# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # Copyright 2014 GrapeDuty, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'spec_helper' describe Lita::Handlers::GithubRepo, lita_handler: true do # repo_create command routing it { routes_command('gh repo create GrapeDuty/lita-test').to(:repo_create) } it { routes_command('gh repo new GrapeDuty/lita-test').to(:repo_create) } it { routes_command('gh repo new lita-test').to(:repo_create) } it { routes_command('gh repo new GrapeDuty/lita-test private:true team:heckman').to(:repo_create) } it { routes_command('gh repo new GrapeDuty/lita-test private:true randomunparseabletext ').to(:repo_create) } # repo_delete command routing it { routes_command('gh repo delete GrapeDuty/lita-test').to(:repo_delete) } it { routes_command('gh repo delete lita-test').to(:repo_delete) } # repo_info command routing it { routes_command('gh repo info GrapeDuty/lita-test').to(:repo_info) } it { routes_command('gh repo info lita-test').to(:repo_info) } let(:github_repo) { Lita::Handlers::GithubRepo.new('robot') } let(:github_org) { 'GrapeDuty' } let(:disabled_reply) { 'Sorry, this function has either been disabled or not enabled in the config' } #### # Helper Methods #### describe '.privacy_decider' do before do c_obj = double('Lita::Configuration', repo_private_default: :dummyvalue) allow(github_repo).to receive(:config).and_return(c_obj) end it 'should return true when value is "true"' do expect(github_repo.send(:privacy_decider, 'true')).to be_truthy end it 'should return true when value is "True"' do expect(github_repo.send(:privacy_decider, 'True')).to be_truthy end it 'should return false when value is "false"' do expect(github_repo.send(:privacy_decider, 'false')).to be_falsey end it 'should return the default when the value is something unknown' do expect(github_repo.send(:privacy_decider, 'something')).to eql :dummyvalue end end describe '.should_repo_be_private?' do before do @c_obj = double('Lita::Configuration', repo_private_default: true) allow(github_repo).to receive(:config).and_return(@c_obj) end it 'should return the default if value nil' do expect(@c_obj).to receive(:repo_private_default).and_return(:dummyvalue) expect(github_repo.send(:should_repo_be_private?, nil)).to eql :dummyvalue end it 'should return the default if value empty string ("")' do expect(@c_obj).to receive(:repo_private_default).and_return(:dummyvalue) expect(github_repo.send(:should_repo_be_private?, '')).to eql :dummyvalue end it 'should call privacy_decider() with the value if not nil or empty' do expect(github_repo).to receive(:privacy_decider).with('ohai').and_return(:dummyvalue) expect(github_repo.send(:should_repo_be_private?, 'ohai')).to eql :dummyvalue end end describe '.default_team' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:team_id_by_slug).and_return(88) end context 'when the default team slug is set' do before do cfg_obj = double('Lita::Configuration', default_team_slug: 'heckman') allow(github_repo).to receive(:config).and_return(cfg_obj) end it 'should return the team ID of the slug' do expect(github_repo).to receive(:team_id_by_slug).with('heckman', 'GrapeDuty') .and_return(42) expect(github_repo.send(:default_team, github_org)).to eql 42 end end context 'when the default slug is not set' do before do cfg_obj = double('Lita::Configuration', default_team_slug: nil) allow(github_repo).to receive(:config).and_return(cfg_obj) end it 'should return nil' do expect(github_repo.send(:default_team, github_org)).to be_nil end end end describe '.team_id_by_slug' do before do @teams = [ { id: 1, slug: 'hi' }, { id: 42, slug: 'heckman' }, { id: 84, slug: 'orwell' } ] @octo_obj = double('Octokit::Client', organization_teams: @teams) allow(github_repo).to receive(:octo).and_return(@octo_obj) end it 'should return the team id of the team matching the slug' do expect(@octo_obj).to receive(:organization_teams).with(github_org).and_return(@teams) expect(github_repo.send(:team_id_by_slug, 'heckman', github_org)).to eql 42 expect(github_repo.send(:team_id_by_slug, 'orwell', github_org)).to eql 84 expect(github_repo.send(:team_id_by_slug, 'unknown', github_org)).to be_nil end it 'should return nil if unknown' do expect(github_repo.send(:team_id_by_slug, 'unknown', 'x')).to be_nil end end describe '.extrapolate_create_opts' do before do @eco_opts = {} @c_obj = double('Lita::Configuration', default_team_slug: 'h3ckman') allow(github_repo).to receive(:config).and_return(@c_obj) allow(github_repo).to receive(:team_id_by_slug).and_return(42) end it 'should set the :organization key and :team_id key' do h = { organization: github_org, team_id: 42 } expect(github_repo.send(:extrapolate_create_opts, @eco_opts, github_org)).to eql h end context 'when there is no :team set' do context 'when default_team returns a team id' do it 'should get the default team_id' do h = { organization: github_org, team_id: 44 } expect(github_repo).to receive(:default_team).with(github_org).and_return(44) expect(github_repo.send(:extrapolate_create_opts, @eco_opts, github_org)).to eql h end end context 'when default_team returns nil' do before do @c_obj = double('Lita::Configuration', default_team_slug: nil) allow(github_repo).to receive(:config).and_return(@c_obj) end it 'should not set the :team_id key' do h = { organization: github_org } expect(github_repo).to receive(:default_team).with(github_org).and_return(nil) expect(github_repo.send(:extrapolate_create_opts, @eco_opts, github_org)).to eql h end end end context 'when options contains :team and no :team_id' do context 'when given a valid slug' do before { @eco_opts = { team: 'heckman' } } it 'should set the :team_id key' do h = { organization: github_org, team_id: 84 }.merge!(@eco_opts) expect(github_repo).to receive(:team_id_by_slug).with('heckman', github_org).and_return(84) expect(github_repo.send(:extrapolate_create_opts, @eco_opts, github_org)).to eql h end end context 'when given an invalid slug' do context 'when there is a default slug set' do it 'should set the team to the default' do h = { organization: github_org, team_id: 42 }.merge!