require 'rack/utils' module Acfs # Global handler for stubbing resources. # class Stub ACTIONS = [ :read, :create, :update, :delete, :list ] attr_reader :opts def initialize(opts) @opts = opts @opts[:with].stringify_keys! if @opts[:with].is_a? Hash @opts[:return].stringify_keys! if @opts[:return].is_a? Hash @opts[:return].map! { |h| h.stringify_keys! if h.is_a? Hash } if @opts[:return].is_a? Array end def accept?(op) return opts[:with].call op if opts[:with].respond_to? :call params = op.full_params.stringify_keys data = return true if opts[:with] == params || data == opts[:with] return true if (opts[:with].nil? && params.empty? && data.empty?) return true if opts[:with].reject{|k,v|v.nil?} == params.reject{|k,v|v.nil?} return true if opts[:with].reject{|k,v|v.nil?} == data.reject{|k,v|v.nil?} false end def calls @calls ||= [] end def called?(count = nil) count = count.count if count.respond_to? :count # For `5.times` Enumerators count.nil? ? calls.any? : calls.size == count end def call(op) calls << op if (err = opts[:raise]) raise_error op, err, opts[:return] elsif (data = opts[:return]) headers = opts[:headers] || {} data, headers else raise ArgumentError, 'Unsupported stub.' end end private def raise_error(op, name, data) raise name if name.is_a? Class data.stringify_keys! if data.respond_to? :stringify_keys! op.handle_failure op.request, status: Rack::Utils.status_code(name), data: data end class << self # Stub a resource with given handler block. An already created handler # for same resource class will be overridden. # def resource(klass, action, opts = {}, &block) action = action.to_sym raise ArgumentError, "Unknown action `#{action}`." unless ACTIONS.include? action do |stub| stubs[klass] ||= {} stubs[klass][action] ||= [] stubs[klass][action] << stub end end def allow_requests=(allow) @allow_requests = allow ? true : false end def allow_requests? @allow_requests ||= false end def enabled? @enabled ||= false end def enable; @enabled = true end def disable; @enabled = false end # Clear all stubs. # def clear(klass = nil) klass.nil? ? stubs.clear : stubs[klass].try(:clear) end def stubs @stubs ||= {} end def stub_for(op) return false unless (classes = stubs[op.resource]) return false unless (stubs = classes[op.action]) accepted_stubs = { |stub| stub.accept? op } raise stubs: accepted_stubs, operation: op if accepted_stubs.size > 1 accepted_stubs.first end def stubbed(op) stub = stub_for op unless stub return false if allow_requests? raise <<-MSG.strip.gsub(/^[ ]{12}/, '') No stub found for `#{op.action}' on `#{}' with params `#{op.full_params.inspect}', data `#{}' and id `#{}'. Available stubs: #{pretty_print} MSG end op true end private def pretty_print out = stubs.each do |klass, actions| out << ' ' << << ":\n" actions.each do |action, stubs| stubs.each do |stub| out << " #{action}" out << " with #{stub.opts[:with].inspect}" if stub.opts[:with] out << " and return #{stub.opts[:return].inspect}" if stub.opts[:return] out << " and raise #{stub.opts[:raise].inspect}" if stub.opts[:raise] out << "\n" end end end out end end end end