// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('models/record') ; require('models/store') ; /** @class @extends SC.Object @since 0.9.14 @author Charles Jolley _IMPORTANT: SC.Collection currently has several known performance issues. It is suitable for use in existing code, but it is possible that the API will change before SproutCore 1.0 A collection holds a set of records matching the specified conditions. You can set the data source used to find the objects matching the conditions to create collections pulled from the local set of objects or pulled from the server. Collection's automatically update their contents based on the conditions settings you provide as the state of loaded records change. */ SC.Collection = SC.Object.extend( /** @scope SC.Collection.prototype */ { // ........................................ // CONFIGURABLE PROPERTIES // // Set these properties to control the records that will be in this list. /** Indicates the keys to use to order the records. If you want the records ordered by descending order, use a string like 'guid DESC'. @type {Array} */ orderBy: ['guid'], /** Set this to the range of records you are interested in seeing or null if you want to see all records. Note that collection actually retrieves a list of records slightly larger than what you pass here to allow for members to be added and removed. @see SC.Collection.offset @type {Number} */ limit: 0, /** Set this to the offset within the range of records you want to retrieve this.get('limit') records from. @see SC.Collection.limit @type {Number} */ offset: 0, /** Set this to a hash with conditions options. e.g. { active: true }. If you don't set this property, then all records of the given type will be used. Note also that if you are matching a property that contains an array, the condition will match if the key you specify is found in the array. For example { groups: someGroup } would match any record where someGroup is included in the groups array. @type {Object} */ conditions: {}, /** @property This is the actual array of records in the current collection. This property will change anytime the record members change (but not when the member record properties change). @type {Array} */ records: function() { if (this._changedRecords) this._flushChangedRecords() ; return this._records ; }.property(), /** @property The total count of records matching the conditions settings. The contents of the records array will be clipped to the range value. @type {Number} */ count: function(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { this._count = value ; } else if (this._changedRecords) this._flushChangedRecords() ; return this._count || 0 ; }.property(), /** Set to true when the collection is destroyed @type {Boolean} */ isDeleted: false, // RO /** Set this to the data source you want to use to get the records. Use either SC.Store or SC.Server. If you use SC.Server, your recordType must have a resourceURL property. This should be set when the collection is created and not changed later. @type {SC.Store or SC.Server} */ dataSource: SC.Store, // NC /** Set this to the type of record you want in the collection. This should be set when the collection is created and not changed later. @type {SC.Record} */ recordType: SC.Record, // NC /** Set to true while a refresh is in progress. @type {Boolean} */ isLoading: false, // RO /** Set to true if records have changed in a way that might leave the records out of date. @type {Boolean} */ isDirty: false, // RO // ........................................ // ACTIONS // /** Call this to force the list to refresh. The refresh may not happen right away, depending on the dataSource. */ refresh: function() { var recordType = this.get('recordType') || SC.Record ; var offset = (this._limit > 0) ? this._offset : 0 ; if (!this._boundRefreshFunc) { this._boundRefreshFunc = this._refreshDidComplete.bind(this) ; } // start refresh if (!this.dataSource) throw "collection does not have dataSource" ; this.beginPropertyChanges(); if (!this.isLoading) this.set('isLoading',true) ; this._refreshing = true ; var order = this.get('orderBy') ; if (order && !(order instanceof Array)) order = [order] ; this.dataSource.listFor({ recordType: recordType, offset: offset, limit: this._limit, conditions: this.get('conditions'), order: order, callback: this._boundRefreshFunc, cacheCode: this._cacheCode }) ; this.endPropertyChanges() ; return this; }, /** Call this method when you are done with a collection. This will remove it as an observer to changes in the SC.Store so that it can be reclaimed. isDeleted will also be set to true. */ destroy: function() { SC.Store.removeCollection(this); return this; }, /** TODO: Needs documentation. */ newRecord: function(settings) { if (!settings) settings = {} ; settings.newRecord = true ; settings.dataSource = this.get('dataSource') ; var ret = this.recordType.create(settings); SC.Store.addRecord(ret) ; // this will add the record to the collection. return ret; }, // ........................................ // INTERNAL // // this is the real offset, limit, and records used by the collection. // this can be a superset of the actual limits seen by outsiders. _offset: 0, _limit: 0, _records: null, _members: null, _store: null, init: function() { arguments.callee.base.call(this) ; SC.Store.addCollection(this) ; // get notified of changes. this._computeInteralOffsetAndLimit() ; }, // This is the callback executed when the data source has found the records // matching the passed parameters. The count is the total count of records // matching the conditions, ignoring the offset and limit. _refreshDidComplete: function(records,count,cacheCode) { if (cacheCode) this._cacheCode = cacheCode; if (records) { this.beginPropertyChanges() ; // update count if (this.get('count') != count) this.set('count',count) ; // update the record store and reslice. this.propertyWillChange('records') ; records = this._store = records.slice() ; this._reslice() ; this.propertyDidChange('records') ; this.endPropertyChanges(); } this._refreshing = false ; // only one refresh at a time. }, // called by SC.Store whenever an locally stored record has changed state. // This method simply indicates that the records property has changed and saved // the record for later processing. recordDidChange: function(rec) { if (!rec && !rec._guid) return ; // probably an error, but recover anyway. if (!this._changedRecords) this._changedRecords = {} ; this._changedRecords[rec._guid] = rec ; this.propertyWillChange('records') ; this.propertyDidChange('records') ; this.propertyWillChange('count') ; this.propertyDidChange('count') ; }, // this method gets called just before the records property is returned. If // there are any changed records queued up, the record changes will be // integrated. _flushChangedRecords: function() { if (!this._changedRecords) return ; // nothing to do. if (this.dataSource != SC.Store) throw "non-local data source is not supported" ; var current = this._store || [] ; var order = this.get('orderBy') || [this.recordType.primaryKey()] ; if (!(order instanceof Array)) order = [order] ; var conditions = this.get('conditions') ; // get the sorted set of changed records, both sorted and as a hash. var records = [] ; var changed = this._changedRecords ; for(var guid in changed) { if (!changed.hasOwnProperty(guid)) continue ; records.push(changed[guid]) ; } records = records.sort(function(a,b){ return a.compareTo(b,order); }) ; this._changedRecords = null ; // step through the current set of records. Interpolate changed records, remove records // that don't belong. var loc = 0 ; while(loc < current.length) { var working = current[loc] ; var compareToPrev, compareToNext ; // is this record one of the changed? // if so, then the record may need to be removed from its current position if it is deleted, // no longer belongs to the group, or is out of order. if (changed[working._guid]) { var belongs = (!working.get('isDeleted')) && working.matchConditions(conditions) ; if (belongs) { // comes after prev? if (loc>0) { belongs = (working.compareTo(current[loc-1],order) >= 0) ; } // comes before next? if (belongs && (loc+1 < current.length)) { belongs = (working.compareTo(current[loc+1],order) <= 0) ; } } if (!belongs) { current.splice(loc,1); continue; } } // if we get here, then the current record belongs where it is. next see if any of the changed // records need to be inserted here. var goAgain = true ; while ((records.length > 0) && goAgain) { var rec = records[0] ; if ((rec != working) && !rec.get('isDeleted') && rec.matchConditions(conditions)) { if ((rec == working) || (rec.compareTo(working,order) <= 0)) { if (rec != working) current.splice(loc,0,rec) ; // insert only if not the same. loc++ ; } else goAgain = false ; } if (goAgain) records.shift() ; } // move on to the next record. loc++ ; } // if we get to the end and there are changed records left to process, // they probably need to be added. while(records.length > 0) { var rec = records.shift() ; if (!rec.get('isDeleted') && rec.matchConditions(conditions)) { current.push(rec) ; } } // if ((this == window.tphotos) && (current.length != this._count)) debugger ; // update the count as well. this._store = current ; this._count = current.length ; this._reslice() ; }, // Anytime the properties used to filter the collection change, reslice if possible // then refresh from the data source. propertyObserver: function(observing,target,key,value) { if (target != this) return ; // update the internal properties then refresh. var needsRefresh = false ; var nv ; value = this.get(key) ; switch(key) { case 'offset': case 'limit': var oldOffset = this._offset ; var oldLimit = this._limit ; this._computeInteralOffsetAndLimit() ; if ((this._offset == oldOffset) && (this._limit == oldLimit)) { this.propertyWillChange('records') ; this._reslice(); this.propertyDidChange('records') ; } else needsRefresh = true ; break ; case 'conditions': case 'orderBy': needsRefresh = true ; break ; default: break ; } // refresh only once per loop. We don't want to refresh multiple times // if the user makes changes to multiple settings. if (needsRefresh && !this._refreshing) { this._refreshing = true ; this._cacheCode = null ; this.set('isLoading',true) ; this.invokeLater(this.refresh) ; } }, // using the current offset and limit properties, compute the internal offset and limit used for // records. _computeInteralOffsetAndLimit: function() { if (this.dataSource != SC.Store) { var v ; this._offset = ((v=this.get('offset')) > this.MARGIN) ? (v-this.MARGIN) : 0 ; this._limit = ((v=this.get('limit')) > 0) ? (v + this.MARGIN) : 0 ; } else this._offset = this._limit = 0 ; }, // This method will slice the _store records based on the current offset and limit. // Is it used internally and thus does not indicate that the computed records // property has changed. _reslice: function() { var offset = this.get('offset') ; var limit = this.get('limit') ; if ((offset > 0) || (limit > 0)) { var start = offset - this._offset ; var end = start + ((limit <= 0) ? (this._store || []).length : limit) ; this._records = this._store.slice(start,end) ; } else this._records = this._store ; }, MARGIN: 10 }) ;