![Pry Theme][logo] ![Pry Theme version badge][ver-badge] [![Build Status][ci-badge]][ci-link] * Repository: [https://github.com/kyrylo/pry-theme/][pt] * Wiki: [https://github.com/kyrylo/pry-theme/wiki][wiki] Description ----------- Pry Theme is a plugin for [Pry][pry], which helps you to customise your Pry colors via `prytheme.rb` files. ![Railscasts](./screenshots/railscasts.png) ![Solarized](./screenshots/solarized.png) ![Tomorrow](./screenshots/tomorrow.png) ![Zenburn](./screenshots/zenburn.png) Installation ------------ All you need is to install the gem. The `pry-theme` plugin will be detected and used automatically. gem install pry-theme Synopsis -------- ### Theme files Theme file is nothing but a Ruby file, which has `.prytheme.rb` extension (for example, `beautiful.prytheme.rb`). In order to set up the desired theme, add the following line to your `.pryrc`: Pry.config.theme = "theme-name" The default theme is `pry-classic` (basically, you shouldn't notice it, because it resembles the default outlook of Pry, as though you didn't install anything). Let's change it to something more neoteric: Pry.config.theme = "pry-modern" That's all! Launch your Pry and you will see the changes. ### CLI Pry Theme has a command-line interface available via Pry. Just launch Pry and start working with it. For example, you can _temporary_ change themes on the fly (only for the current session): [1] pry(main)> pry-theme try pry-classic This subcommand would switch your current theme to `pry-classic` theme. You can find [more information about CLI in Pry Theme Wiki][cli]. ### Managing themes Creating new themes isn't hard. [Check out Pry Theme Wiki article on that][new_theme]. Theme files must have `.prytheme.rb` extension. Check out [Pry Theme Collection][ptc] if you want to find some themes other than default ones. If you already have your theme stored somewhere on disk, just put it in the `$HOME/.pry/themes` directory. If you don't want to bother with routine operations, you can install a theme from the Collection with help of `pry-theme install ` subcommand. For example, you can want to install xoria256 theme. Just execute `pry-theme install xoria256` and you're done. Oh, and don't forget to adjust your `.pryrc`! Limitations ----------- No limitations. Pry Theme will run everywhere where you can launch Pry. Credits ------- * Thanks to [banister][johndogg] for bringing the plugin in masses and contributing a bunch of themes; * Thanks to Karandashev for "Puzzle" font; * Thanks to Creatica for "Dited" font; * Thanks to [noprompt][noprompt] for a HEX to ANSI conversion Ruby implementation, which I borrowed from one of his projects. License ------- The project uses Zlib License. See LICENSE file for more information. [pt]: https://github.com/kyrylo/pry-theme/ "Home page" [ver-badge]: https://badge.fury.io/rb/pry-theme.png "Pry Theme version badge" [ci-badge]: https://travis-ci.org/kyrylo/pry-theme.png?branch=master "Build status" [ci-link]: https://travis-ci.org/kyrylo/pry-theme/ "Build history" [logo]: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5107/98991937.a/0_7c6c8_871a1842_orig "Pry Theme" [pry]: https://github.com/pry/pry/ "Pry's home page" [new_theme]: https://github.com/kyrylo/pry-theme/wiki/Creating-a-New-Theme [cli]: https://github.com/kyrylo/pry-theme/wiki/Pry-Theme-CLI [wiki]: https://github.com/kyrylo/pry-theme/wiki [ptc]: https://github.com/kyrylo/pry-theme-collection [johndogg]: https://github.com/banister/ "John Dogg" [noprompt]: https://github.com/noprompt/ "Joel Holdbrooks"