# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Omnibus # # Builds a Windows MSI package (.msi extension) # class Packager::WindowsMsi < Packager::Base # !@method msi_parameters # @return (see Project#msi_parameters) def_delegator :@project, :msi_parameters, :msi_parameters validate do assert_presence!(resource('localization-en-us.wxl')) assert_presence!(resource('parameters.wxi')) assert_presence!(resource('source.wxs')) end setup do purge_directory(staging_dir) purge_directory(Config.package_dir) purge_directory(staging_resources_path) copy_directory(resources_path, staging_resources_path) # Set the MSI version before rendering MSI source files set_msi_version_from_project ['localization-en-us.wxl.erb', 'parameters.wxi.erb', 'source.wxs.erb'].each do |res| res_path = resource(res) render_template(res_path) if File.exist?(res_path) end end build do # harvest the files with heat.exe # recursively generate fragment for project directory execute [ "heat.exe dir \"#{project.install_dir}\"", '-nologo -srd -gg -cg ProjectDir', '-dr PROJECTLOCATION -var var.ProjectSourceDir', '-out project-files.wxs', ].join(' ') # compile with candle.exe execute [ 'candle.exe -nologo', "-dProjectSourceDir=\"#{project.install_dir}\" project-files.wxs", "\"#{resource('source.wxs')}\"", ].join(' ') # create the msi # Don't care about the 204 return code from light.exe since it's # about some expected warnings... execute [ 'light.exe -nologo -ext WixUIExtension -cultures:en-us', "-loc #{resource('localization-en-us.wxl')}", 'project-files.wixobj source.wixobj', "-out \"#{final_pkg}\"", ].join(' '), returns: [0, 204] end clean do end # @see Base#package_name def package_name "#{project.name}-#{project.build_version}-#{project.iteration}.msi" end # The full path where the product package was/will be written. # # @return [String] Path to the packge file. def final_pkg File.expand_path("#{Config.package_dir}/#{package_name}") end # Helper method to set the msi version for a given project def set_msi_version_from_project # build_version looks something like this: # dev builds => 11.14.0-alpha.1+20140501194641.git.94.561b564 # => 0.0.0+20140506165802.1 # rel builds => 11.14.0.alpha.1 || 11.14.0 # # MSI version spec expects a version that looks like X.Y.Z.W where # X, Y, Z & W are 32 bit integers. # # MSI source files expect two versions to be set in the msi_parameters: # msi_version & msi_display_version versions = project.build_version.split(/[.+-]/) @msi_version = "#{versions[0]}.#{versions[1]}.#{versions[2]}.#{project.build_iteration}" @msi_display_version = "#{versions[0]}.#{versions[1]}.#{versions[2]}" end end end