3.0 add_interior_blinds_and_control 6bb8b1ea-b29d-459c-a6fa-603096f09905 1d8e8e6c-564a-4d22-a409-c93b765e3e95 20221011T001531Z 81FBCAB4 AddInteriorBlindsAndControl add_interior_blinds_and_control This measure add shading control with interior blinds to all exterior windows of the building. The measure will create a new shading control object with interior blinds for each space, and apply that shading control object to all exterior windows within that space. A new shading schedule will be created and applied to all shading control objects based on the active time provided in user inputs. start_time Start Time for Shading In HH:MM:SS format String false false 12:00:00 end_time End Time for Shading In HH:MM:SS format String false false 15:00:00 start_date Start date for Shading In MM-DD format String false false 07-01 end_date End date for Shading In MM-DD format String false false 08-30 Envelope.Daylighting Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string Intended Use Case Calibration string Intended Use Case New Construction EE string Intended Use Case Retrofit EE string LICENSE.md md license CD7F5672 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 .gitkeep gitkeep doc 00000000 add_exterior_blinds_and_control_test.rb rb test 98C609BE example_model.osm osm test 53D14E69 OpenStudio 3.1.0 3.1.0 measure.rb rb script F06A4F22 README.md md readme EB6151C3