module Ruboty module Jira module Actions class Base < Ruboty::Actions::Base def client username: jira_username, password: jira_password, site: jira_site, context_path: jira_context, auth_type: :basic, use_ssl: use_ssl ) end def jira_username ENV['JIRA_USERNAME'] end def jira_password ENV['JIRA_PASSWORD'] end def jira_site ENV['JIRA_URL'] end def jira_context ENV['JIRA_CONTEXT_PATH'] || '' end def use_ssl value = ENV['JIRA_USE_SSL'] return value unless value.nil? true end def memory[Ruboty::Jira::NAME_SPACE] ||= {} end def users memory['USERS'] ||= {} end def projects memory['PROJECTS'] ||= {} end def associate_user user = users[message.from_name] return if user.nil? user end def associate_project project = projects[] return if project.nil? project end def find_project(key) client.Project.find(key) rescue => e Ruboty.logger.error e nil end def find_issue(key) client.Issue.find(key) rescue => e Ruboty.logger.error e nil end def find_user(key) client.User.find(key) rescue => e Ruboty.logger.error e nil end def query_issue(jql) client.Issue.jql(jql) end def valid_project? return true unless associate_project.nil? message.reply <<-ERROR Please associate this channel with the jira project ex: @Botname jira project associate ERROR false end def valid_user? return true unless associate_user.nil? message.reply <<-ERROR Please associate chat name with the jira account ex: @Botname jira user # is @ ERROR false end end end end end