# intercom-ruby Ruby bindings for the Intercom API (https://developers.intercom.io/reference). [API Documentation](https://developers.intercom.io/docs) [Gem Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/github/intercom/intercom-ruby/master/frames) For generating Intercom javascript script tags for Rails, please see https://github.com/intercom/intercom-rails. ## Upgrading information Version 3 of intercom-ruby is not backwards compatible with previous versions. Version 3 moves away from a global setup approach to the use of an Intercom Client. This version of the gem is compatible with `Ruby 2.1` and above. ## Installation gem install intercom Using bundler: gem 'intercom', '~> 3.7.3' ## Basic Usage ### Configure your client > If you already have a personal access token you can find it [here](https://app.intercom.io/developers/_/access-token). If you want to create or learn more about personal access tokens then you can find more info [here](https://developers.intercom.io/docs/personal-access-tokens). ```ruby # With an OAuth or Personal Access token: intercom = Intercom::Client.new(token: 'my_token') ``` If you are building a third party application you can get your access_tokens by [setting-up-oauth](https://developers.intercom.io/page/setting-up-oauth) for Intercom. You can also use the [omniauth-intercom lib](https://github.com/intercom/omniauth-intercom) which is a middleware helping you to handle the authentication process with Intercom. ### Resources Resources this API supports: https://api.intercom.io/users https://api.intercom.io/contacts https://api.intercom.io/companies https://api.intercom.io/counts https://api.intercom.io/tags https://api.intercom.io/notes https://api.intercom.io/segments https://api.intercom.io/events https://api.intercom.io/conversations https://api.intercom.io/messages https://api.intercom.io/subscriptions https://api.intercom.io/jobs ### Examples #### Users ```ruby # Find user by email user = intercom.users.find(email: "bob@example.com") # Find user by user_id user = intercom.users.find(user_id: "1") # Find user by id user = intercom.users.find(id: "1") # Create a user user = intercom.users.create(email: "bob@example.com", name: "Bob Smith", signed_up_at: Time.now.to_i) # archive a user user = intercom.users.find(id: "1") archived_user = intercom.users.archive(user) # request a hard delete for a user (https://developers.intercom.com/intercom-api-reference/reference#delete-users) user = intercom.users.find(id: "1") deleted_user = intercom.users.request_hard_delete(user) # Update custom_attributes for a user user.custom_attributes["average_monthly_spend"] = 1234.56 intercom.users.save(user) # Perform incrementing user.increment('karma') intercom.users.save(user) # Perform decrementing user.decrement('karma', 5) intercom.users.save(user) # Iterate over all users intercom.users.all.each {|user| puts %Q(#{user.email} - #{user.custom_attributes["average_monthly_spend"]}) } intercom.users.all.map {|user| user.email } # List your users create in the last two days intercom.users.find_all(type: 'users', page: 1, per_page: 10, created_since: 2, order: :asc).to_a.each_with_index {|usr, i| puts "#{i+1}: #{usr.name}"}; # Paginate through your list of users choosing how many to return per page (default and max is 50 per page) intercom.users.find_all(type: 'users', page: 1, per_page: 10, order: :asc).to_a.each_with_index {|usr, i| puts "#{i+1}: #{usr.name}"} # Duplicate users? If you have duplicate users you can search for them via their email address. # Note this feature is only available from version 1.1 of the API so you will need to switch to that version # This will return multiple users if they have the same email address usrs = intercom.users.find_all(type: 'users', email: 'myemail@example.com', page: 1, per_page: 10, order: :asc) # This returns a user.list so you can access it via usrs.to_a.each_with_index {|usr, i| puts "#{i+1}: #{usr.id}"}; # If you have over 10,000 users then you will need to use the scroll function to list your users # otherwise you will encounter a page limit with list all your users # You can use the scroll method to list all your users intercom.users.scroll.each { |user| puts user.name} # Alternatively you can use the scroll.next method to get 100 users with each request result = intercom.users.scroll.next # The result object then contains a records attributes that is an array of your user objects and it also contains a scroll_param which # you can then use to request the next 100 users. Note that the scroll parameter will time out after one minute and you will need to # make a new request result.scroll_param => "0730e341-63ef-44da-ab9c-9113f886326d" result = intercom.users.scroll.next("0730e341-63ef-44da-ab9c-9113f886326d"); ``` #### Admins ```ruby # Find access token owner (only with Personal Access Token and OAuth) intercom.admins.me # Find an admin by id intercom.admins.find(id: admin_id) # Iterate over all admins intercom.admins.all.each {|admin| puts admin.email } ``` #### Companies ```ruby # Add a user to one or more companies user = intercom.users.find(email: "bob@example.com") user.companies = [{company_id: 6, name: "Intercom"}, {company_id: 9, name: "Test Company"}] intercom.users.save(user) # You