# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- module GetText # For normalize/finding the related classes/modules. # This is used for realizing the scope of TextDomain. # (see: http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext-scope.html) module ClassInfo extend self # normalize the class name # klass should kind of the class, not object. def normalize_class(klass) ret = (klass.kind_of? Module) ? klass : klass.class if ret.name =~ /^\#<|^$/ or ret == GetText or ret.name.nil? ret = Object end ret end def root_ancestors # :nodoc: Object.ancestors end # Internal method for related_classes. def related_classes_internal(klass, all_classes = [], analyzed_classes = [] ) ret = [] klass = normalize_class(klass) return [Object] if root_ancestors.include? klass ary = klass.name.split(/::/) while(v = ary.shift) ret.unshift(((ret.size == 0) ? Object.const_get(v) : ret[0].const_get(v))) end ret -= analyzed_classes if ret.size > 1 ret += related_classes_internal(ret[1], all_classes, analyzed_classes) ret.uniq! end analyzed_classes << klass unless analyzed_classes.include? klass klass.ancestors[1..-1].each do |a| ret += related_classes_internal(a, all_classes, analyzed_classes) ret.uniq! end if all_classes.size > 0 (ret & all_classes).uniq else ret.uniq end end # Returns the classes which related to klass # (klass's ancestors, included modules and nested modules) def related_classes(klass, all_classes = []) ret = related_classes_internal(klass, all_classes) unless ret.include? Object ret += [Object] end ret end end end