scenarios ========= The idea behind 'scenarios' is simple. Scenarions are basically just organized bits of arbitrary ruby code. why? ---- Here's why scenarios were originally written ... you may use them however you wish! I had a Rails application and I wanted to be able to do something like this: $ rake scenarios:load SCENARIO=one_thousand_users ... which would put 1,000 users in the database. Sometimes, while testing out my application's functionality in a browser, I would want to setup some scenario to test. Maybe I'm working on X feature and it would be helpful if I had Y data in the database to work with. Typically, I would open up `script/console` and create abunchof Y data manually. But ... wouldn't it be useful if we could automate that? Also, our application requires *some* data to be in the database for the app to load properly. So we created a scenario that loads up the minimum amount of data required to run the app! how? ---- $ sudo gem install remi-scenarios -s then, if you're in a Rails project ... $ ./script/generate scenario Foo to see all defined scenarios ... $ rake scenarios to load a particular scenario ... $ rake scenarios:load NAME=my_scenario $ rake scenarios:load NAME=my_scenario,and_some_more_scenarios what else? ---------- more documentation to come soon! TODO ---- - i forgot to import the `scenarios` method so it's accessible from test / specs ... fix! - make the scenario directory for the generator configurable (and that dir should always be included in the Scenario loadpath - make all scenarios load within a specific context and add hooks so people can update/modify that context - write a spec to make sure that the load paths work properly and multiple directories can have scenarios with the same name ... the directories added last should override the previous ones. also make sure paths are uniq ... if i add 'foo' and 'foo' is already there, it should make foo the last path (move it to the end) - make sure this works when --trace is called