/* eslint-disable no-console */ import { getOwner } from 'ember-owner'; import RSVP from 'rsvp'; import { compile } from 'ember-template-compiler'; import { ENV } from 'ember-environment'; import { Route, NoneLocation, HistoryLocation } from 'ember-routing'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { Object as EmberObject, A as emberA } from 'ember-runtime'; import { moduleFor, ApplicationTestCase, runDestroy } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { Mixin, computed, set, addObserver, observer } from 'ember-metal'; import { getTextOf } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { Component } from 'ember-glimmer'; import Engine from '@ember/engine'; import { Transition } from 'router'; let originalRenderSupport; let originalConsoleError; moduleFor( 'Basic Routing - Decoupled from global resolver', class extends ApplicationTestCase { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.addTemplate('home', '


'); this.addTemplate('camelot', '

Is a silly place

'); this.addTemplate('homepage', '



'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); originalRenderSupport = ENV._ENABLE_RENDER_SUPPORT; ENV._ENABLE_RENDER_SUPPORT = true; originalConsoleError = console.error; } teardown() { super.teardown(); ENV._ENABLE_RENDER_SUPPORT = originalRenderSupport; console.error = originalConsoleError; } getController(name) { return this.applicationInstance.lookup(`controller:${name}`); } handleURLAborts(assert, path) { run(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); router.handleURL(path).then( function() { assert.ok(false, 'url: `' + path + '` was NOT to be handled'); }, function(reason) { assert.ok( reason && reason.message === 'TransitionAborted', 'url: `' + path + '` was to be aborted' ); } ); }); } get currentPath() { return this.getController('application').get('currentPath'); } get currentURL() { return this.appRouter.get('currentURL'); } handleURLRejectsWith(context, assert, path, expectedReason) { return context .visit(path) .then(() => { assert.ok(false, 'expected handleURLing: `' + path + '` to fail'); }) .catch(reason => { assert.equal(reason, expectedReason); }); } ['@test warn on URLs not included in the route set']() { return this.visit('/').then(() => { expectAssertion(() => { this.visit('/what-is-this-i-dont-even'); }, /'\/what-is-this-i-dont-even' did not match any routes/); }); } ['@test The Homepage'](assert) { return this.visit('/').then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'home', 'currently on the home route'); let text = this.$('.hours').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Hours', 'the home template was rendered'); }); } [`@test The Homepage and the Camelot page with multiple Router.map calls`](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('camelot', { path: '/camelot' }); }); return this.visit('/camelot') .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'camelot'); let text = this.$('#camelot').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Is a silly place', 'the camelot template was rendered'); return this.visit('/'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentPath, 'home'); let text = this.$('.hours').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Hours', 'the home template was rendered'); }); } [`@test The Homepage with explicit template name in renderTemplate`](assert) { this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('homepage'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('#troll').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Megatroll', 'the homepage template was rendered'); }); } [`@test an alternate template will pull in an alternate controller`](assert) { this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('homepage'); }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:homepage', Controller.extend({ model: { home: 'Comes from homepage', }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Comes from homepage', 'the homepage template was rendered'); }); } [`@test An alternate template will pull in an alternate controller instead of controllerName`]( assert ) { this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ controllerName: 'foo', renderTemplate() { this.render('homepage'); }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:foo', Controller.extend({ model: { home: 'Comes from foo', }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:homepage', Controller.extend({ model: { home: 'Comes from homepage', }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Comes from homepage', 'the homepage template was rendered'); }); } [`@test The template will pull in an alternate controller via key/value`](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('homepage', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:homepage', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ controller: 'home' }); }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:home', Controller.extend({ model: { home: 'Comes from home.', }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal( text, 'Comes from home.', 'the homepage template was rendered from data from the HomeController' ); }); } [`@test The Homepage with explicit template name in renderTemplate and controller`](assert) { this.add( 'controller:home', Controller.extend({ model: { home: 'YES I AM HOME', }, }) ); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('homepage'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, 'YES I AM HOME', 'The homepage template was rendered'); }); } [`@test Model passed via renderTemplate model is set as controller's model`](assert) { this.addTemplate('bio', '


'); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('bio', { model: { name: 'emberjs' }, }); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, 'emberjs', `Passed model was set as controller's model`); }); } ['@test render uses templateName from route'](assert) { this.addTemplate('the_real_home_template', '


'); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ templateName: 'the_real_home_template', }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, 'THIS IS THE REAL HOME', 'the homepage template was rendered'); }); } ['@test defining templateName allows other templates to be rendered'](assert) { this.addTemplate('alert', `
`); this.addTemplate('the_real_home_template', `


{{outlet 'alert'}}`); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ templateName: 'the_real_home_template', actions: { showAlert() { this.render('alert', { into: 'home', outlet: 'alert', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, 'THIS IS THE REAL HOME', 'the homepage template was rendered'); return this.runTask(() => this.appRouter.send('showAlert')); }) .then(() => { let text = this.$('.alert-box').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Invader!', 'Template for alert was rendered into the outlet'); }); } ['@test templateName is still used when calling render with no name and options'](assert) { this.addTemplate('alert', `
`); this.addTemplate('home', `


{{outlet 'alert'}}`); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ templateName: 'alert', renderTemplate() { this.render({}); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('.alert-box').text(); assert.equal(text, 'Invader!', 'default templateName was rendered into outlet'); }); } ['@test The Homepage with a `setupController` hook'](assert) { this.addTemplate( 'home', ` ` ); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ setupController(controller) { controller.set('hours', [ 'Monday through Friday: 9am to 5pm', 'Saturday: Noon to Midnight', 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', ]); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('ul li:nth-child(3)').text(); assert.equal( text, 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', 'The template was rendered with the hours context' ); }); } [`@test The route controller is still set when overriding the setupController hook`](assert) { this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ setupController() { // no-op // importantly, we are not calling this._super }, }) ); this.add('controller:home', Controller.extend()); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let homeRoute = this.applicationInstance.lookup('route:home'); let homeController = this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:home'); assert.equal( homeRoute.controller, homeController, 'route controller is the home controller' ); }); } ['@test the route controller can be specified via controllerName'](assert) { this.addTemplate('home', '


'); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ controllerName: 'myController', }) ); this.add( 'controller:myController', Controller.extend({ myValue: 'foo', }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let homeRoute = this.applicationInstance.lookup('route:home'); let myController = this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:myController'); let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal( homeRoute.controller, myController, 'route controller is set by controllerName' ); assert.equal( text, 'foo', 'The homepage template was rendered with data from the custom controller' ); }); } [`@test The route controller specified via controllerName is used in render`](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ controllerName: 'myController', renderTemplate() { this.render('alternative_home'); }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:myController', Controller.extend({ myValue: 'foo', }) ); this.addTemplate('alternative_home', '

alternative home: {{myValue}}

'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let homeRoute = this.applicationInstance.lookup('route:home'); let myController = this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:myController'); let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal( homeRoute.controller, myController, 'route controller is set by controllerName' ); assert.equal( text, 'alternative home: foo', 'The homepage template was rendered with data from the custom controller' ); }); } [`@test The route controller specified via controllerName is used in render even when a controller with the routeName is available`]( assert ) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.addTemplate('home', '

home: {{myValue}}

'); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ controllerName: 'myController', }) ); this.add( 'controller:home', Controller.extend({ myValue: 'home', }) ); this.add( 'controller:myController', Controller.extend({ myValue: 'myController', }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let homeRoute = this.applicationInstance.lookup('route:home'); let myController = this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:myController'); let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal( homeRoute.controller, myController, 'route controller is set by controllerName' ); assert.equal( text, 'home: myController', 'The homepage template was rendered with data from the custom controller' ); }); } [`@test The Homepage with a 'setupController' hook modifying other controllers`](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ setupController(/* controller */) { this.controllerFor('home').set('hours', [ 'Monday through Friday: 9am to 5pm', 'Saturday: Noon to Midnight', 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', ]); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('home', ''); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('ul li:nth-child(3)').text(); assert.equal( text, 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', 'The template was rendered with the hours context' ); }); } [`@test The Homepage with a computed model that does not get overridden`](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'controller:home', Controller.extend({ model: computed(function() { return [ 'Monday through Friday: 9am to 5pm', 'Saturday: Noon to Midnight', 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', ]; }), }) ); this.addTemplate( 'home', '' ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('ul li:nth-child(3)').text(); assert.equal( text, 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', 'The template was rendered with the context intact' ); }); } [`@test The Homepage getting its controller context via model`](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ model() { return [ 'Monday through Friday: 9am to 5pm', 'Saturday: Noon to Midnight', 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', ]; }, setupController(controller, model) { assert.equal(this.controllerFor('home'), controller); this.controllerFor('home').set('hours', model); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('home', ''); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let text = this.$('ul li:nth-child(3)').text(); assert.equal( text, 'Sunday: Noon to 6pm', 'The template was rendered with the hours context' ); }); } [`@test The Specials Page getting its controller context by deserializing the params hash`]( assert ) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id' }); }); this.add( 'route:special', Route.extend({ model(params) { return EmberObject.create({ menuItemId: params.menu_item_id, }); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('special', '


