--- en: spree: solidus_six_saferpay: checkout: &checkout init: checkout_not_initialized: Payment could not be initialized. success: payment_source_not_created: Six Saferpay payment source could not be created. fail: payment_failed: The payment could not be completed. payment_page: checkout: <<: *checkout transaction: checkout: <<: *checkout solidus_six_saferpay: errors: general_error: Payment Error liability_shift_not_granted: Liability Shift was rejected six_saferpay: error_names: ACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested action is not supported in the given context or the action can't be executed with the request data. ALIAS_INVALID: The alias is not known or already used (in case of registration). AMOUNT_INVALID: The amount does not adhere to the restrictions for this action. AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: Wrong password, wrong client certificate, invalid token, wrong HMAC. BLOCKED_BY_RISK_MANAGEMENT: Action blocked by risk management. CARD_CHECK_FAILED: Invalid card number or cvc. CARD_CVC_INVALID: Wrong cvc entered. CARD_CVC_REQUIRED: Cvc not entered but required. CARD_EXPIRED: Card expired. COMMUNICATION_FAILED: The communication to the processor failed. COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT: Saferpay did not receive a response from the external system in time. It’s possible that an authorization was created, but Saferpay is not able to know this. CONDITION_NOT_SATISFIED: The condition which was defined in the request could not be satisfied. CURRENCY_INVALID: Currency does not match referenced transaction currency. GENERAL_DECLINED: Transaction declined by unknown reason. INTERNAL_ERROR: Internal error in Saferpay. NO_CONTRACT: No contract available for the brand / currency combination. NO_CREDITS_AVAILABLE: No more credits available for this account. PAYMENTMEANS_INVALID: Invalid means of payment (e.g. invalid card). PERMISSION_DENIED: No permission (e.g. terminal does not belong to the customer). 3DS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: 3D-secure authentication failed – the transaction must be aborted. TOKEN_EXPIRED: The token is expired. TOKEN_INVALID: The token either does not exist for this customer or was already used. TRANSACTION_ABORTED: The transaction was aborted by the payer. TRANSACTION_ALREADY_CAPTURED: Transaction already captured. TRANSACTION_DECLINED: Declined by the processor. TRANSACTION_IN_WRONG_STATE: Transaction is in the wrong state. TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND: Transaction could not be found. TRANSACTION_NOT_STARTED: The transaction was not started by the payer. Therefore, no final result for the transaction is available. VALIDATION_FAILED: Validation failed.