require 'culerity' Before do $rails_server ||= Culerity::run_rails(:environment => 'culerity_development', :port => 3001) $server ||= Culerity::run_server $browser = $server, {:browser => :firefox3, :javascript_exceptions => true, :resynchronize => true, :status_code_exceptions => true } $browser.log_level = :warning @host = 'http://localhost:3001' end at_exit do $browser.exit if $browser $server.close if $server Process.kill(6, $ if $rails_server end When /I follow "([^\"]*)"/ do |link| _link = [[:text, /^#{Regexp.escape(link)}$/], [:id, link], [:title, link]].map{|args| $*args)}.find{|__link| __link.exist?} raise "link \"#{link}\" not found" unless _link assert_successful_response end When /I press "([^\"]*)"/ do |button| $browser.button(:text, button).click assert_successful_response end When /I fill in "([^\"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"/ do |field, value| find_by_label_or_id(:text_field, field).set(value) end When /I fill in "([^\"]*)" for "([^\"]*)"/ do |value, field| find_by_label_or_id(:text_field, field).set(value) end When /I check "([^\"]*)"/ do |field| find_by_label_or_id(:check_box, field).set(true) end When /^I uncheck "([^\"]*)"$/ do |field| find_by_label_or_id(:check_box, field).set(true) end When /I select "([^\"]*)" from "([^\"]*)"/ do |value, field| find_by_label_or_id(:select_list, field).select value end When /I choose "([^\"]*)"/ do |field| find_by_label_or_id(:radio, field).set(true) end When /I go to (.+)/ do |path| $browser.goto @host + path_to(path) assert_successful_response end When /^I wait for the AJAX call to finish$/ do $browser.wait_while do begin count = $browser.execute_script("window.running_ajax_calls").to_i count.to_i > 0 rescue => e if e.message.include?('HtmlunitCorejsJavascript::Undefined') raise "For 'I wait for the AJAX call to finish' to work please include culerity.js after including jQuery. If you don't use jQuery please rewrite culerity.js accordingly." else raise(e) end end end end Then /I should see "([^\"]*)"/ do |text| # if we simply check for the browser.html content we don't find content that has been added dynamically, e.g. after an ajax call div = $browser.div(:text, /#{text}/) div.should be_exist end Then /I should not see "([^\"]*)"/ do |text| div = $browser.div(:text, /#{text}/) div.should_not be_exist end def find_by_label_or_id(element, attribute) matchers = [[attribute, :id], [attribute, :name]] matchers << [$browser.label(:text, attribute).for, :id] if $browser.label(:text, attribute).exist? field ={|_field, matcher| $browser.send(element, matcher, _field)}.find(&:exist?) || raise("#{element} not found using \"#{attribute}\"") end def assert_successful_response status = $ if(status == 302 || status == 301) location = $'Location') puts "Being redirected to #{location}" $browser.goto location assert_successful_response elsif status != 200 filename = "culerity-#{}.html" + "/tmp/#{filename}", "w") do |f| f.write $browser.html end `open tmp/#{filename}` raise "Browser returned Response Code #{$}" end end