'); return this.visit('/specials/1').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, '1', 'The model was used to render the template'); }); } ['@test The Specials Page defaults to looking models up via `find`']() { let MenuItem = EmberObject.extend(); MenuItem.reopenClass({ find(id) { return MenuItem.create({ id }); }, }); this.add('model:menu_item', MenuItem); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id' }); }); this.addTemplate('special', '{{model.id}}'); return this.visit('/specials/1').then(() => { this.assertText('1', 'The model was used to render the template'); }); } ['@test The Special Page returning a promise puts the app into a loading state until the promise is resolved']() { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id' }); }); let menuItem, resolve; let MenuItem = EmberObject.extend(); MenuItem.reopenClass({ find(id) { menuItem = MenuItem.create({ id: id }); return new RSVP.Promise(function(res) { resolve = res; }); }, }); this.add('model:menu_item', MenuItem); this.addTemplate('special', '


'); this.addTemplate('loading', '


'); let visited = this.visit('/specials/1'); this.assertText('LOADING!', 'The app is in the loading state'); resolve(menuItem); return visited.then(() => { this.assertText('1', 'The app is now in the specials state'); }); } [`@test The loading state doesn't get entered for promises that resolve on the same run loop`]( assert ) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id' }); }); let MenuItem = EmberObject.extend(); MenuItem.reopenClass({ find(id) { return { id: id }; }, }); this.add('model:menu_item', MenuItem); this.add( 'route:loading', Route.extend({ enter() { assert.ok(false, "LoadingRoute shouldn't have been entered."); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('special', '


'); this.addTemplate('loading', '


'); return this.visit('/specials/1').then(() => { let text = this.$('p').text(); assert.equal(text, '1', 'The app is now in the specials state'); }); } ["@test The Special page returning an error invokes SpecialRoute's error handler"](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id' }); }); let menuItem, promise, resolve; let MenuItem = EmberObject.extend(); MenuItem.reopenClass({ find(id) { menuItem = MenuItem.create({ id: id }); promise = new RSVP.Promise(res => (resolve = res)); return promise; }, }); this.add('model:menu_item', MenuItem); this.add( 'route:special', Route.extend({ setup() { throw 'Setup error'; }, actions: { error(reason) { assert.equal( reason, 'Setup error', 'SpecialRoute#error received the error thrown from setup' ); return true; }, }, }) ); this.handleURLRejectsWith(this, assert, 'specials/1', 'Setup error'); run(() => resolve(menuItem)); } ["@test ApplicationRoute's default error handler can be overridden"](assert) { assert.expect(2); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id' }); }); let menuItem, resolve; let MenuItem = EmberObject.extend(); MenuItem.reopenClass({ find(id) { menuItem = MenuItem.create({ id: id }); return new RSVP.Promise(res => (resolve = res)); }, }); this.add('model:menu_item', MenuItem); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ actions: { error(reason) { assert.equal( reason, 'Setup error', 'error was correctly passed to custom ApplicationRoute handler' ); return true; }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:special', Route.extend({ setup() { throw 'Setup error'; }, }) ); this.handleURLRejectsWith(this, assert, '/specials/1', 'Setup error'); run(() => resolve(menuItem)); } ['@test Moving from one page to another triggers the correct callbacks'](assert) { assert.expect(3); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id' }); }); let MenuItem = EmberObject.extend(); MenuItem.reopenClass({ find(id) { return MenuItem.create({ id: id }); }, }); this.add('model:menu_item', MenuItem); this.addTemplate('home', '


'); this.addTemplate('special', '


'); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { this.assertText('Home', 'The app is now in the initial state'); let promiseContext = MenuItem.create({ id: 1 }); return this.visit('/specials/1', promiseContext); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentURL, '/specials/1'); this.assertText('1', 'The app is now transitioned'); }); } ['@test Nested callbacks are not exited when moving to siblings'](assert) { let rootSetup = 0; let rootRender = 0; let rootModel = 0; let rootSerialize = 0; let menuItem; let rootElement; let MenuItem = EmberObject.extend(); MenuItem.reopenClass({ find(id) { menuItem = MenuItem.create({ id: id }); return menuItem; }, }); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }, function() { this.route('special', { path: '/specials/:menu_item_id', resetNamespace: true, }); }); }); this.add( 'route:root', Route.extend({ model() { rootModel++; return this._super(...arguments); }, setupController() { rootSetup++; }, renderTemplate() { rootRender++; }, serialize() { rootSerialize++; return this._super(...arguments); }, }) ); this.add('route:loading', Route.extend({})); this.add('route:home', Route.extend({})); this.add( 'route:special', Route.extend({ model({ menu_item_id }) { return MenuItem.find(menu_item_id); }, setupController(controller, model) { set(controller, 'model', model); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('root.index', '


'); this.addTemplate('special', '


'); this.addTemplate('loading', '


