defaults: &defaults # fingerprint_method protects the site from a single user voting or rating more than once # Acceptable Values: ## session_hash - uses rails session. can be bypassed by clearing cache ## browser_header - uses http header info. can be bypassed by changing browsers, but also might return a false if 2 browsers pass the same header info ## ip_address - based on user's ip address. User has to change computers or IP addresses to bypass. Returns false positives for people sharing an IP address (this is common) ## ip_browser_header - uses IP plus the browser header. This may prevent some false positives caused by IP only fingerprint ## none - do I have to tell you? fingerprint_method: ip_address reputation: update_user_model: false user_model_rep_field_name: reputation confirm_friends: true tweetme: count: horizontal div_class: se-tweetme fb_like: layout: standard faces: true width: 450 action: like font: lucida grande colorscheme: light div_class: se-fblike fb_og_tags: title: Your Title Here type: website url: image: site_name: admins: 1234567 fb_friend_box: width: 250 stream: false header: true faces: true fb_page_url: #EXAMPLE: CHANGE THIS TO YOUR PAGE! div_class: se-fb-friend-box fb_javascript_sdk: app_id: 123456789 comment_form: name: label: Name required: true email: label: Email required: true website: label: Website required: false comment: label: Comment button_text: Add Comment comment_list: show_posted_by: true date: "%m/%d/%Y at %H:%M" order: "DESC" display_limit: false favorites_widget: remove_text: "Remove from favorites" add_text: "Add to favorites" vote_widget: upvote_text: Upvote downvote_text: Downvote rating_form: max_value: 5 button_text: "Rate It" development: <<: *defaults test: <<: *defaults production: <<: *defaults