== 0.3.3 * enhancement * Icons aligned to center, id aligned to right in table * Accordion for option * Add vertical-align on icon * Add title for search-and-filter box * bugfix * Mass inserting set focus for first input * I18n for caption in index table * Rails 4 all -> to_a * Improve sorting with treeview * Responsive for Tablet / Mobile / Desktop * Foreignkey in mass-insert and filter-columns error == 0.3.2 * bugfix * Don't try to translate EN to EN (beautiful_locale) * rails destroy beautiful_scaffold don't remove app/controllers directory * enhancement * Add error class to control-group (bootstrap + rails validates) * :data => { :confirm => "" } replace :confirm => "" (Rails 4 deprecation warning) * activerelation.all -> .to_a (rails 4) == 0.3.1 * enhancement * Spinner works with turbolink * bugfix * Remove PJAX references * i18n bug names of columns * Flash notice/error with redirect_to fixed * Change Info string to Error in flash[:error] div * Add new attributes in model's permitted attributes and columns select and mass inserting form == 0.3.0.rc6 * enhancement * Add title for show, edit, destroy icon * bugfix * require jquery-barcode to application-bs.js * avoid to display log of require * jointable def up def down -> def change (migration) == 0.3.0.rc5 * bugfix * avoid to crash if translate limit is overflowed * avoid to display log of translation == 0.3.0.rc4 * Bugfix * Refactoring and bugfix for input_type (number_field for integer, checkbox for boolean...) * i18n for attributes (default option) == 0.3.0.rc3 * Bugfix * Avoid normal behavior for link and button for chardinjs == 0.3.0.rc2 * enhancement * Barcode support (set README for usage) * Chardinjs for overlay instruction (set README for usage) * Bugfix * i18n some bugfix i18n * i18n download willpaginate i18n file * Body hidden in firefox * Add space after icon for some button * Bug treeview double quote in attribute (data-opened=""") == 0.3.0.rc1 * enhancement * Refactoring i18n (avoid reserved words) : * t(:my_model) -> t('models.my_model.caption') * t(:my_attribute) -> t('models.my_model.attributes.my_attribute') * Add javascript/css to change DOM for a fixed menu * Add responsive menu * Update for rails 4 * Replace PJAX with turbolinks * Update prawn version 1.0.0.rc2 * Big refactoring with javascript * Using twitter-bootstrap-rails with turbolinks compatibility and last version of bootstrap and fontawesome * Generate locale file with auto translation * Bugfix * Avoid to re-generate created_at, updated_at, id search field at each migration * Bugfix for several responsive behavior == 0.2.7 * enhancement * Info class for input with content in search form * Add current locale for price in number_to_currency * Bugfix * Add type decimal for align * Bug css rules ignored for alignment in table (td, th) == 0.2.6 * Bugfix * Thanks to : gregwis Problem with models ending with s (http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Inflector.html#method-i-classify) == 0.2.5 * enhancement * Capitalize label (forms) * Capitalize placeholder (massinserting) * Bugfix * Massinserting with boolean * Treeview with namespace works == 0.2.4 * Bugfix * Massinserting with 'admin' namespace == 0.2.3 * enhancement * Add preselect collection_select in mass inserting with filter params * Adapt ransack_field helper for nested resource * Add custom caption for treeview element in build_treeview helper * I18n for menu * I18n for fields name (placeholder mass inserting and select fields) * I18n for title h2 * I18n for button New * Show caption in table instead of #id == Previous versions * See commits on github