, 4 stairs down 9, 13 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Whitechapel High Street (South Side) and Leman Street (East Side) 12, 12 stairs down, subway, 4 stairs down 9, 1 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Leman Street (East) (Colchester Street) Ramp down, subway, 4 stairs down 9, 13 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Braham Street (South Side) 15 stairs down, subway, 4 stairs down 9, 13 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Braham Street (North Side) and Drum Street Ramp down, subway, 4 stairs down 9, 13 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Whitechapel High Street (South Side) and Braham Street (North Side) Ramp down, or 13, 12 stairs down, then subway, 6 stairs down 11, 11 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Commercial Road (North Side) and Manningtree Street Ramp down, or 12, 13 stairs down, then subway, 6 stairs down 11, 11 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Whitechapel High Street (South Side) Ramp down or 11, 11 stairs down then 6 stairs down 11, 11 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Whitechapel High Street (North Side) 15, 5, 5 stairs down 11, 11 stairs down District LEVEL_100 Hammersmith & City LEVEL_100 Gallery (East) 08:00 19:00 09:00 13:30 Main (West) 06:30 19:30 08:30 20:30 08:30 20:00 Aldgate East Station Aldgate East Station, London Underground Ltd., Whitechapel High St, London, E1 7PT -.072287119975365420,51.515233413796480000,0
Alperton Station, London Underground Ltd., Ealing Rd, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 4LL
0845 330 9875
Piccadilly 4 1 0 0 3 yes 1 0 2 no 2 snack, 1 drink 0 on platforms, 0 in ticket halls, 0 elsewhere yes yes Ealing Road Level 3 x 14 stairs up Piccadilly LEVEL_100 Main entrance: 06:30 14:00 15:30 20:00 07:30 18:30 09:00 21:00 Alperton Station Alperton Station, London Underground Ltd., Ealing Rd, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 4LL -.299486538678611470,51.540694766293470000,0
Amersham Station, Stn Approach, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5AZ
0845 330 9878
Metropolitan 6d 1 0 0 4 yes 1 0 3 yes 1 2 on platforms, 0 in ticket halls, 0 elsewhere no yes post office style queuing for tickets. Chiltern Avenue Level NORTHBOUND Level (except certain trains) NORTHBOUND 14, 9 stairs up, footbridge, 9, 14 stairs down Metropolitan LEVEL_200 Main entrance: 06:00 19:00 07:30 18:00 08:30 18:00 Amersham Station Amersham Station, Stn Approach, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5AZ -.607478839102469000,51.674149710629730000,0
Circle Line London Underground Circle Line #yellowLineGreenPoly 1 1 absolute -.075614184477749600,51.514271823083390000,0 -.072287119975365420,51.515233413796480000,0 -.156900356057780880,51.523061248142790000,0 -.088915809045260000,51.513302371519344000,0 -.097711123216248310,51.520145725324900000,0 .080863182849410430,51.539451208515715000,0 -.188038262221618460,51.512233058741060000,0 -.103606731219862620,51.511490522247490000,0 -.024823746874528683,51.526800254826064000,0 -.090694850680980680,51.511433722337300000,0 -.122360215814178660,51.507241796748396000,0