can also pass custom attributes within a company as you do this user.companies = [{id: 6, name: "Intercom", custom_attributes: {referral_source: "Google"} } ] intercom.users.save(user) # Find a company by company_id company = intercom.companies.find(company_id: "44") # Find a company by name company = intercom.companies.find(name: "Some company") # Find a company by id company = intercom.companies.find(id: "41e66f0313708347cb0000d0") # Update a company company.name = 'Updated company name' intercom.companies.save(company) # Iterate over all companies intercom.companies.all.each {|company| puts %Q(#{company.name} - #{company.custom_attributes["referral_source"]}) } intercom.companies.all.map {|company| company.name } # Get a list of users in a company by Intercom Company ID intercom.companies.users_by_intercom_company_id(company.id) # Get a list of users in a company by external company_id intercom.companies.users_by_company_id(company.company_id) # Get a large list of companies using scroll intercom.companies.scroll.each { |comp| puts comp.name} # Please see users scroll for more details of how to use scroll ``` #### Tags ```ruby # Tag users tag = intercom.tags.tag(name: 'blue', users: [{email: "test1@example.com"}]) # Untag users intercom.tags.untag(name: 'blue', users: [{user_id: "42ea2f1b93891f6a99000427"}]) # Iterate over all tags intercom.tags.all.each {|tag| "#{tag.id} - #{tag.name}" } intercom.tags.all.map {|tag| tag.name } # Tag companies tag = intercom.tags.tag(name: 'blue', companies: [{company_id: "42ea2f1b93891f6a99000427"}]) ``` #### Segments ```ruby # Find a segment segment = intercom.segments.find(id: segment_id) # Iterate over all segments intercom.segments.all.each {|segment| puts "id: #{segment.id} name: #{segment.name}"} ``` #### Notes ```ruby # Find a note by id note = intercom.notes.find(id: note) # Create a note for a user note = intercom.notes.create(body: "
Text for the note
", email: 'joe@example.com') # Iterate over all notes for a user via their email address intercom.notes.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com').each {|note| puts note.body} # Iterate over all notes for a user via their user_id intercom.notes.find_all(user_id: '123').each {|note| puts note.body} ``` #### Conversations ```ruby # Iterate over all conversations for your app intercom.conversations.all.each { |convo| ... } # FINDING CONVERSATIONS FOR AN ADMIN # Iterate over all conversations (open and closed) assigned to an admin intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: '7').each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over all open conversations assigned to an admin intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: 7, open: true).each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over closed conversations assigned to an admin intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: 7, open: false).each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over closed conversations which are assigned to an admin, and where updated_at is before a certain moment in time intercom.conversations.find_all(type: 'admin', id: 7, open: false, before: 1374844930).each {|convo| ... } # FINDING CONVERSATIONS FOR A USER # Iterate over all conversations (read + unread, correct) with a user based on the users email intercom.conversations.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com', type: 'user').each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over through all conversations (read + unread) with a user based on the users email intercom.conversations.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com', type: 'user', unread: false).each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over all unread conversations with a user based on the users email intercom.conversations.find_all(email: 'joe@example.com', type: 'user', unread: true).each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over all conversations for a user with their Intercom user ID intercom.conversations.find_all(intercom_user_id: '536e564f316c83104c000020', type: 'user').each {|convo| ... } # Iterate over all conversations for a lead # NOTE: to iterate over a lead's conversations you MUST use their Intercom User ID and type User intercom.conversations.find_all(intercom_user_id: lead.id, type: 'user').each {|convo| ... } # FINDING A SINGLE CONVERSATION conversation = intercom.conversations.find(id: '1') # INTERACTING WITH THE PARTS OF A CONVERSATION # Getting the subject of a part (only applies to email-based conversations) conversation.rendered_message.subject # Get the part_type of the first part conversation.conversation_parts[0].part_type # Get the body of the second part conversation.conversation_parts[1].body # REPLYING TO CONVERSATIONS # User (identified by email) replies with a comment intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'user', email: 'joe@example.com', message_type: 'comment', body: 'foo') # Admin (identified by id) replies with a comment intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', admin_id: '123', message_type: 'comment', body: 'bar') # User (identified by email) replies with a comment and attachment intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'user', email: 