--- - file: argument_type_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 9 end: line: 1 character: 11 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot pass a value of type `::String` as an argument of type `::int` ::String <: ::int ::String <: (::Integer | ::_ToInt) ::String <: ::Integer ::Object <: ::Integer ::BasicObject <: ::Integer code: Ruby::ArgumentTypeMismatch - file: block_body_type_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 30 end: line: 1 character: 36 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot allow block body have type `::String` because declared as type `::Integer` ::String <: ::Integer ::Object <: ::Integer ::BasicObject <: ::Integer code: Ruby::BlockBodyTypeMismatch - file: block_type_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 3 character: 8 end: line: 3 character: 12 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot pass a value of type `^(untyped, untyped, untyped) -> untyped` as a block-pass-argument of type `^(::Integer) -> void` ^(untyped, untyped, untyped) -> untyped <: ^(::Integer) -> void code: Ruby::BlockTypeMismatch - file: break_type_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 10 end: line: 1 character: 18 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot break with a value of type `::String` because type `::Integer` is assumed ::String <: ::Integer ::Object <: ::Integer ::BasicObject <: ::Integer code: Ruby::BreakTypeMismatch - file: different_method_parameter_kind.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 34 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `DifferentMethodParameterKind`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 3 character: 10 end: line: 3 character: 15 severity: ERROR message: The method parameter has different kind from the declaration `(::Integer, ::String) -> void` code: Ruby::DifferentMethodParameterKind - range: start: line: 3 character: 17 end: line: 3 character: 19 severity: ERROR message: The method parameter has different kind from the declaration `(::Integer, ::String) -> void` code: Ruby::DifferentMethodParameterKind - range: start: line: 7 character: 10 end: line: 7 character: 21 severity: ERROR message: 'The method parameter has different kind from the declaration `(name: ::String, size: ::Integer) -> void`' code: Ruby::DifferentMethodParameterKind - range: start: line: 7 character: 23 end: line: 7 character: 29 severity: ERROR message: 'The method parameter has different kind from the declaration `(name: ::String, size: ::Integer) -> void`' code: Ruby::DifferentMethodParameterKind - file: else_on_exhaustive_case.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 11 character: 2 end: line: 11 character: 26 severity: ERROR message: The branch is unreachable because the condition is exhaustive code: Ruby::ElseOnExhaustiveCase - file: incompatible_annotation.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 5 character: 2 end: line: 5 character: 8 severity: ERROR message: |- Type annotation about `a` is incompatible since ::String <: ::Array[::Integer] doesn't hold ::String <: ::Array[::Integer] ::Object <: ::Array[::Integer] ::BasicObject <: ::Array[::Integer] code: Ruby::IncompatibleAnnotation - file: incompatible_argument.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 11 end: line: 1 character: 12 severity: ERROR message: Unexpected positional argument code: Ruby::UnexpectedPositionalArgument - range: start: line: 1 character: 13 end: line: 1 character: 14 severity: ERROR message: Unexpected positional argument code: Ruby::UnexpectedPositionalArgument - file: incompatible_assignment.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 2 character: 0 end: line: 2 character: 5 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot assign a value of type `::Integer` to a variable of type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::IncompatibleAssignment - range: start: line: 5 character: 0 end: line: 5 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot assign a value of type `::Integer` to a constant of type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::IncompatibleAssignment - range: start: line: 8 character: 0 end: line: 8 character: 9 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot assign a value of type `::Symbol` to a variable of type `::Integer` ::Symbol <: ::Integer ::Object <: ::Integer ::BasicObject <: ::Integer code: Ruby::IncompatibleAssignment - file: method_arity_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 25 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `MethodArityMismatch`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 3 character: 9 end: line: 3 character: 11 severity: ERROR message: 'Method parameters are incompatible with declaration `(name: ::String) -> void`' code: Ruby::MethodArityMismatch - range: start: line: 8 character: 11 end: line: 8 character: 14 severity: ERROR message: Method parameters are incompatible with declaration `(::String) -> void` code: Ruby::MethodArityMismatch - file: method_body_type_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 28 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `MethodBodyTypeMismatch`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 3 character: 6 end: line: 3 character: 9 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot allow method body have type `::String` because declared as type `::Integer` ::String <: ::Integer ::Object <: ::Integer ::BasicObject <: ::Integer code: Ruby::MethodBodyTypeMismatch - file: method_definition_missing.