# OmniAuth Auth0 An [OmniAuth](https://github.com/intridea/omniauth) strategy for authenticating with [Auth0](https://auth0.com). This strategy is based on the [OmniAuth OAuth2](https://github.com/omniauth/omniauth-oauth2) strategy. > :warning: **Important security note:** This solution uses a 3rd party library with an unresolved [security issue(s)](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-9284). Please review the details of the vulnerability, including [Auth0](https://github.com/auth0/omniauth-auth0/issues/82 ) and other recommended [mitigations](https://github.com/omniauth/omniauth/wiki/Resolving-CVE-2015-9284), before implementing the solution. 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Initialize the strategy 2. Configure the callback controller 3. Add the required routes 4. Trigger an authentication request All of these tasks and more are covered in our [Ruby on Rails Quickstart](https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/webapp/rails). ### Additional authentication parameters To send additional parameters during login, you can specify them when you register the provider: ```ruby provider :auth0, ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET'], ENV['AUTH0_DOMAIN'], { authorize_params: { scope: 'openid read:users write:order', audience: 'https://mydomain/api', max_age: 3600 # time in seconds authentication is valid } } ``` ... which will tell the strategy to send those parameters on every authentication request. ### Authentication hash The Auth0 strategy will provide the standard OmniAuth hash attributes: - `:provider` - the name of the strategy, in this case `auth0` - `:uid` - the user identifier - `:info` - the result of the call to `/userinfo` using OmniAuth standard attributes - `:credentials` - tokens requested and data - `:extra` - Additional info obtained from calling `/userinfo` in the `:raw_info` property ```ruby { :provider => 'auth0', :uid => 'auth0|USER_ID', :info => { :name => 'John Foo', :email => 'johnfoo@example.org', :nickname => 'john', :image => 'https://example.org/john.jpg' }, :credentials => { :token => 'ACCESS_TOKEN', :expires_at => 1485373937, :expires => true, :refresh_token => 'REFRESH_TOKEN', :id_token => 'JWT_ID_TOKEN', :token_type => 'bearer', }, :extra => { :raw_info => { :email => 'johnfoo@example.org', :email_verified => 'true', :name => 'John Foo', :picture => 'https://example.org/john.jpg', :user_id => 'auth0|USER_ID', :nickname => 'john', :created_at => '2014-07-15T17:19:50.387Z' } } } ``` ### Query Parameter Options In some scenarios, you may need to pass specific query parameters to `/authorize`. The following parameters are available to enable this: - `connection` - `connection_scope` - `prompt` - `screen_hint` (only relevant to New Universal Login Experience) - `organization` - `invitation` Simply pass these query parameters to your OmniAuth redirect endpoint to enable their behavior. ## Examples ### Auth0 Organizations (Closed Beta) Organizations is a set of features that provide better support for developers who build and maintain SaaS and Business-to-Business (B2B) applications. Using Organizations, you can: - Represent teams, business customers, partner companies, or any logical grouping of users that should have different ways of accessing your applications, as organizations. - Manage their membership in a variety of ways, including user invitation. - Configure branded, federated login flows for each organization. - Implement role-based access control, such that users can have different roles when authenticating in the context of different organizations. - Build administration capabilities into your products, using Organizations APIs, so that those businesses can manage their own organizations. Note that Organizations is currently only available to customers on our Enterprise and Startup subscription plans. #### Logging in with an Organization Logging in with an Organization is as easy as passing the parameters to the authorize endpoint. You can do this with ```ruby <%= button_to 'Login', 'auth/auth0', method: :post, params: { # Found in your Auth0 dashboard, under Organization settings: organization: '{AUTH0_ORGANIZATION}' } %> ``` Alternatively you can configure the organization when you register the provider: ```ruby provider :auth0, ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET'], ENV['AUTH0_DOMAIN'], { authorize_params: { scope: 'openid read:users', audience: 'https://{AUTH0_DOMAIN}/api', organization: '{AUTH0_ORGANIZATION}' } } ``` #### Accepting user invitations Auth0 Organizations allow users to be invited using emailed links, which will direct a user back to your application. The URL the user will arrive at is based on your configured `Application Login URI`, which you can change from your Application's settings inside the Auth0 dashboard. When the user arrives at your application using an invite link, you can expect three query parameters to be provided: `invitation`, `organization`, and `organization_name`. These will always be delivered using a GET request. You can then supply those parametrs to a `button_to` or `link_to` helper ```ruby <%= button_to 'Login', 'auth/auth0', method: :post, params: { organization: '{YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID}', invitation: '{INVITE_CODE}' } %> ``` ## Contribution We appreciate feedback and contribution to this repo! Before you get started, please see the following: - [Auth0's contribution guidelines](https://github.com/auth0/open-source-template/blob/master/GENERAL-CONTRIBUTING.md) - [Auth0's Code of Conduct](https://github.com/auth0/open-source-template/blob/master/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md) - [This repo's contribution guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Support + Feedback - Use [Community](https://community.auth0.com/) for usage, questions, specific cases. - Use [Issues](https://github.com/auth0/omniauth-auth0/issues) here for code-level support and bug reports. - Paid customers can use [Support](https://support.auth0.com/) to submit a trouble ticket for production-affecting issues. ## Vulnerability Reporting Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The [Responsible Disclosure Program](https://auth0.com/whitehat) details the procedure for disclosing security issues. ## What is Auth0? Auth0 helps you to easily: - implement authentication with multiple identity providers, including social (e.g., Google, Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, etc), or enterprise (e.g., Windows Azure AD, Google Apps, Active Directory, ADFS, SAML, etc.) - log in users with username/password databases, passwordless, or multi-factor authentication - link multiple user accounts together - generate signed JSON Web Tokens to authorize your API calls and flow the user identity securely - access demographics and analytics detailing how, when, and where users are logging in - enrich user profiles from other data sources using customizable JavaScript rules [Why Auth0?](https://auth0.com/why-auth0) ## License The OmniAuth Auth0 strategy is licensed under MIT - [LICENSE](LICENSE) [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fauth0%2Fomniauth-auth0.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fauth0%2Fomniauth-auth0?ref=badge_large)