require 'osx/cocoa' require 'active_support' require 'red_artisan/core_image/filters/scale' require 'red_artisan/core_image/filters/color' require 'red_artisan/core_image/filters/watermark' require 'red_artisan/core_image/filters/quality' require 'red_artisan/core_image/filters/perspective' require 'red_artisan/core_image/filters/effects' # Generic image processor for scaling images based on CoreImage via RubyCocoa. # # Example usage: # # p = OSX::CIImage.from(path_to_image) # p.resize(640, 480) # p.render do |result| #'resized.jpg', OSX::NSJPEGFileType) # end # # This will resize the image to the given dimensions exactly, if you'd like to ensure that aspect ratio is preserved: # # p = OSX::CIImage.from(path_to_image) # # p.render do |result| #'resized.jpg', OSX::NSJPEGFileType) # end # # fit(size) will attempt its best to resize the image so that the longest width/height (depending on image orientation) will match # the given size. The second axis will be calculated automatically based on the aspect ratio. # # Scaling is performed by first clamping the image so that its external bounds become infinite, this helps when scaling so that any # rounding discrepencies in dimensions don't affect the resultant image. We then perform a Lanczos transform on the image which scales # it to the target size. We then crop the image to the traget dimensions. # # If you are generating smaller images such as thumbnails where high quality rendering isn't as important, an additional method is # available: # # p = OSX::CIImage.from(path_to_image) # p.thumbnail(100, 100) # p.render do |result| #'resized.jpg', OSX::NSJPEGFileType) # end # # This will perform a straight affine transform and scale the X and Y boundaries to the requested size. Generally, this will be faster # than a lanczos scale transform, but with a scaling quality trade. # # More than welcome to intregrate any patches, improvements - feel free to mail me with ideas. # # Thanks to # * Satoshi Nakagawa for working out that OCObjWrapper needs inclusion when aliasing method_missing on existing OSX::* classes. # * Vasantha Crabb for general help and inspiration with Cocoa # * Ben Schwarz for example image data and collaboration during performance testing # # Copyright (c) Marcus Crafter released under the MIT license # module RedArtisan module CoreImage class Processor def initialize(original) if original.respond_to? :to_str @original = OSX::CIImage.from(original.to_str) else @original = original end end def render(&block) raise "unprocessed image: #{@original}" unless @target @target end include Filters::Scale, Filters::Color, Filters::Watermark, Filters::Quality, Filters::Perspective, Filters::Effects private def create_core_image_context(width, height) output = OSX::NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh_bitsPerSample_samplesPerPixel_hasAlpha_isPlanar_colorSpaceName_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel(nil, width, height, 8, 4, true, false, OSX::NSDeviceRGBColorSpace, 0, 0) context = OSX::NSGraphicsContext.graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep(output) OSX::NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext(context) @ci_context = context.CIContext end def vector(x, y, w, h) OSX::CIVector.vectorWithX_Y_Z_W(x, y, w, h) end end end end module OSX class CIImage include OCObjWrapper def method_missing_with_filter_processing(sym, *args, &block) f = OSX::CIFilter.filterWithName("CI#{sym.to_s.camelize}") return method_missing_without_filter_processing(sym, *args, &block) unless f f.setDefaults if f.respond_to? :setDefaults f.setValue_forKey(self, 'inputImage') options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last : {} options.each { |k, v| f.setValue_forKey(v, k.to_s) } f.valueForKey('outputImage') end alias_method_chain :method_missing, :filter_processing def save(target, format = OSX::NSJPEGFileType, properties = nil) bitmapRep = OSX::NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.initWithCIImage(self) blob = bitmapRep.representationUsingType_properties(format, properties) blob.writeToFile_atomically(target, false) end def self.from(filepath) raise Errno::ENOENT, "No such file or directory - #{filepath}" unless File.exists?(filepath) OSX::CIImage.imageWithContentsOfURL(OSX::NSURL.fileURLWithPath(filepath)) end end end