import React, { useEffect, useCallback, useRef } from 'react' import { useDropzone, DropzoneInputProps, DropzoneRootProps, FileRejection } from 'react-dropzone' import classnames from 'classnames' import { buildCss, buildDataProps, noop, buildHtmlProps } from '../utilities/props' import { globalProps } from '../utilities/globalProps' import type { Callback } from '../types' import Body from '../pb_body/_body' import Card from '../pb_card/_card' import { isEmpty } from '../utilities/object' type FileUploadProps = { accept?: Record, className?: string, customMessage?: string, dark?: boolean, data?: {[key: string]: string | number}, htmlOptions?: {[key: string]: string | number | boolean | (() => void)}, acceptedFilesDescription?: string, maxSize?: number, onFilesAccepted: Callback, onFilesRejected: (error: string, files: readonly FileRejection[]) => void, } const getFormattedFileSize = (fileSize: number): string => { return `${fileSize / 1e+6} MB` } const FileUpload = (props: FileUploadProps): React.ReactElement => { const { accept = {}, acceptedFilesDescription = '', className, customMessage, dark = false, data = {}, htmlOptions = {}, maxSize, onFilesAccepted = noop, onFilesRejected = noop, } = props const onDrop = useCallback((files) => { onFilesAccepted(files) }, [onFilesAccepted]) type DropZoneProps = { getRootProps: () => DropzoneRootProps & any; getInputProps: () => DropzoneInputProps & any; isDragActive: boolean; fileRejections: readonly FileRejection[]; } const { getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive, fileRejections }: DropZoneProps = useDropzone({ accept, maxSize, onDrop, }) const prevRejected = useRef(null); let maxFileSizeText = '' if (maxSize !== undefined) { maxFileSizeText = `Max file size is ${getFormattedFileSize(maxSize)}.` } useEffect(() => { if (fileRejections === prevRejected.current) return const isFileTooLarge = maxSize && fileRejections.length > 0 && fileRejections[0].file.size > maxSize; if (isFileTooLarge) { onFilesRejected(`File size is too large! ${maxFileSizeText}`, fileRejections) } prevRejected.current = fileRejections }, [maxFileSizeText, maxSize, onFilesRejected, fileRejections]) const acceptedFileTypes = () => { if (!accept) { return [] } return Object.keys(accept).map((fileType) => { if (fileType.startsWith('image/')) { return fileType.replace('image/', ' ') } else { return fileType } }) } const dataProps = buildDataProps(data) const htmlProps = buildHtmlProps(htmlOptions) const getDescription = () => { return customMessage ? customMessage : `Choose a file or drag it here.${isEmpty(accept) ? '' : ` The accepted file types are: ${acceptedFilesDescription || acceptedFileTypes()}.`}${maxSize ? ` ${maxFileSizeText}` : ''}`; } return (
{isDragActive ?

{'Drop the files here ...'}



) } export default FileUpload