(@eco_opts) expect(github_repo).to receive(:team_id_by_slug).with('h3ckman', github_org).and_return(42) expect(github_repo.send(:extrapolate_create_opts, @eco_opts, github_org)).to eql h end end context 'when there is no default slug set' do before do @eco_opts = { team: 'h3ckman' } c_obj = double('Lita::Configuration', default_team_slug: nil) allow(github_repo).to receive(:config).and_return(c_obj) end it 'should not set a :team_id' do h = { organization: github_org }.merge!(@eco_opts) expect(github_repo).to receive(:team_id_by_slug).with('h3ckman', github_org) .and_return(nil) expect(github_repo).to receive(:default_team).with(github_org).and_call_original expect(github_repo.send(:extrapolate_create_opts, @eco_opts, github_org)).to eql h end end end end context 'when there is a :team_id key' do before { @eco_opts = { team_id: 44 } } it 'should just leave it alone...' do h = { organization: github_org }.merge!(@eco_opts) expect(github_repo).not_to receive(:team_id_by_slug) expect(github_repo.send(:extrapolate_create_opts, @eco_opts, github_org)).to eql h end end end describe '.command_opts' do it 'should find the valid options' do o = ' private:true team:heckman bacon:always bacon:sometimes' co = github_repo.send(:command_opts, o) expect(co).to be_an_instance_of Hash expect(co[:private]).to eql 'true' expect(co[:team]).to eql 'heckman' expect(co[:bacon]).to eql 'always' # of course it's always end end describe '.create_repo' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:octo).and_return(double('Octokit::Client', create_repository: nil)) end context 'when repo created' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(true) end it 'should confirm succesfful creation' do opts = { private: true, team_id: 42, organization: github_org } expect(github_repo.send(:create_repo, github_org, 'lita-test', opts)) .to eql 'Created GrapeDuty/lita-test: https://github.com/GrapeDuty/lita-test' end end context 'when repo not created' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(false) end it 'should confirm failure' do opts = { private: true, team_id: 42, organization: github_org } expect(github_repo.send(:create_repo, github_org, 'lita-test', opts)) .to eql 'Unable to create GrapeDuty/lita-test' end end end describe '.delete_repo' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:octo).and_return(double('Octokit::Client', delete_repository: nil)) end context 'when repo deleted' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(false) end it 'should confirm successful delete' do expect(github_repo.send(:delete_repo, github_org, 'lita-test')) .to eql 'Deleted GrapeDuty/lita-test' end end context 'when repo not deleted' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(true) end it 'should reply with failure message' do expect(github_repo.send(:delete_repo, github_org, 'lita-test')) .to eql 'Unable to delete GrapeDuty/lita-test' end end end #### # Handlers #### describe '.repo_info' do before do repo = { full_name: "#{github_org}/lita-test", description: 'unit testing', private: true, html_url: "https://stubbed.github.com/#{github_org}/lita-test", open_issues_count: 10 } pr = [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil] @octo_obj = double('Octokit::Client', repository: repo, pull_requests: pr) allow(github_repo).to receive(:octo).and_return(@octo_obj) end it 'should return some repo info' do send_command('gh repo info GrapeDuty/lita-test') r = "GrapeDuty/lita-test (private:true) :: https://stubbed.github.com/#{github_org}/lita-test\n" \ "Desc: unit testing\n" \ 'Issues: 5 PRs: 5' expect(replies.last).to eql r end end describe '.repo_delete' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:func_disabled?).and_return(false) allow(github_repo).to receive(:delete_repo).and_return('hello there') allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(true) end it 'reply with the return from delete_repo()' do send_command("gh repo delete #{github_org}/lita-test") expect(replies.last).to eql 'hello there' end context 'when command disabled' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:func_disabled?).and_return(true) end it 'should no-op and say such if the command is disabled' do send_command("gh repo delete #{github_org}/lita-test") expect(replies.last).to eql disabled_reply end end context 'when repo not found' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(false) end it 'should no-op informing you that the repo is not there' do send_command("gh repo delete #{github_org}/lita-test") expect(replies.last).to eql 'That repo (GrapeDuty/lita-test) does not exist' end end end describe '.repo_create' do before do @opts = { private: true, team_id: 42, organization: github_org } allow(github_repo).to receive(:func_disabled?).and_return(false) allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(false) allow(github_repo).to receive(:extrapolate_create_opts).and_return(@opts) allow(github_repo).to receive(:create_repo).and_return('hello from PAX prime!') end context 'when command disabled' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:func_disabled?).and_return(true) end it 'should no-op and say such if the command is disabled' do send_command("gh repo create #{github_org}/lita-test") expect(replies.last).to eql disabled_reply end end context 'when repo already exists' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(true) end it 'should tell you it already exists' do send_command("gh repo create #{github_org}/lita-test") expect(replies.last).to eql 'Unable to create GrapeDuty/lita-test as it already exists' end end context 'when repo does not exist' do before do allow(github_repo).to receive(:repo?).with("#{github_org}/lita-test").and_return(false) end it 'should reply with the return of create_repo()' do expect(github_repo).to receive(:extrapolate_create_opts).and_return(@opts) send_command("gh repo create #{github_org}/lita-test") expect(replies.last).to eql 'hello from PAX prime!' end end end end