require 'json' require 'set' require 'time' # The layout backend for the Logging::Logger. # # Accepts a message and/or an exception and/or an info # hash (if multiple are passed, they must be provided in that # order) class Chalk::Log::Layout < ::Logging::Layout # Formats an event, and makes a heroic effort to tell you if # something went wrong. (Logging will otherwise silently swallow any # exceptions that get thrown.) # # @param event provided by the Logging::Logger def format(event) begin begin begin do_format(event) rescue StandardError => e # Single fault! error!('[Chalk::Log fault: Could not format message] ', e) end rescue StandardError => e # Double fault! "[Chalk::Log fault: Double fault while formatting message. This means we couldn't even report the error we got while formatting.] #{e.message}\n" end rescue StandardError => e # Triple fault! "[Chalk::Log fault: Triple fault while formatting message. This means we couldn't even report the error we got while reporting the original error.]\n" end end # Formats a hash for logging. This is provided for (rare) use outside of log # methods; you can pass a hash directly to log methods and this formatting # will automatically be applied. # # @param hash [Hash] The hash to be formatted def format_hash(hash) {|k, v| display(k, v)}.join(' ') end private def do_format(event) data = time = event.time level = event.level # Data provided by blocks may not be arrays yet data = [data] unless data.kind_of?(Array) data = data.dup # Make a private copy that we can mutate info = data.pop if data.last.kind_of?(Hash) error = data.pop if data.last.kind_of?(Exception) message = data.pop if data.last.kind_of?(String) if data.length > 0 raise"Invalid leftover arguments: #{data.inspect}") end pid = pretty_print( time: timestamp_prefix(time), level: Chalk::Log::LEVELS[level], span: span.to_s, message: message, error: error, info: (info && (contextual_info || {}).merge(info)) || contextual_info, pid: pid ) end def pretty_print(spec) message = build_message(spec[:message], spec[:info], spec[:error]) message = tag(message, spec[:time], spec[:pid], spec[:span]) message end def build_message(message, info, error) # Make sure we're not mutating the message that was passed in if message message = message.dup end if message && (info || error) message << ':' end if Chalk::Log.message_prefix message ||= '' message.prepend(Chalk::Log.message_prefix) end if info message << ' ' if message message ||= '' message << format_hash(info) end if error message << ' ' if message message ||= '' error!(message, error) end message ||= '' message << "\n" message end def display(key, value) begin value = json(value) rescue StandardError value = "#{value.inspect} [JSON-FAILED]" end # Non-numeric simple strings don't need quotes. if value =~ /\A"\w*[A-Za-z]\w*"\z/ && !['"true"', '"false"', '"null"'].include?(value) value = value[1...-1] end "#{key}=#{value}" end # Displaying backtraces def error!(message, error) backtrace = error.backtrace || ['[no backtrace]'] message << display(:error_class, error.class.to_s) << " " message << display(:error, error.to_s) if configatron.chalk.log.display_backtraces message << "\n" message << Chalk::Log::Utils.format_backtrace(backtrace) message << "\n" end message end def json(value) # Use an Array (and trim later) because Ruby's JSON generator # requires an array or object. wrapped = [value] # We may alias the raw JSON generation method. We don't care about # emiting raw HTML tags heres, so no need to use the safe # generation method. if JSON.respond_to?(:unsafe_generate) dumped = JSON.unsafe_generate(wrapped) else dumped = JSON.generate(wrapped) end res = dumped[1...-1] # strip off the brackets we added while array-ifying # Bug 6566 in ruby 2.0 (but not 2.1) allows generate() to return an invalid # string when given invalid unicode input. Manually check for it. unless res.valid_encoding? raise"invalid byte sequence in UTF-8") end res end def contextual_info LSpace[:'chalk.log.contextual_info'] end def span LSpace[:span] || LSpace[:action_id] end def tag(message, time, pid, span) return message unless configatron.chalk.log.tagging metadata = [] metadata << pid if metadata << span if span.length > 0 prefix = "[#{metadata.join('|')}] " if metadata.length > 0 if configatron.chalk.log.timestamp prefix = "[#{time}] #{prefix}" end out = '' message.split("\n").each do |line| out << prefix << line << "\n" end out end def timestamp_prefix(now) now_fmt = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ms_fmt = sprintf("%06d", now.usec) "#{now_fmt}.#{ms_fmt}" end end