'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('h3')), 'Home', 'The app is now in the initial state' ); assert.equal(rootSetup, 1, 'The root setup was triggered'); assert.equal(rootRender, 1, 'The root render was triggered'); assert.equal(rootSerialize, 0, 'The root serialize was not called'); assert.equal(rootModel, 1, 'The root model was called'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); let menuItem = MenuItem.create({ id: 1 }); return router.transitionTo('special', menuItem).then(function() { assert.equal(rootSetup, 1, 'The root setup was not triggered again'); assert.equal(rootRender, 1, 'The root render was not triggered again'); assert.equal(rootSerialize, 0, 'The root serialize was not called'); // TODO: Should this be changed? assert.equal(rootModel, 1, 'The root model was called again'); assert.deepEqual(router.location.path, '/specials/1'); assert.equal(router.currentPath, 'root.special'); }); }); } ['@test Events are triggered on the controller if a matching action name is implemented']( assert ) { let done = assert.async(); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); let model = { name: 'Tom Dale' }; let stateIsNotCalled = true; this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ model() { return model; }, actions: { showStuff() { stateIsNotCalled = false; }, }, }) ); this.addTemplate('home', '{{name}}'); this.add( 'controller:home', Controller.extend({ actions: { showStuff(context) { assert.ok(stateIsNotCalled, 'an event on the state is not triggered'); assert.deepEqual(context, { name: 'Tom Dale' }, 'an event with context is passed'); done(); }, }, }) ); this.visit('/').then(() => { document .getElementById('qunit-fixture') .querySelector('a') .click(); }); } ['@test Events are triggered on the current state when defined in `actions` object'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); let model = { name: 'Tom Dale' }; let HomeRoute = Route.extend({ model() { return model; }, actions: { showStuff(obj) { assert.ok(this instanceof HomeRoute, 'the handler is an App.HomeRoute'); assert.deepEqual( Object.assign({}, obj), { name: 'Tom Dale' }, 'the context is correct' ); done(); }, }, }); this.add('route:home', HomeRoute); this.addTemplate('home', '{{model.name}}'); this.visit('/').then(() => { document .getElementById('qunit-fixture') .querySelector('a') .click(); }); } ['@test Events defined in `actions` object are triggered on the current state when routes are nested']( assert ) { let done = assert.async(); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }, function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); }); let model = { name: 'Tom Dale' }; let RootRoute = Route.extend({ actions: { showStuff(obj) { assert.ok(this instanceof RootRoute, 'the handler is an App.HomeRoute'); assert.deepEqual( Object.assign({}, obj), { name: 'Tom Dale' }, 'the context is correct' ); done(); }, }, }); this.add('route:root', RootRoute); this.add( 'route:root.index', Route.extend({ model() { return model; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('root.index', '{{model.name}}'); this.visit('/').then(() => { document .getElementById('qunit-fixture') .querySelector('a') .click(); }); } ['@test Events can be handled by inherited event handlers'](assert) { assert.expect(4); let SuperRoute = Route.extend({ actions: { foo() { assert.ok(true, 'foo'); }, bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO', 'bar hander in super route'); }, }, }); let RouteMixin = Mixin.create({ actions: { bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO', 'bar handler in mixin'); this._super(msg); }, }, }); this.add( 'route:home', SuperRoute.extend(RouteMixin, { actions: { baz() { assert.ok(true, 'baz', 'baz hander in route'); }, }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'home', ` Do foo Do bar with arg Do bar ` ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); rootElement.querySelector('.do-foo').click(); rootElement.querySelector('.do-bar-with-arg').click(); rootElement.querySelector('.do-baz').click(); }); } ['@test Actions are not triggered on the controller if a matching action name is implemented as a method']( assert ) { let done = assert.async(); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); let model = { name: 'Tom Dale' }; let stateIsNotCalled = true; this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ model() { return model; }, actions: { showStuff(context) { assert.ok(stateIsNotCalled, 'an event on the state is not triggered'); assert.deepEqual(context, { name: 'Tom Dale' }, 'an event with context is passed'); done(); }, }, }) ); this.addTemplate('home', '{{name}}'); this.add( 'controller:home', Controller.extend({ showStuff() { stateIsNotCalled = false; assert.ok(stateIsNotCalled, 'an event on the state is not triggered'); }, }) ); this.visit('/').then(() => { document .getElementById('qunit-fixture') .querySelector('a') .click(); }); } ['@test actions can be triggered with multiple arguments'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }, function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); }); let model1 = { name: 'Tilde' }; let model2 = { name: 'Tom Dale' }; let RootRoute = Route.extend({ actions: { showStuff(obj1, obj2) { assert.ok(this instanceof RootRoute, 'the handler is an App.HomeRoute'); assert.deepEqual( Object.assign({}, obj1), { name: 'Tilde' }, 'the first context is correct' ); assert.deepEqual( Object.assign({}, obj2), { name: 'Tom Dale' }, 'the second context is correct' ); done(); }, }, }); this.add('route:root', RootRoute); this.add( 'controller:root.index', Controller.extend({ model1: model1, model2: model2, }) ); this.addTemplate('root.index', '{{model1.name}}'); this.visit('/').then(() => { document .getElementById('qunit-fixture') .querySelector('a') .click(); }); } ['@test transitioning multiple times in a single run loop only sets the URL once'](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }); this.route('foo'); this.route('bar'); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let urlSetCount = 0; let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); router.get('location').setURL = function(path) { urlSetCount++; set(this, 'path', path); }; assert.equal(urlSetCount, 0); run(function() { router.transitionTo('foo'); router.transitionTo('bar'); }); assert.equal(urlSetCount, 1); assert.equal(router.get('location').getURL(), '/bar'); }); } ['@test navigating away triggers a url property change'](assert) { assert.expect(3); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }); this.route('foo', { path: '/foo' }); this.route('bar', { path: '/bar' }); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); addObserver(router, 'url', function() { assert.ok(true, 'url change event was fired'); }); ['foo', 'bar', '/foo'].forEach(destination => run(router, 'transitionTo', destination)); }); } ['@test using replaceWith calls location.replaceURL if available'](assert) { let setCount = 0; let replaceCount = 0; this.router.reopen({ location: NoneLocation.create({ setURL(path) { setCount++; set(this, 'path', path); }, replaceURL(path) { replaceCount++; set(this, 'path', path); }, }), }); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }); this.route('foo'); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(setCount, 1); assert.equal(replaceCount, 0); run(() => router.replaceWith('foo')); assert.equal(setCount, 1, 'should not call setURL'); assert.equal(replaceCount, 1, 'should call replaceURL once'); assert.equal(router.get('location').getURL(), '/foo'); }); } ['@test using replaceWith calls setURL if location.replaceURL is not defined'](assert) { let setCount = 0; this.router.reopen({ location: NoneLocation.create({ setURL(path) { setCount++; set(this, 'path', path); }, }), }); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }); this.route('foo'); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(setCount, 1); run(() => router.replaceWith('foo')); assert.equal(setCount, 2, 'should call setURL once'); assert.equal(router.get('location').getURL(), '/foo'); }); } ['@test Route inherits model from parent route'](assert) { assert.expect(9); this.router.map(function() { this.route('the-post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' }, function() { this.route('comments'); this.route('shares', { path: '/shares/:share_id', resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('share'); }); }); }); let post1 = {}; let post2 = {}; let post3 = {}; let share1 = {}; let share2 = {}; let share3 = {}; let posts = { 1: post1, 2: post2, 3: post3, }; let shares = { 1: share1, 2: share2, 3: share3, }; this.add( 'route:the-post', Route.extend({ model(params) { return posts[params.post_id]; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:the-post.comments', Route.extend({ afterModel(post /*, transition */) { let parent_model = this.modelFor('the-post'); assert.equal(post, parent_model); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:shares', Route.extend({ model(params) { return shares[params.share_id]; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:shares.share', Route.extend({ afterModel(share /*, transition */) { let parent_model = this.modelFor('shares'); assert.equal(share, parent_model); }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts/1/comments') .then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'url: /posts/1/comments was handled'); return this.visit('/posts/1/shares/1'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'url: /posts/1/shares/1 was handled'); return this.visit('/posts/2/comments'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'url: /posts/2/comments was handled'); return this.visit('/posts/2/shares/2'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'url: /posts/2/shares/2 was handled'); return this.visit('/posts/3/comments'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'url: /posts/3/shares was handled'); return this.visit('/posts/3/shares/3'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, 'url: /posts/3/shares/3 was handled'); }); } ['@test Routes with { resetNamespace: true } inherits model from parent route'](assert) { assert.expect(6); this.router.map(function() { this.route('the-post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' }, function() { this.route('comments', { resetNamespace: true }, function() {}); }); }); let post1 = {}; let post2 = {}; let post3 = {}; let posts = { 1: post1, 2: post2, 3: post3, }; this.add( 'route:the-post', Route.extend({ model(params) { return posts[params.post_id]; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:comments', Route.extend({ afterModel(post /*, transition */) { let parent_model = this.modelFor('the-post'); assert.equal(post, parent_model); }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts/1/comments') .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/1/comments'); return this.visit('/posts/2/comments'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/2/comments'); return this.visit('/posts/3/comments'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/3/comments'); }); } ['@test It is possible to get the model from a parent route'](assert) { assert.expect(6); this.router.map(function() { this.route('the-post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' }, function() { this.route('comments', { resetNamespace: true }); }); }); let post1 = {}; let post2 = {}; let post3 = {}; let currentPost; let posts = { 1: post1, 2: post2, 3: post3, }; this.add( 'route:the-post', Route.extend({ model(params) { return posts[params.post_id]; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:comments', Route.extend({ model() { assert.equal(this.modelFor('the-post'), currentPost); }, }) ); currentPost = post1; return this.visit('/posts/1/comments') .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/1/comments has been handled'); currentPost = post2; return this.visit('/posts/2/comments'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/2/comments has been handled'); currentPost = post3; return this.visit('/posts/3/comments'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/3/comments has been handled'); }); } ['@test A redirection hook is provided'](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('choose', { path: '/' }); this.route('home'); }); let chooseFollowed = 0; let destination = 'home'; this.add( 'route:choose', Route.extend({ redirect() { if (destination) { this.transitionTo(destination); } }, setupController() { chooseFollowed++; }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( chooseFollowed, 0, "The choose route wasn't entered since a transition occurred" ); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelectorAll('h3.hours').length, 1, 'The home template was rendered' ); assert.equal( this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:application').get('currentPath'), 'home' ); }); } ['@test Redirecting from the middle of a route aborts the remainder of the routes'](assert) { assert.expect(3); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home'); this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('baz'); }); }); }); this.add( 'route:bar', Route.extend({ redirect() { this.transitionTo('home'); }, setupController() { assert.ok(false, 'Should transition before setupController'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:bar-baz', Route.extend({ enter() { assert.ok(false, 'Should abort transition getting to next route'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); this.handleURLAborts(assert, '/foo/bar/baz'); assert.equal( this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:application').get('currentPath'), 'home' ); assert.equal(router.get('location').getURL(), '/home'); }); } ['@test Redirecting to the current target in the middle of a route does not abort initial routing']( assert ) { assert.expect(5); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home'); this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('baz'); }); }); }); let successCount = 0; this.add( 'route:bar', Route.extend({ redirect() { return this.transitionTo('bar.baz').then(function() { successCount++; }); }, setupController() { assert.ok(true, "Should still invoke bar's setupController"); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:bar.baz', Route.extend({ setupController() { assert.ok(true, "Should still invoke bar.baz's setupController"); }, }) ); return this.visit('/foo/bar/baz').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/foo/bar/baz has been handled'); assert.equal( this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:application').get('currentPath'), 'foo.bar.baz' ); assert.equal(successCount, 1, 'transitionTo success handler was called once'); }); } ['@test Redirecting to the current target with a different context aborts the remainder of the routes']( assert ) { assert.expect(4); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home'); this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar', { path: 'bar/:id', resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('baz'); }); }); }); let model = { id: 2 }; let count = 0; this.add( 'route:bar', Route.extend({ afterModel() { if (count++ > 10) { assert.ok(false, 'infinite loop'); } else { this.transitionTo('bar.baz', model); } }, }) ); this.add( 'route:bar.baz', Route.extend({ setupController() { assert.ok(true, 'Should still invoke setupController'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { this.handleURLAborts(assert, '/foo/bar/1/baz'); assert.equal( this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:application').get('currentPath'), 'foo.bar.baz' ); assert.equal( this.applicationInstance .lookup('router:main') .get('location') .getURL(), '/foo/bar/2/baz' ); }); } ['@test Transitioning from a parent event does not prevent currentPath from being set']( assert ) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('foo', function() { this.route('bar', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('baz'); }); this.route('qux'); }); }); this.add( 'route:foo', Route.extend({ actions: { goToQux() { this.transitionTo('foo.qux'); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/foo/bar/baz').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/foo/bar/baz has been handled'); let applicationController = this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:application'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(applicationController.get('currentPath'), 'foo.bar.baz'); run(() => router.send('goToQux')); assert.equal(applicationController.get('currentPath'), 'foo.qux'); assert.equal(router.get('location').getURL(), '/foo/qux'); }); } ['@test Generated names can be customized when providing routes with dot notation'](assert) { assert.expect(4); this.addTemplate('index', '
'); this.addTemplate('application', "


