module MnoEnterprise::Concerns::Mailers::SystemNotificationMailer extend ActiveSupport::Concern #================================================================== # Included methods #================================================================== # 'included do' causes the included code to be evaluated in the # context where it is included rather than being executed in the module's context included do helper :application DEFAULT_SENDER = { name: MnoEnterprise.default_sender_name, email: MnoEnterprise.default_sender_email } end #================================================================== # Instance methods #================================================================== # Default email sender # Override to allow dynamic sender def default_sender DEFAULT_SENDER end # ==> Devise Email # Description: # Email asking users to confirm their email # # Mandrill vars: # :first_name # :last_name # :full_name # :confirmation_link # def confirmation_instructions(record, token, opts={}) template = record.confirmed? && record.unconfirmed_email? ? 'reconfirmation-instructions' : 'confirmation-instructions' MnoEnterprise::MailClient.deliver(template, default_sender, recipient(record), user_vars(record).merge(confirmation_link: user_confirmation_url(confirmation_token: token)) ) end # ==> Devise Email # Description: # Email providing instructions + link to reset password # # Mandrill vars: # :first_name # :last_name # :full_name # :reset_password_link # def reset_password_instructions(record, token, opts={}) MnoEnterprise::MailClient.deliver('reset-password-instructions', default_sender, recipient(record), user_vars(record).merge(reset_password_link: edit_user_password_url(reset_password_token: token)) ) end # ==> Devise Email # Description: # Email providing instructions + link to unlock a user account after too many failed attempts # # Mandrill vars: # :first_name # :last_name # :full_name # :unlock_link # def unlock_instructions(record, token, opts={}) MnoEnterprise::MailClient.deliver('unlock-instructions', default_sender, recipient(record), user_vars(record).merge(unlock_link: user_unlock_url(unlock_token: token)) ) end # Description: # Send an email inviting the user to join an existing organization. If the user # is already confirmed it is directed to the organization invite page where he # can accept or decline the invite # If the user is not confirmed yet then it is considered a new user and will be directed # to the confirmation page # # Mandrill vars: # :organization # :team # :ref_first_name # :ref_last_name # :ref_full_name # :ref_email # :invitee_first_name # :invitee_last_name # :invitee_full_name # :invitee_email # :confirmation_link # def organization_invite(org_invite) new_user = !org_invite.user.confirmed? confirmation_link = new_user ? user_confirmation_url(confirmation_token: org_invite.user.confirmation_token) : org_invite_url(org_invite, token: org_invite.token) email_template = new_user ? 'organization-invite-new-user' : 'organization-invite-existing-user' MnoEnterprise::MailClient.deliver(email_template, default_sender, recipient(org_invite.user,new_user), invite_vars(org_invite,new_user).merge(confirmation_link: confirmation_link) ) end # Description: # Email providing instructions + link to initiate the account termination # process. # # Mandrill vars: # :first_name # :last_name # :full_name # :terminate_account_link def deletion_request_instructions(record, deletion_request) MnoEnterprise::MailClient.deliver('deletion-request-instructions', default_sender, recipient(record), user_vars(record).merge(terminate_account_link: deletion_request_url(deletion_request)) ) end # Description: # Email providing registration instructions # # Variables: # :registration_link def registration_instructions(email) MnoEnterprise::MailClient.deliver( 'registration-instructions', default_sender, {email: email}, {registration_link: new_user_registration_url} ) end protected def recipient(record, new_user = false) # Org Invite for unconfirmed users will have the email in #unconfirmed_email hash = { email: || record.unconfirmed_email } hash[:name] = "#{} #{record.surname}".strip unless new_user hash end def user_vars(record) { first_name:, last_name: record.surname, full_name: "#{} #{record.surname}".strip } end def invite_vars(org_invite, new_user = true) { organization:, team: ? : nil, ref_first_name:, ref_last_name: org_invite.referrer.surname, ref_full_name: "#{} #{org_invite.referrer.surname}".strip, ref_email:, invitee_first_name: new_user ? nil :, invitee_last_name: new_user ? nil : org_invite.user.surname, invitee_full_name: new_user ? nil : "#{} #{org_invite.user.surname}".strip, invitee_email:, } end end