require 'spec_helper' describe StrongKeyLite do before :each do @client = mock('Savon::Client', request: nil) Savon::Client.stub!(:new).and_return(@client) end describe "#initialize" do it "should accept a host for the WSDL" do Savon::Client.should_receive(:new).once.with("").and_return(@client)'', 1) end it "should set the domain ID" do'', 15).domain_id.should eql(15) end it "should accept and apply HTTP options" do http = mock('Net::HTTP') request = mock('Savon::Request', http: http) @client.stub!(:request).and_return(request) http.should_receive(:timeout=).once.with(60)'', 1, http: { timeout: 60 }) end it "should optionally accept a login and password" do pending "Need a good way to test this" end end describe "#call" do before :each do @client = mock('Savon::Client', request: nil, wsdl: mock('Savon::WSDL', soap_actions: [ :ping ])) Savon::Client.stub!(:new).and_return(@client) @skles ='', 1) @response = mock('Soap::Response', :soap_fault? => false, :http_error? => false, soap_fault: nil, http_error: nil, to_hash: {}) @response.stub(:to_hash).and_return(ping_response: { return: '' }) end it "should raise an error if no user has been assigned to the action" do -> { }.should raise_error(/No user/) end it "should invoke the proper action on the Savon client and use the appropriate user" do @skles.add_user('login', 'password', :ping) soap = mock('Savon::Request') soap.should_receive(:body=).once.with({ did: 1, username: 'login', password: 'password' }) @client.should_receive(:ping).once.and_yield(soap).and_return(@response) end it "should assign a user to all actions when given :all" do @skles.add_user('all', 'password', :all) soap = mock('Savon::Request') soap.should_receive(:body=).once.with({ did: 1, username: 'all', password: 'password' }) @client.should_receive(:ping).once.and_yield(soap).and_return(@response) end it "should replace an older user assigned to an action" do @skles.add_user('all', 'password', :all) @skles.add_user('ping', 'password', :ping) soap = mock('Savon::Request') soap.should_receive(:body=).once.with({ did: 1, username: 'ping', password: 'password' }) @client.should_receive(:ping).once.and_yield(soap).and_return(@response) end it "should raise an HTTPError if an HTTP error occurs" do @skles.add_user('all', 'password', :all) soap = mock('Savon::Request') soap.stub!(:body=) @client.stub!(:ping).and_yield(soap).and_return(@response) @response.stub!(:http_error?).and_return(true) @response.stub!(:http_error).and_return("404 Not Found") -> { }.should raise_error(StrongKeyLite::HTTPError) end it "should raise a SOAPError if a SOAP fault occurs" do @skles.add_user('all', 'password', :all) soap = mock('Savon::Request') soap.stub!(:body=) @client.stub!(:ping).and_yield(soap).and_return(@response) @response.stub!(:soap_fault?).and_return(true) @response.stub!(:soap_fault).and_return("Not enough XML") -> { }.should raise_error(StrongKeyLite::SOAPError) end end describe "#actions" do before :each do @wsdl = mock('Savon::WSDL') @client = mock('Savon::Client', request: nil, wsdl: @wsdl) Savon::Client.stub!(:new).and_return(@client) @skles ='', 1) end it "should return a list of SOAP actions" do @wsdl.should_receive(:soap_actions).once.and_return([ :one, :two, :three ]) @skles.actions.should eql([ :one, :two, :three ]) end it "should cache the list" do @wsdl.should_receive(:soap_actions).once.and_return([ :one, :two, :three ]) @skles.actions.should eql([ :one, :two, :three ]) @wsdl.should_not_receive(:soap_actions) @skles.actions.should eql([ :one, :two, :three ]) end end end