"); this.addTemplate('foo', "
"); this.addTemplate('bar', "
"); this.addTemplate('bar.baz', '


'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('foo', { path: '/top' }, function() { this.route('bar', { path: '/middle', resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('baz', { path: '/bottom' }); }); }); }); this.add( 'route:foo', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { assert.ok(true, 'FooBarRoute was called'); return this._super(...arguments); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:bar.baz', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { assert.ok(true, 'BarBazRoute was called'); return this._super(...arguments); }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:bar', Controller.extend({ name: 'Bar', }) ); this.add( 'controller:bar.baz', Controller.extend({ name: 'BarBaz', }) ); return this.visit('/top/middle/bottom').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/top/middle/bottom has been handled'); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.main .middle .bottom p')), 'BarBazBottom!', 'The templates were rendered into their appropriate parents' ); }); } ["@test Child routes render into their parent route's template by default"](assert) { this.addTemplate('index', '
'); this.addTemplate('application', "


"); this.addTemplate('top', "
"); this.addTemplate('middle', "
"); this.addTemplate('middle.bottom', '


'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('top', function() { this.route('middle', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('bottom'); }); }); }); return this.visit('/top/middle/bottom').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/top/middle/bottom has been handled'); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.main .middle .bottom p')), 'Bottom!', 'The templates were rendered into their appropriate parents' ); }); } ['@test Child routes render into specified template'](assert) { this.addTemplate('index', '
'); this.addTemplate('application', "


"); this.addTemplate('top', "
"); this.addTemplate('middle', "
"); this.addTemplate('middle.bottom', '


'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('top', function() { this.route('middle', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('bottom'); }); }); }); this.add( 'route:middle.bottom', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('middle/bottom', { into: 'top' }); }, }) ); return this.visit('/top/middle/bottom').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/top/middle/bottom has been handled'); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelectorAll('.main .middle .bottom p').length, 0, 'should not render into the middle template' ); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.main .middle > p')), 'Bottom!', 'The template was rendered into the top template' ); }); } ['@test Rendering into specified template with slash notation'](assert) { this.addTemplate('person.profile', 'profile {{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('person.details', 'details!'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('person/profile'); this.render('person/details', { into: 'person/profile' }); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'profile details!', 'The templates were rendered' ); }); } ['@test Parent route context change'](assert) { let editCount = 0; let editedPostIds = emberA(); this.addTemplate('application', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('posts', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('post', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('post/index', 'showing'); this.addTemplate('post/edit', 'editing'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts', function() { this.route('post', { path: '/:postId', resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('edit'); }); }); }); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ actions: { showPost(context) { this.transitionTo('post', context); }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:post', Route.extend({ model(params) { return { id: params.postId }; }, serialize(model) { return { postId: model.id }; }, actions: { editPost() { this.transitionTo('post.edit'); }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:post.edit', Route.extend({ model() { let postId = this.modelFor('post').id; editedPostIds.push(postId); return null; }, setup() { this._super(...arguments); editCount++; }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts/1').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/1 has been handled'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); run(() => router.send('editPost')); run(() => router.send('showPost', { id: '2' })); run(() => router.send('editPost')); assert.equal(editCount, 2, 'set up the edit route twice without failure'); assert.deepEqual( editedPostIds, ['1', '2'], 'modelFor posts.post returns the right context' ); }); } ['@test Router accounts for rootURL on page load when using history location'](assert) { let rootURL = window.location.pathname + '/app'; let postsTemplateRendered = false; let setHistory; setHistory = function(obj, path) { obj.set('history', { state: { path: path } }); }; let location = HistoryLocation.create({ initState() { let path = rootURL + '/posts'; setHistory(this, path); this.set('location', { pathname: path, href: 'http://localhost/' + path, }); }, replaceState(path) { setHistory(this, path); }, pushState(path) { setHistory(this, path); }, }); this.router.reopen({ // location: 'historyTest', location, rootURL: rootURL, }); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts', { path: '/posts' }); }); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ model() {}, renderTemplate() { postsTemplateRendered = true; }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { assert.ok(postsTemplateRendered, 'Posts route successfully stripped from rootURL'); runDestroy(location); location = null; }); } ['@test The rootURL is passed properly to the location implementation'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let rootURL = '/blahzorz'; this.add( 'location:history-test', HistoryLocation.extend({ rootURL: 'this is not the URL you are looking for', history: { pushState() {}, }, initState() { assert.equal(this.get('rootURL'), rootURL); }, }) ); this.router.reopen({ location: 'history-test', rootURL: rootURL, // if we transition in this test we will receive failures // if the tests are run from a static file _doURLTransition() { return RSVP.resolve(''); }, }); return this.visit('/'); } ['@test Only use route rendered into main outlet for default into property on child'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', "{{outlet 'menu'}}{{outlet}}"); this.addTemplate('posts', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('posts.index', '


'); this.addTemplate('posts.menu', '
'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts', function() {}); }); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render(); this.render('posts/menu', { into: 'application', outlet: 'menu', }); }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts has been handled'); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-menu')), 'postsMenu', 'The posts/menu template was rendered' ); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p.posts-index')), 'postsIndex', 'The posts/index template was rendered' ); }); } ['@test Generating a URL should not affect currentModel'](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' }); }); let posts = { 1: { id: 1 }, 2: { id: 2 }, }; this.add( 'route:post', Route.extend({ model(params) { return posts[params.post_id]; }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts/1').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts/1 has been handled'); let route = this.applicationInstance.lookup('route:post'); assert.equal(route.modelFor('post'), posts[1]); let url = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main').generate('post', posts[2]); assert.equal(url, '/posts/2'); assert.equal(route.modelFor('post'), posts[1]); }); } ["@test Nested index route is not overridden by parent's implicit index route"](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts', function() { this.route('index', { path: ':category' }); }); }); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); return router.transitionTo('posts', { category: 'emberjs' }); }) .then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.deepEqual(router.location.path, '/posts/emberjs'); }); } ['@test Application template does not duplicate when re-rendered'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', '

I render once

{{outlet}}'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts'); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ model() { return emberA(); }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts has been handled'); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('h3.render-once')), 'I render once'); }); } ['@test Child routes should render inside the application template if the application template causes a redirect']( assert ) { this.addTemplate('application', '


{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('posts', 'posts'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts'); this.route('photos'); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ afterModel() { this.transitionTo('posts'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'App posts'); }); } ["@test The template is not re-rendered when the route's context changes"](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('page', { path: '/page/:name' }); }); this.add( 'route:page', Route.extend({ model(params) { return EmberObject.create({ name: params.name }); }, }) ); let insertionCount = 0; this.add( 'component:foo-bar', Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { insertionCount += 1; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('page', '


'); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); return this.visit('/page/first') .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/page/first has been handled'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'first'); assert.equal(insertionCount, 1); return this.visit('/page/second'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/page/second has been handled'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'second'); assert.equal(insertionCount, 1, 'view should have inserted only once'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); return run(() => router.transitionTo('page', EmberObject.create({ name: 'third' }))); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'third'); assert.equal(insertionCount, 1, 'view should still have inserted only once'); }); } ['@test The template is not re-rendered when two routes present the exact same template & controller']( assert ) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('first'); this.route('second'); this.route('third'); this.route('fourth'); }); // Note add a component to test insertion let insertionCount = 0; this.add( 'component:x-input', Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { insertionCount += 1; }, }) ); let SharedRoute = Route.extend({ setupController() { this.controllerFor('shared').set('message', 'This is the ' + this.routeName + ' message'); }, renderTemplate() { this.render('shared', { controller: 'shared' }); }, }); this.add('route:shared', SharedRoute); this.add('route:first', SharedRoute.extend()); this.add('route:second', SharedRoute.extend()); this.add('route:third', SharedRoute.extend()); this.add('route:fourth', SharedRoute.extend()); this.add('controller:shared', Controller.extend()); this.addTemplate('shared', '


'); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); return this.visit('/first') .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/first has been handled'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'This is the first message'); assert.equal(insertionCount, 1, 'expected one assertion'); return this.visit('/second'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/second has been handled'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'This is the second message'); assert.equal(insertionCount, 1, 'expected one assertion'); return run(() => { this.applicationInstance .lookup('router:main') .transitionTo('third') .then( function() { assert.ok(true, 'expected transition'); }, function(reason) { assert.ok(false, 'unexpected transition failure: ', QUnit.jsDump.parse(reason)); } ); }); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'This is the third message'); assert.equal(insertionCount, 1, 'expected one assertion'); return this.visit('fourth'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/fourth has been handled'); assert.equal(insertionCount, 1, 'expected one assertion'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'This is the fourth message'); }); } ['@test ApplicationRoute with model does not proxy the currentPath'](assert) { let model = {}; let currentPath; this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ model() { return model; }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:application', Controller.extend({ currentPathDidChange: observer('currentPath', function() { currentPath = this.currentPath; }), }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { assert.equal(currentPath, 'index', 'currentPath is index'); assert.equal( 'currentPath' in model, false, 'should have defined currentPath on controller' ); }); } ['@test Promises encountered on app load put app into loading state until resolved'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let deferred = RSVP.defer(); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ model() { return deferred.promise; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('index', '


'); this.addTemplate('loading', '


'); run(() => this.visit('/')); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'LOADING', 'The loading state is displaying.' ); run(deferred.resolve); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p')), 'INDEX', 'The index route is display.' ); } ['@test Route should tear down multiple outlets'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', "{{outlet 'menu'}}{{outlet}}{{outlet 'footer'}}"); this.addTemplate('posts', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('users', 'users'); this.addTemplate('posts.index', '


