require 'test_helper' class TopicsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase all_fixtures def test_should_get_index get :index, :forum_id => 1 assert_redirected_to forum_path(1) end def test_should_get_index_as_xml content_type 'application/xml' get :index, :forum_id => 1, :format => 'xml' assert_response :success end def test_should_show_topic_as_rss get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id, :format => 'rss' assert_response :success end def test_should_show_topic_as_xml content_type 'application/xml' get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id, :format => 'xml' assert_response :success end def test_should_get_new login_as :aaron get :new, :forum_id => 1 assert_response :success end def test_sticky_and_locked_protected_from_non_admin login_as :joe assert ! users(:joe).admin? assert ! users(:joe).moderator_of?(forums(:rails)) post :create, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :topic => { :title => 'blah', :sticky => "1", :locked => "1", :body => 'foo' } assert assigns(:topic) assert ! assigns(:topic).sticky? assert ! assigns(:topic).locked? end def test_sticky_and_locked_allowed_to_moderator login_as :sam assert ! users(:sam).admin? assert users(:sam).moderator_of?(forums(:rails)) post :create, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :topic => { :title => 'blah', :sticky => "1", :locked => "1", :body => 'foo' } assert assigns(:topic) assert assigns(:topic).sticky? assert assigns(:topic).locked? end def test_should_allow_admin_to_sticky_and_lock login_as :admin post :create, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :topic => { :title => 'blah2', :sticky => "1", :locked => "1", :body => 'foo' } assert assigns(:topic).sticky? assert assigns(:topic).locked? end uses_transaction :test_should_not_create_topic_without_body def test_should_not_create_topic_without_body counts = lambda { [Topic.count, SbPost.count] } old = login_as :aaron post :create, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :topic => { :title => 'blah' } assert assigns(:topic) assert assigns(:post) # both of these should be new records if the save fails so that the view can # render accordingly assert assigns(:topic).new_record? assert assigns(:post).new_record? assert_equal old, end def test_should_create_topic counts = lambda { [Topic.count, SbPost.count, forums(:rails).topics_count, forums(:rails).sb_posts_count, users(:aaron).sb_posts_count] } old = login_as :aaron post :create, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :topic => { :title => 'blah', :body => 'foo' }, :tag_list => 'tag1, tag2' assert assigns(:topic) assert assigns(:post) assert_redirected_to forum_topic_path(forums(:rails), assigns(:topic)) [forums(:rails), users(:aaron)].each(&:reload) assert_equal old.collect { |n| n + 1}, assert_equal ['tag1', 'tag2'], Topic.find(assigns(:topic).id).tag_list end def test_should_delete_topic counts = lambda { [SbPost.count, forums(:rails).topics_count, forums(:rails).sb_posts_count] } old = login_as :admin delete :destroy, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:ponies).id assert_redirected_to forum_path(forums(:rails)) [forums(:rails), users(:aaron)].each &:reload assert_equal old.collect { |n| n - 1}, end def test_should_allow_moderator_to_delete_topic assert_difference Topic, :count, -1 do login_as :sam delete :destroy, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id end end def test_should_update_views_for_show assert_difference topics(:pdi), :views do get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id assert_response :success topics(:pdi).reload end end def test_should_not_update_views_for_show_via_rss assert_difference topics(:pdi), :views, 0 do get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id, :format => 'rss' assert_response :success topics(:pdi).reload end end def test_should_not_add_viewed_topic_to_session_on_show_rss login_as :aaron get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id, :format => 'rss' assert_response :success assert session[:topics].blank? end def test_should_update_views_for_show_except_topic_author login_as :aaron views=topics(:pdi).views get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id assert_response :success assert_equal views, topics(:pdi).reload.views end def test_should_show_topic get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id assert_response :success assert_equal topics(:pdi), assigns(:topic) assert_equal [sb_posts(:pdi), sb_posts(:pdi_reply), sb_posts(:pdi_rebuttal)], assigns(:posts) end def test_should_show_other_post get :show, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:ponies).id assert_response :success assert_equal topics(:ponies), assigns(:topic) assert_equal [sb_posts(:ponies)], assigns(:posts) end def test_should_get_edit login_as :admin get :edit, :forum_id => 1, :id => 1 assert_response :success end def test_should_update_own_post login_as :sam put :update, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:ponies).id, :topic => { }, :tag_list => 'tagX, tagY' assert_redirected_to forum_topic_path(forums(:rails), assigns(:topic)) assert_equal ['tagX', 'tagY'], topics(:ponies).reload.tag_list end def test_should_not_update_user_id_of_own_post login_as :sam put :update, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:ponies).id, :topic => { :user_id => 32 } assert_redirected_to forum_topic_path(forums(:rails), assigns(:topic)) assert_equal users(:sam).id, sb_posts(:ponies).reload.user_id end def test_should_not_update_other_post login_as :sam put :update, :forum_id => forums(:comics).id, :id => topics(:galactus).id, :topic => { } assert_redirected_to login_path end def test_should_update_other_post_as_moderator login_as :sam put :update, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:pdi).id, :topic => { } assert_redirected_to forum_topic_path(forums(:rails), assigns(:topic)) end def test_should_update_other_post_as_admin login_as :admin put :update, :forum_id => forums(:rails).id, :id => topics(:ponies), :topic => { } assert_redirected_to forum_topic_path(forums(:rails), assigns(:topic)) end end