'joe@example.com', message_type: 'comment', body: 'foo', attachment_urls: ['http://www.example.com/attachment.jpg']) #reply to a user's last conversation intercom.conversations.reply_to_last(type: 'user', body: 'Thanks again', message_type: 'comment', user_id: '12345', admin_id: '123') # Open intercom.conversations.open(id: conversation.id, admin_id: '123') # Close intercom.conversations.close(id: conversation.id, admin_id: '123') # Assign # Note: Conversations can be assigned to teams. However, the entity that performs the operation of assigning the conversation has to be an existing teammate. # You can use `intercom.admins.all.each {|a| puts a.inspect if a.type == 'admin' }` to list all of your teammates. intercom.conversations.assign(id: conversation.id, admin_id: '123', assignee_id: '124') # Snooze intercom.conversations.snooze(id: conversation.id, admin_id: '123', snoozed_until: 9999999999) # Reply and Open intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', admin_id: '123', message_type: 'open', body: 'bar') # Reply and Close intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', admin_id: '123', message_type: 'close', body: 'bar') # Admin reply to last conversation intercom.conversations.reply_to_last(intercom_user_id: '5678', type: 'admin', admin_id: '123', message_type: 'comment', body: 'bar') # User reply to last conversation intercom.conversations.reply_to_last(intercom_user_id: '5678', type: 'user', message_type: 'comment', body: 'bar') # ASSIGNING CONVERSATIONS TO ADMINS intercom.conversations.reply(id: conversation.id, type: 'admin', assignee_id: assignee_admin.id, admin_id: admin.id, message_type: 'assignment') # MARKING A CONVERSATION AS READ intercom.conversations.mark_read(conversation.id) ``` #### Full loading of an embedded entity ```ruby # Given a conversation with a partial user, load the full user. This can be # done for any entity intercom.users.load(conversation.user) ``` #### Sending messages ```ruby # InApp message from admin to user intercom.messages.create({ message_type: 'inapp', body: "What's up :)", from: { type: 'admin', id: "1234" }, to: { type: "user", user_id: "5678" } }) # Email message from admin to user intercom.messages.create({ message_type: 'email', subject: 'Hey there', body: "What's up :)", template: "plain", # or "personal", from: { type: "admin", id: "1234" }, to: { type: "user", id: "536e564f316c83104c000020" } }) # Message from a user intercom.messages.create({ from: { type: "user", id: "536e564f316c83104c000020" }, body: "halp" }) # Message from admin to contact intercom.messages.create({ body: "How can I help :)", from: { type: "admin", id: "1234" }, to: { type: "contact", id: "536e5643as316c83104c400671" } }) # Message from a contact intercom.messages.create({ from: { type: "contact", id: "536e5643as316c83104c400671" }, body: "halp" }) ``` #### Events ```ruby intercom.events.create( event_name: "invited-friend", created_at: Time.now.to_i, email: user.email, metadata: { "invitee_email" => "pi@example.org", invite_code: "ADDAFRIEND", "found_date" => 12909364407 } ) # Retrieve event list for user with id:'123abc' intercom.events.find_all("type" => "user", "intercom_user_id" => "123abc") ``` Metadata Objects support a few simple types that Intercom can present on your behalf ```ruby intercom.events.create( event_name: "placed-order", email: current_user.email, created_at: 1403001013, metadata: { order_date: Time.now.to_i, stripe_invoice: 'inv_3434343434', order_number: { value: '3434-3434', url: 'https://example.org/orders/3434-3434' }, price: { currency: 'usd', amount: 2999 } } ) ``` The metadata key values in the example are treated as follows- - order_date: a Date (key ends with '_date') - stripe_invoice: The identifier of the Stripe invoice (has a 'stripe_invoice' key) - order_number: a Rich Link (value contains 'url' and 'value' keys) - price: An Amount in US Dollars (value contains 'amount' and 'currency' keys) *NB:* This version of the gem reserves the field name `type` in Event data. ### Contacts `Contacts` represent logged out users of your application. Note that `contacts` are referred to as `leads` in the [Intercom](https://developers.intercom.com/intercom-api-reference/reference#leads) ```ruby # Create a contact contact = intercom.contacts.create(email: "some_contact@example.com") # Update a contact (via create method) # You can update a contact by calling the create method but you MUST provide an id or user_id # If you just provide an email, for example, it will create a new contact # See https://developers.intercom.com/intercom-api-reference/reference#update-lead for more detail contact = intercom.contacts.create(email: "some_contact@example.com", id: "3be0398668071a6bc6850413", name:"update_contact") # Update a contact (via contact object) contact.custom_attributes['foo'] = 'bar' intercom.contacts.save(contact) # Find contacts by email contacts = intercom.contacts.find_all(email: "some_contact@example.com") # Using find to search for contacts by email contact_list = intercom.contacts.find(email: "some_contact@example.com") # This returns a Contact object with type contact.list # Note: Multiple contacts can be returned in this list if there are multiple matching contacts found # #