'); this.addTemplate('posts.menu', '
'); this.addTemplate('posts.footer', ''); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts', function() {}); this.route('users', function() {}); }); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('posts/menu', { into: 'application', outlet: 'menu', }); this.render(); this.render('posts/footer', { into: 'application', outlet: 'footer', }); }, }) ); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); return this.visit('/posts') .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts has been handled'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-menu')), 'postsMenu', 'The posts/menu template was rendered' ); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('p.posts-index')), 'postsIndex', 'The posts/index template was rendered' ); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-footer')), 'postsFooter', 'The posts/footer template was rendered' ); return this.visit('/users'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/users has been handled'); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-menu'), null, 'The posts/menu template was removed' ); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('p.posts-index'), null, 'The posts/index template was removed' ); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-footer'), null, 'The posts/footer template was removed' ); }); } ['@test Route will assert if you try to explicitly render {into: ...} a missing template']() { expectDeprecation( /Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated./ ); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ into: 'nonexistent' }); }, }) ); expectAssertion( () => this.visit('/'), "You attempted to render into 'nonexistent' but it was not found" ); } ['@test Route supports clearing outlet explicitly'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', "{{outlet}}{{outlet 'modal'}}"); this.addTemplate('posts', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('users', 'users'); this.addTemplate('posts.index', '
postsIndex {{outlet}}
'); this.addTemplate('posts.modal', '
'); this.addTemplate('posts.extra', '
'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts', function() {}); this.route('users', function() {}); }); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ actions: { showModal() { this.render('posts/modal', { into: 'application', outlet: 'modal', }); }, hideModal() { this.disconnectOutlet({ outlet: 'modal', parentView: 'application', }); }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:posts.index', Route.extend({ actions: { showExtra() { this.render('posts/extra', { into: 'posts/index', }); }, hideExtra() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'posts/index' }); }, }, }) ); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); return this.visit('/posts') .then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-index')), 'postsIndex', 'The posts/index template was rendered' ); run(() => router.send('showModal')); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-modal')), 'postsModal', 'The posts/modal template was rendered' ); run(() => router.send('showExtra')); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-extra')), 'postsExtra', 'The posts/extra template was rendered' ); run(() => router.send('hideModal')); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-modal'), null, 'The posts/modal template was removed' ); run(() => router.send('hideExtra')); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-extra'), null, 'The posts/extra template was removed' ); run(function() { router.send('showModal'); }); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-modal')), 'postsModal', 'The posts/modal template was rendered' ); run(function() { router.send('showExtra'); }); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-extra')), 'postsExtra', 'The posts/extra template was rendered' ); return this.visit('/users'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-index'), null, 'The posts/index template was removed' ); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-modal'), null, 'The posts/modal template was removed' ); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-extra'), null, 'The posts/extra template was removed' ); }); } ['@test Route supports clearing outlet using string parameter'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', "{{outlet}}{{outlet 'modal'}}"); this.addTemplate('posts', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('users', 'users'); this.addTemplate('posts.index', '
postsIndex {{outlet}}
'); this.addTemplate('posts.modal', '
'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts', function() {}); this.route('users', function() {}); }); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ actions: { showModal() { this.render('posts/modal', { into: 'application', outlet: 'modal', }); }, hideModal() { this.disconnectOutlet('modal'); }, }, }) ); let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); return this.visit('/posts') .then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-index')), 'postsIndex', 'The posts/index template was rendered' ); run(() => router.send('showModal')); assert.equal( getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-modal')), 'postsModal', 'The posts/modal template was rendered' ); run(() => router.send('hideModal')); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-modal'), null, 'The posts/modal template was removed' ); return this.visit('/users'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-index'), null, 'The posts/index template was removed' ); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelector('div.posts-modal'), null, 'The posts/modal template was removed' ); }); } ['@test Route silently fails when cleaning an outlet from an inactive view'](assert) { assert.expect(1); // handleURL this.addTemplate('application', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('posts', "{{outlet 'modal'}}"); this.addTemplate('modal', 'A Yo.'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts'); }); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ actions: { hideSelf() { this.disconnectOutlet({ outlet: 'main', parentView: 'application', }); }, showModal() { this.render('modal', { into: 'posts', outlet: 'modal' }); }, hideModal() { this.disconnectOutlet({ outlet: 'modal', parentView: 'posts' }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/posts').then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/posts has been handled'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); run(() => router.send('showModal')); run(() => router.send('hideSelf')); run(() => router.send('hideModal')); }); } ['@test Router `willTransition` hook passes in cancellable transition'](assert) { // Should hit willTransition 3 times, once for the initial route, and then 2 more times // for the two handleURL calls below assert.expect(5); this.router.map(function() { this.route('nork'); this.route('about'); }); this.router.reopen({ willTransition(_, _2, transition) { assert.ok(true, 'willTransition was called'); if (transition.intent.url !== '/') { transition.abort(); } }, }); this.add( 'route:loading', Route.extend({ activate() { assert.ok(false, 'LoadingRoute was not entered'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:nork', Route.extend({ activate() { assert.ok(false, 'NorkRoute was not entered'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:about', Route.extend({ activate() { assert.ok(false, 'AboutRoute was not entered'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { this.handleURLAborts(assert, '/nork'); this.handleURLAborts(assert, '/about'); }); } ['@test Aborting/redirecting the transition in `willTransition` prevents LoadingRoute from being entered']( assert ) { assert.expect(5); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index'); this.route('nork'); this.route('about'); }); let redirect = false; this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ actions: { willTransition(transition) { assert.ok(true, 'willTransition was called'); if (redirect) { // router.js won't refire `willTransition` for this redirect this.transitionTo('about'); } else { transition.abort(); } }, }, }) ); let deferred = null; this.add( 'route:loading', Route.extend({ activate() { assert.ok(deferred, 'LoadingRoute should be entered at this time'); }, deactivate() { assert.ok(true, 'LoadingRoute was exited'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:nork', Route.extend({ activate() { assert.ok(true, 'NorkRoute was entered'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:about', Route.extend({ activate() { assert.ok(true, 'AboutRoute was entered'); }, model() { if (deferred) { return deferred.promise; } }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); // Attempted transitions out of index should abort. run(router, 'transitionTo', 'nork'); run(router, 'handleURL', '/nork'); // Attempted transitions out of index should redirect to about redirect = true; run(router, 'transitionTo', 'nork'); run(router, 'transitionTo', 'index'); // Redirected transitions out of index to a route with a // promise model should pause the transition and // activate LoadingRoute deferred = RSVP.defer(); run(router, 'transitionTo', 'nork'); run(deferred.resolve); }); } ['@test `didTransition` event fires on the router'](assert) { assert.expect(3); this.router.map(function() { this.route('nork'); }); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); router.one('didTransition', function() { assert.ok(true, 'didTransition fired on initial routing'); }); this.visit('/'); }) .then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); router.one('didTransition', function() { assert.ok(true, 'didTransition fired on the router'); assert.equal( router.get('url'), '/nork', 'The url property is updated by the time didTransition fires' ); }); return this.visit('/nork'); }); } ['@test `didTransition` can be reopened'](assert) { assert.expect(1); this.router.map(function() { this.route('nork'); }); this.router.reopen({ didTransition() { this._super(...arguments); assert.ok(true, 'reopened didTransition was called'); }, }); return this.visit('/'); } ['@test `activate` event fires on the route'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let eventFired = 0; this.router.map(function() { this.route('nork'); }); this.add( 'route:nork', Route.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); this.on('activate', function() { assert.equal(++eventFired, 1, 'activate event is fired once'); }); }, activate() { assert.ok(true, 'activate hook is called'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/nork'); } ['@test `deactivate` event fires on the route'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let eventFired = 0; this.router.map(function() { this.route('nork'); this.route('dork'); }); this.add( 'route:nork', Route.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); this.on('deactivate', function() { assert.equal(++eventFired, 1, 'deactivate event is fired once'); }); }, deactivate() { assert.ok(true, 'deactivate hook is called'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/nork').then(() => this.visit('/dork')); } ['@test Actions can be handled by inherited action handlers'](assert) { assert.expect(4); let SuperRoute = Route.extend({ actions: { foo() { assert.ok(true, 'foo'); }, bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO'); }, }, }); let RouteMixin = Mixin.create({ actions: { bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO'); this._super(msg); }, }, }); this.add( 'route:home', SuperRoute.extend(RouteMixin, { actions: { baz() { assert.ok(true, 'baz'); }, }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'home', ` Do foo Do bar with arg Do bar ` ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); rootElement.querySelector('.do-foo').click(); rootElement.querySelector('.do-bar-with-arg').click(); rootElement.querySelector('.do-baz').click(); }); } ['@test transitionTo returns Transition when passed a route name'](assert) { assert.expect(1); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }); this.route('bar'); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); let transition = run(() => router.transitionTo('bar')); assert.equal(transition instanceof Transition, true); }); } ['@test transitionTo returns Transition when passed a url'](assert) { assert.expect(1); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', { path: '/' }); this.route('bar', function() { this.route('baz'); }); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); let transition = run(() => router.transitionTo('/bar/baz')); assert.equal(transition instanceof Transition, true); }); } ['@test currentRouteName is a property installed on ApplicationController that can be used in transitionTo']( assert ) { assert.expect(24); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); this.route('be', function() { this.route('excellent', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('to', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('each', { resetNamespace: true }, function() { this.route('other'); }); }); }); }); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let appController = this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:application'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); function transitionAndCheck(path, expectedPath, expectedRouteName) { if (path) { run(router, 'transitionTo', path); } assert.equal(appController.get('currentPath'), expectedPath); assert.equal(appController.get('currentRouteName'), expectedRouteName); } transitionAndCheck(null, 'index', 'index'); transitionAndCheck('/be', 'be.index', 'be.index'); transitionAndCheck('/be/excellent', 'be.excellent.index', 'excellent.index'); transitionAndCheck('/be/excellent/to', 