module DiscoApp::Concerns::Shop extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ShopifyApp::Shop # Define relationships to plans and subscriptions. has_many :subscriptions has_many :plans, through: :subscriptions # Define relationship to sessions. has_many :sessions, class_name: 'DiscoApp::Session', dependent: :destroy # Define possible installation statuses as an enum. enum status: [:never_installed, :awaiting_install, :installing, :installed, :awaiting_uninstall, :uninstalling, :uninstalled] # Define possible charge statuses as an enum. enum charge_status: [:charge_none, :charge_pending, :charge_accepted, :charge_declined, :charge_active, :charge_cancelled, :charge_waived] # Define some useful scopes. scope :status, -> (status) { where status: status } scope :installed, -> { where status: statuses[:installed] } scope :has_active_shopify_plan, -> { where.not(plan_name: [:cancelled, :frozen, :fraudulent]) } # Alias 'with_shopify_session' as 'temp', as per our existing conventions. alias_method :temp, :with_shopify_session # Return a hash of attributes that should be used to create a new charge for this shop. # This method can be overridden by the inheriting Shop class in order to provide charges # customised to a particular shop. Otherwise, the default settings configured in application.rb # will be used. def new_charge_attributes { type: Rails.configuration.x.shopify_charges_default_type, name: Rails.configuration.x.shopify_app_name, price: Rails.configuration.x.shopify_charges_default_price, trial_days: Rails.configuration.x.shopify_charges_default_trial_days, } end # Update this Shop's charge_status attribute based on the given Shopify charge object. def update_charge_status(shopify_charge) status_update_method_name = "charge_#{shopify_charge.status}!" self.public_send(status_update_method_name) if self.respond_to? status_update_method_name end # Convenience method to get the currently active subscription for this Shop. def current_subscription end # Return the absolute URL to the shop's storefront. def url "#{protocol}://#{domain}" end # Return the protocol the shop's storefront uses. # @TODO: Consider when we may want to allow https: here. For now, automatic # redirection should do most of the work. def protocol 'http' end # Return the absolute URL to the shop's admin. def admin_url "https://#{shopify_domain}/admin" end end end