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 29 severity: ERROR message: Cannot find implementation of method `::MethodDefinitionMissing#foo` code: Ruby::MethodDefinitionMissing - file: method_parameter_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 29 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `MethodParameterMismatch`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 3 character: 10 end: line: 3 character: 11 severity: ERROR message: The method parameter is incompatible with the declaration `(?::String, *::Integer) -> void` code: Ruby::MethodParameterMismatch - range: start: line: 3 character: 13 end: line: 3 character: 14 severity: ERROR message: The method parameter is incompatible with the declaration `(?::String, *::Integer) -> void` code: Ruby::MethodParameterMismatch - range: start: line: 7 character: 15 end: line: 7 character: 20 severity: ERROR message: 'The method parameter is incompatible with the declaration `(?name: ::String) -> void`' code: Ruby::MethodParameterMismatch - file: method_return_type_annotation_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 40 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `MethodReturnTypeAnnotationMismatch`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 3 character: 2 end: line: 6 character: 5 severity: ERROR message: |- Annotation `@type return` specifies type `::Integer` where declared as type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::MethodReturnTypeAnnotationMismatch - file: missing_keyword.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 19 end: line: 1 character: 32 severity: ERROR message: 'More keyword arguments are required: foo' code: Ruby::InsufficientKeywordArguments - file: no_method.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 2 end: line: 1 character: 5 severity: ERROR message: Type `::Integer` does not have method `foo` code: Ruby::NoMethod - file: proc_type_expected.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 4 end: line: 1 character: 10 severity: ERROR message: Proc type is expected but `::Integer` is specified code: Ruby::ProcTypeExpected - file: required_block_missing.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 4 end: line: 1 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: The method cannot be called without a block code: Ruby::RequiredBlockMissing - file: return_type_mismatch.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 24 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `ReturnTypeMismatch`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 4 character: 4 end: line: 4 character: 13 severity: ERROR message: |- The method cannot return a value of type `::Integer` because declared as type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::ReturnTypeMismatch - file: unexpected_block_given.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 10 end: line: 1 character: 17 severity: ERROR message: The method cannot be called with a block code: Ruby::UnexpectedBlockGiven - file: unexpected_dynamic_method.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 29 severity: ERROR message: "@dynamic annotation contains unknown method name `foo`" code: Ruby::UnexpectedDynamicMethod - file: unexpected_jump.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 0 end: line: 1 character: 5 severity: ERROR message: Cannot jump from here code: Ruby::UnexpectedJump - range: start: line: 3 character: 0 end: line: 3 character: 4 severity: ERROR message: Cannot jump from here code: Ruby::UnexpectedJump - file: unexpected_jump_value.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 2 character: 2 end: line: 2 character: 10 severity: ERROR message: The value given to break will be ignored code: Ruby::UnexpectedJumpValue - file: unexpected_keyword.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 36 end: line: 1 character: 39 severity: ERROR message: Unexpected keyword argument code: Ruby::UnexpectedKeywordArgument - file: unexpected_yield.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 21 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `UnexpectedYield`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 4 character: 4 end: line: 4 character: 9 severity: ERROR message: Cannot detect the type of the expression code: Ruby::FallbackAny - range: start: line: 4 character: 4 end: line: 4 character: 9 severity: ERROR message: No block given for `yield` code: Ruby::UnexpectedYield - file: unknown_constant_assigned.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 2 character: 2 end: line: 2 character: 5 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of constant: `FOO`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 4 character: 2 end: line: 4 character: 5 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of constant: `FOO`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 4 character: 7 end: line: 4 character: 10 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of constant: `BAR`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 6 character: 4 end: line: 6 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of constant: `FOO`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - file: unresolved_overloading.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 0 end: line: 1 character: 6 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot find compatible overloading of method `+` of type `::Integer` Method types: def +: (::Integer) -> ::Integer | (::Float) -> ::Float | (::Rational) -> ::Rational | (::Complex) -> ::Complex code: Ruby::UnresolvedOverloading - file: unsupported_syntax.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 0 end: line: 2 character: 3 severity: ERROR message: sclass receiver must be instance type or singleton type, but type given `(::Integer | ::String | nil)` code: Ruby::UnsupportedSyntax