'be.excellent.to.index', 'to.index'); transitionAndCheck('/be/excellent/to/each', 'be.excellent.to.each.index', 'each.index'); transitionAndCheck( '/be/excellent/to/each/other', 'be.excellent.to.each.other', 'each.other' ); transitionAndCheck('index', 'index', 'index'); transitionAndCheck('be', 'be.index', 'be.index'); transitionAndCheck('excellent', 'be.excellent.index', 'excellent.index'); transitionAndCheck('to.index', 'be.excellent.to.index', 'to.index'); transitionAndCheck('each', 'be.excellent.to.each.index', 'each.index'); transitionAndCheck('each.other', 'be.excellent.to.each.other', 'each.other'); }); } ['@test Route model hook finds the same model as a manual find'](assert) { let post; let Post = EmberObject.extend(); this.add('model:post', Post); Post.reopenClass({ find() { post = this; return {}; }, }); this.router.map(function() { this.route('post', { path: '/post/:post_id' }); }); return this.visit('/post/1').then(() => { assert.equal(Post, post); }); } ['@test Routes can refresh themselves causing their model hooks to be re-run'](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('parent', { path: '/parent/:parent_id' }, function() { this.route('child'); }); }); let appcount = 0; this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ model() { ++appcount; }, }) ); let parentcount = 0; this.add( 'route:parent', Route.extend({ model(params) { assert.equal(params.parent_id, '123'); ++parentcount; }, actions: { refreshParent() { this.refresh(); }, }, }) ); let childcount = 0; this.add( 'route:parent.child', Route.extend({ model() { ++childcount; }, }) ); let router; return this.visit('/') .then(() => { router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(appcount, 1); assert.equal(parentcount, 0); assert.equal(childcount, 0); return run(router, 'transitionTo', 'parent.child', '123'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(appcount, 1); assert.equal(parentcount, 1); assert.equal(childcount, 1); return run(router, 'send', 'refreshParent'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(appcount, 1); assert.equal(parentcount, 2); assert.equal(childcount, 2); }); } ['@test Specifying non-existent controller name in route#render throws'](assert) { assert.expect(1); this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { expectAssertion(() => { this.render('homepage', { controller: 'stefanpenneristhemanforme', }); }, "You passed `controller: 'stefanpenneristhemanforme'` into the `render` method, but no such controller could be found."); }, }) ); return this.visit('/'); } ["@test Redirecting with null model doesn't error out"](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('home', { path: '/' }); this.route('about', { path: '/about/:hurhurhur' }); }); this.add( 'route:about', Route.extend({ serialize: function(model) { if (model === null) { return { hurhurhur: 'TreeklesMcGeekles' }; } }, }) ); this.add( 'route:home', Route.extend({ beforeModel() { this.transitionTo('about', null); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(router.get('location.path'), '/about/TreeklesMcGeekles'); }); } ['@test rejecting the model hooks promise with a non-error prints the `message` property']( assert ) { assert.expect(5); let rejectedMessage = 'OMG!! SOOOOOO BAD!!!!'; let rejectedStack = 'Yeah, buddy: stack gets printed too.'; this.router.map(function() { this.route('yippie', { path: '/' }); }); console.error = function(initialMessage, errorMessage, errorStack) { assert.equal( initialMessage, 'Error while processing route: yippie', 'a message with the current route name is printed' ); assert.equal( errorMessage, rejectedMessage, "the rejected reason's message property is logged" ); assert.equal(errorStack, rejectedStack, "the rejected reason's stack property is logged"); }; this.add( 'route:yippie', Route.extend({ model() { return RSVP.reject({ message: rejectedMessage, stack: rejectedStack, }); }, }) ); return assert.throws( () => { return this.visit('/'); }, function(err) { assert.equal(err.message, rejectedMessage); return true; }, 'expected an exception' ); } ['@test rejecting the model hooks promise with an error with `errorThrown` property prints `errorThrown.message` property']( assert ) { assert.expect(5); let rejectedMessage = 'OMG!! SOOOOOO BAD!!!!'; let rejectedStack = 'Yeah, buddy: stack gets printed too.'; this.router.map(function() { this.route('yippie', { path: '/' }); }); console.error = function(initialMessage, errorMessage, errorStack) { assert.equal( initialMessage, 'Error while processing route: yippie', 'a message with the current route name is printed' ); assert.equal( errorMessage, rejectedMessage, "the rejected reason's message property is logged" ); assert.equal(errorStack, rejectedStack, "the rejected reason's stack property is logged"); }; this.add( 'route:yippie', Route.extend({ model() { return RSVP.reject({ errorThrown: { message: rejectedMessage, stack: rejectedStack }, }); }, }) ); assert.throws( () => this.visit('/'), function(err) { assert.equal(err.message, rejectedMessage); return true; }, 'expected an exception' ); } ['@test rejecting the model hooks promise with no reason still logs error'](assert) { assert.expect(2); this.router.map(function() { this.route('wowzers', { path: '/' }); }); console.error = function(initialMessage) { assert.equal( initialMessage, 'Error while processing route: wowzers', 'a message with the current route name is printed' ); }; this.add( 'route:wowzers', Route.extend({ model() { return RSVP.reject(); }, }) ); return assert.throws(() => this.visit('/')); } ['@test rejecting the model hooks promise with a string shows a good error'](assert) { assert.expect(3); let rejectedMessage = 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'; this.router.map(function() { this.route('yondo', { path: '/' }); }); console.error = function(initialMessage, errorMessage) { assert.equal( initialMessage, 'Error while processing route: yondo', 'a message with the current route name is printed' ); assert.equal( errorMessage, rejectedMessage, "the rejected reason's message property is logged" ); }; this.add( 'route:yondo', Route.extend({ model() { return RSVP.reject(rejectedMessage); }, }) ); assert.throws(() => this.visit('/'), new RegExp(rejectedMessage), 'expected an exception'); } ["@test willLeave, willChangeContext, willChangeModel actions don't fire unless feature flag enabled"]( assert ) { assert.expect(1); this.router.map(function() { this.route('about'); }); function shouldNotFire() { assert.ok(false, "this action shouldn't have been received"); } this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ actions: { willChangeModel: shouldNotFire, willChangeContext: shouldNotFire, willLeave: shouldNotFire, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:about', Route.extend({ setupController() { assert.ok(true, 'about route was entered'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/about'); } ['@test Errors in transitionTo within redirect hook are logged'](assert) { assert.expect(4); let actual = []; this.router.map(function() { this.route('yondo', { path: '/' }); this.route('stink-bomb'); }); this.add( 'route:yondo', Route.extend({ redirect() { this.transitionTo('stink-bomb', { something: 'goes boom' }); }, }) ); console.error = function() { // push the arguments onto an array so we can detect if the error gets logged twice actual.push(arguments); }; assert.throws(() => this.visit('/'), /More context objects were passed/); assert.equal(actual.length, 1, 'the error is only logged once'); assert.equal(actual[0][0], 'Error while processing route: yondo', 'source route is printed'); assert.ok( actual[0][1].match( /More context objects were passed than there are dynamic segments for the route: stink-bomb/ ), 'the error is printed' ); } ['@test Errors in transition show error template if available'](assert) { this.addTemplate('error', "
"); this.router.map(function() { this.route('yondo', { path: '/' }); this.route('stink-bomb'); }); this.add( 'route:yondo', Route.extend({ redirect() { this.transitionTo('stink-bomb', { something: 'goes boom' }); }, }) ); console.error = () => {}; return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.querySelector('#qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelectorAll('#error').length, 1, 'Error template was rendered.' ); }); } ['@test Route#resetController gets fired when changing models and exiting routes'](assert) { assert.expect(4); this.router.map(function() { this.route('a', function() { this.route('b', { path: '/b/:id', resetNamespace: true }, function() {}); this.route('c', { path: '/c/:id', resetNamespace: true }, function() {}); }); this.route('out'); }); let calls = []; let SpyRoute = Route.extend({ setupController(/* controller, model, transition */) { calls.push(['setup', this.routeName]); }, resetController(/* controller */) { calls.push(['reset', this.routeName]); }, }); this.add('route:a', SpyRoute.extend()); this.add('route:b', SpyRoute.extend()); this.add('route:c', SpyRoute.extend()); this.add('route:out', SpyRoute.extend()); let router; return this.visit('/') .then(() => { router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.deepEqual(calls, []); return run(router, 'transitionTo', 'b', 'b-1'); }) .then(() => { assert.deepEqual(calls, [['setup', 'a'], ['setup', 'b']]); calls.length = 0; return run(router, 'transitionTo', 'c', 'c-1'); }) .then(() => { assert.deepEqual(calls, [['reset', 'b'], ['setup', 'c']]); calls.length = 0; return run(router, 'transitionTo', 'out'); }) .then(() => { assert.deepEqual(calls, [['reset', 'c'], ['reset', 'a'], ['setup', 'out']]); }); } ['@test Exception during initialization of non-initial route is not swallowed'](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('boom'); }); this.add( 'route:boom', Route.extend({ init() { throw new Error('boom!'); }, }) ); return assert.throws(() => this.visit('/boom'), /\bboom\b/); } ['@test Exception during initialization of initial route is not swallowed'](assert) { this.router.map(function() { this.route('boom', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:boom', Route.extend({ init() { throw new Error('boom!'); }, }) ); return assert.throws(() => this.visit('/'), /\bboom\b/); } ['@test {{outlet}} works when created after initial render'](assert) { this.addTemplate('sample', 'Hi{{#if showTheThing}}{{outlet}}{{/if}}Bye'); this.addTemplate('sample.inner', 'Yay'); this.addTemplate('sample.inner2', 'Boo'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('sample', { path: '/' }, function() { this.route('inner', { path: '/' }); this.route('inner2', { path: '/2' }); }); }); let rootElement; return this.visit('/') .then(() => { rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'HiBye', 'initial render'); run(() => this.applicationInstance.lookup('controller:sample').set('showTheThing', true)); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'HiYayBye', 'second render'); return this.visit('/2'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'HiBooBye', 'third render'); }); } ['@test Can render into a named outlet at the top level'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', 'A-{{outlet}}-B-{{outlet "other"}}-C'); this.addTemplate('modal', 'Hello world'); this.addTemplate('index', 'The index'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render(); this.render('modal', { into: 'application', outlet: 'other', }); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'A-The index-B-Hello world-C', 'initial render' ); }); } ['@test Can disconnect a named outlet at the top level'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', 'A-{{outlet}}-B-{{outlet "other"}}-C'); this.addTemplate('modal', 'Hello world'); this.addTemplate('index', 'The index'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render(); this.render('modal', { into: 'application', outlet: 'other', }); }, actions: { banish() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'application', outlet: 'other', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'A-The index-B-Hello world-C', 'initial render' ); run(this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'), 'send', 'banish'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'A-The index-B--C', 'second render'); }); } ['@test Can render into a named outlet at the top level, with empty main outlet'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', 'A-{{outlet}}-B-{{outlet "other"}}-C'); this.addTemplate('modal', 'Hello world'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('hasNoTemplate', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render(); this.render('modal', { into: 'application', outlet: 'other', }); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'A--B-Hello world-C', 'initial render'); }); } ['@test Can render into a named outlet at the top level, later'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', 'A-{{outlet}}-B-{{outlet "other"}}-C'); this.addTemplate('modal', 'Hello world'); this.addTemplate('index', 'The index'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ actions: { launch() { this.render('modal', { into: 'application', outlet: 'other', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'A-The index-B--C', 'initial render'); run(this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'), 'send', 'launch'); assert.equal( rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'A-The index-B-Hello world-C', 'second render' ); }); } ["@test Can render routes with no 'main' outlet and their children"](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', '
{{outlet "app"}}
'); this.addTemplate( 'app', '
{{outlet "common"}}
{{outlet "sub"}}
' ); this.addTemplate('common', '
'); this.addTemplate('sub', '
