#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This is based off of Sam Ruby's xml_filetest.rb # I've adapted it for rfeedparser # http://intertwingly.net/blog/2005/10/30/Testing-FeedTools-Dynamically/ require 'yaml' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'rfeedparser_test_helper') class XMLTests < Test::Unit::TestCase # Some tests are known to fail because we're copying the Python # version's feed suite verbatim, and we have minor implementation # details that don't constitute brokenness but are still # different. Running `rake test skip=y' will skip these. # # Additionally if you want to run a single test, run: # rake test n=test_tests_wellformed_encoding_x80macroman # def self.skip?(name) return true if ENV['n'] and ENV['n'] != name if ENV['skip'] @to_skip ||= YAML.load(File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/to_skip.yml')) @to_skip.include? name end end Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/**/*.xml"].each do |xmlfile| name = "test_#{xmlfile.gsub('./', '').gsub('/','_').sub('.xml','')}" next if skip?(name) define_method(name) do fp = FeedParser.parse("{$PORT}/#{xmlfile}", :compatible => true) # I should point out that the 'compatible' arg is not necessary, # but probably will be in the future if we decide to change the default. description, evalString = scrape_assertion_strings(xmlfile) assert fp.instance_eval(evalString), description end end end # TODO: don't fail if the rfeedparserserver.rb is already running # Start up the mongrel server and tell it how to send the tests server = Mongrel::HttpServer.new("",$PORT) Mongrel::DirHandler::add_mime_type('.xml','application/xml') Mongrel::DirHandler::add_mime_type('.xml_redirect','application/xml') server.register("/", FeedParserTestRequestHandler.new(".")) server.run