'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('app', { path: '/app' }, function() { this.route('sub', { path: '/sub', resetNamespace: true }); }); }); this.add( 'route:app', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('app', { outlet: 'app', into: 'application', }); this.render('common', { outlet: 'common', into: 'app', }); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:sub', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('sub', { outlet: 'sub', into: 'app', }); }, }) ); let rootElement; return this.visit('/app') .then(() => { rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelectorAll('#app-common #common').length, 1, 'Finds common while viewing /app' ); return this.visit('/app/sub'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal( rootElement.querySelectorAll('#app-common #common').length, 1, 'Finds common while viewing /app/sub' ); assert.equal( rootElement.querySelectorAll('#app-sub #sub').length, 1, 'Finds sub while viewing /app/sub' ); }); } ['@test Tolerates stacked renders'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', '{{outlet}}{{outlet "modal"}}'); this.addTemplate('index', 'hi'); this.addTemplate('layer', 'layer'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ actions: { openLayer() { this.render('layer', { into: 'application', outlet: 'modal', }); }, close() { this.disconnectOutlet({ outlet: 'modal', parentView: 'application', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'hi'); run(router, 'send', 'openLayer'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'hilayer'); run(router, 'send', 'openLayer'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'hilayer'); run(router, 'send', 'close'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'hi'); }); } ['@test Renders child into parent with non-default template name'](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', '
'); this.addTemplate('exports.root', '
'); this.addTemplate('exports.index', '
'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('root', function() {}); }); this.add( 'route:root', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('exports/root'); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:root.index', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render('exports/index'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/root').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); assert.equal(rootElement.querySelectorAll('.a .b .c').length, 1); }); } ["@test Allows any route to disconnectOutlet another route's templates"](assert) { this.addTemplate('application', '{{outlet}}{{outlet "modal"}}'); this.addTemplate('index', 'hi'); this.addTemplate('layer', 'layer'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ actions: { openLayer() { this.render('layer', { into: 'application', outlet: 'modal', }); }, }, }) ); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ actions: { close() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'application', outlet: 'modal', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'hi'); run(router, 'send', 'openLayer'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'hilayer'); run(router, 'send', 'close'); assert.equal(rootElement.textContent.trim(), 'hi'); }); } ['@test Can this.render({into:...}) the render helper'](assert) { expectDeprecation( /Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated./ ); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('application', '{{render "sidebar"}}'); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.addTemplate('sidebar', ''); this.addTemplate('index', 'other'); this.addTemplate('bar', 'bar'); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ into: 'sidebar' }); }, actions: { changeToBar() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'sidebar', outlet: 'main', }); this.render('bar', { into: 'sidebar' }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar')), 'other'); run(router, 'send', 'changeToBar'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar')), 'bar'); }); } ['@test Can disconnect from the render helper'](assert) { expectDeprecation( /Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated./ ); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('application', '{{render "sidebar"}}'); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.addTemplate('sidebar', ''); this.addTemplate('index', 'other'); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ into: 'sidebar' }); }, actions: { disconnect: function() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'sidebar', outlet: 'main', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar')), 'other'); run(router, 'send', 'disconnect'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar')), ''); }); } ["@test Can this.render({into:...}) the render helper's children"](assert) { expectDeprecation( /Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated./ ); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('application', '{{render "sidebar"}}'); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); this.addTemplate('sidebar', ''); this.addTemplate('index', '
'); this.addTemplate('other', 'other'); this.addTemplate('bar', 'bar'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ into: 'sidebar' }); this.render('other', { into: 'index' }); }, actions: { changeToBar() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'index', outlet: 'main', }); this.render('bar', { into: 'index' }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar .index')), 'other'); run(router, 'send', 'changeToBar'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar .index')), 'bar'); }); } ["@test Can disconnect from the render helper's children"](assert) { expectDeprecation( /Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated./ ); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('application', '{{render "sidebar"}}'); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.addTemplate('sidebar', ''); this.addTemplate('index', '
'); this.addTemplate('other', 'other'); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ into: 'sidebar' }); this.render('other', { into: 'index' }); }, actions: { disconnect() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'index', outlet: 'main', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar .index')), 'other'); run(router, 'send', 'disconnect'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.sidebar .index')), ''); }); } ['@test Can this.render({into:...}) nested render helpers'](assert) { expectDeprecation( /Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated./ ); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('application', '{{render "sidebar"}}'); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('sidebar', ''); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.addTemplate('cart', '
'); this.addTemplate('index', 'other'); this.addTemplate('baz', 'baz'); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ into: 'cart' }); }, actions: { changeToBaz() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'cart', outlet: 'main', }); this.render('baz', { into: 'cart' }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.cart')), 'other'); run(router, 'send', 'changeToBaz'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.cart')), 'baz'); }); } ['@test Can disconnect from nested render helpers'](assert) { expectDeprecation( /Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated./ ); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('application', '{{render "sidebar"}}'); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); expectDeprecation(() => { this.addTemplate('sidebar', ''); }, /Please refactor [\w\{\}"` ]+ to a component/); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.addTemplate('cart', '
'); this.addTemplate('index', 'other'); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render({ into: 'cart' }); }, actions: { disconnect() { this.disconnectOutlet({ parentView: 'cart', outlet: 'main', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let rootElement = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.cart')), 'other'); run(router, 'send', 'disconnect'); assert.equal(getTextOf(rootElement.querySelector('.cart')), ''); }); } ['@test Components inside an outlet have their didInsertElement hook invoked when the route is displayed']( assert ) { this.addTemplate( 'index', '{{#if showFirst}}{{my-component}}{{else}}{{other-component}}{{/if}}' ); let myComponentCounter = 0; let otherComponentCounter = 0; let indexController; this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); }); this.add( 'controller:index', Controller.extend({ showFirst: true, }) ); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ setupController(controller) { indexController = controller; }, }) ); this.add( 'component:my-component', Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { myComponentCounter++; }, }) ); this.add( 'component:other-component', Component.extend({ didInsertElement() { otherComponentCounter++; }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { assert.strictEqual( myComponentCounter, 1, 'didInsertElement invoked on displayed component' ); assert.strictEqual( otherComponentCounter, 0, 'didInsertElement not invoked on displayed component' ); run(() => indexController.set('showFirst', false)); assert.strictEqual( myComponentCounter, 1, 'didInsertElement not invoked on displayed component' ); assert.strictEqual( otherComponentCounter, 1, 'didInsertElement invoked on displayed component' ); }); } ['@test Doesnt swallow exception thrown from willTransition'](assert) { assert.expect(1); this.addTemplate('application', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('index', 'index'); this.addTemplate('other', 'other'); this.router.map(function() { this.route('index', { path: '/' }); this.route('other', function() {}); }); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ actions: { willTransition() { throw new Error('boom'); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { return assert.throws( () => { return this.visit('/other'); }, /boom/, 'expected an exception but none was thrown' ); }); } ['@test Exception if outlet name is undefined in render and disconnectOutlet']() { this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ actions: { showModal() { this.render({ outlet: undefined, parentView: 'application', }); }, hideModal() { this.disconnectOutlet({ outlet: undefined, parentView: 'application', }); }, }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); expectAssertion(() => { run(() => router.send('showModal')); }, /You passed undefined as the outlet name/); expectAssertion(() => { run(() => router.send('hideModal')); }, /You passed undefined as the outlet name/); }); } ['@test Route serializers work for Engines'](assert) { assert.expect(2); // Register engine let BlogEngine = Engine.extend(); this.add('engine:blog', BlogEngine); // Register engine route map let postSerialize = function(params) { assert.ok(true, 'serialize hook runs'); return { post_id: params.id, }; }; let BlogMap = function() { this.route('post', { path: '/post/:post_id', serialize: postSerialize, }); }; this.add('route-map:blog', BlogMap); this.router.map(function() { this.mount('blog'); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); assert.equal( router._routerMicrolib.generate('blog.post', { id: '13' }), '/blog/post/13', 'url is generated properly' ); }); } ['@test Defining a Route#serialize method in an Engine throws an error'](assert) { assert.expect(1); // Register engine let BlogEngine = Engine.extend(); this.add('engine:blog', BlogEngine); // Register engine route map let BlogMap = function() { this.route('post'); }; this.add('route-map:blog', BlogMap); this.router.map(function() { this.mount('blog'); }); return this.visit('/').then(() => { let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); let PostRoute = Route.extend({ serialize() {} }); this.applicationInstance.lookup('engine:blog').register('route:post', PostRoute); assert.throws( () => router.transitionTo('blog.post'), /Defining a custom serialize method on an Engine route is not supported/ ); }); } ['@test App.destroy does not leave undestroyed views after clearing engines'](assert) { assert.expect(4); let engineInstance; // Register engine let BlogEngine = Engine.extend(); this.add('engine:blog', BlogEngine); let EngineIndexRoute = Route.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); engineInstance = getOwner(this); }, }); // Register engine route map let BlogMap = function() { this.route('post'); }; this.add('route-map:blog', BlogMap); this.router.map(function() { this.mount('blog'); }); return this.visit('/') .then(() => { let engine = this.applicationInstance.lookup('engine:blog'); engine.register('route:index', EngineIndexRoute); engine.register('template:index', compile('Engine Post!')); return this.visit('/blog'); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(true, '/blog has been handled'); let route = engineInstance.lookup('route:index'); let router = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main'); run(router, 'destroy'); assert.equal(router._toplevelView, null, 'the toplevelView was cleared'); run(route, 'destroy'); assert.equal(router._toplevelView, null, 'the toplevelView was not reinitialized'); run(this.applicationInstance, 'destroy'); assert.equal(router._toplevelView, null, 'the toplevelView was not reinitialized'); }); } ["@test Generated route should be an instance of App's default route if provided"](assert) { let generatedRoute; this.router.map(function() { this.route('posts'); }); let AppRoute = Route.extend(); this.add('route:basic', AppRoute); return this.visit('/posts').then(() => { generatedRoute = this.applicationInstance.lookup('route:posts'); assert.ok(generatedRoute instanceof AppRoute, 'should extend the correct route'); }); } } );