### 1.4.0 (Roadmap) - rudimentary catalog compilation testing? (only for Puppet4) - minimum Puppet version increased from 3.4 to 3.7. - rakefile interface with puppet-lint, rubocop, reek - rspec puppet stubbing - infrataster and analogous docker task like thing ripienaar did? - some multithreading for speedup ### 1.3.1 (Roadmap) - split syntax and style checks to separate methods for speedup - more args, fewer self accessors - improved json and yaml output formats support (file arrays become file hashes and output results further handles formatting) - metadata.json checks for dependency upper bounds, dependencies/operatingsystem_support as array of hashes, and operatingsystem and operatingsystem_release within operatingsystem_support - do another reek and rubocop check - add additional hiera checks ### 1.3.0 - Minimum Ruby version increased from 1.9.3 to 2.0.0. - Minimum Puppet version increased from 3.2 to 3.4. - Fixed issue where invalid arguments to PuppetLint were not displayed in error message. - Support for outputting the results in YAML or JSON formats. - Additional style check for `metadata.json`. - Slight code cleanup and optimization. - Block hieradata checks from excuting on `hiera.yaml`. ### 1.2.1 - Code and output cleanup. - Add arguments support to external module download methods. - PuppetLint dependency version updated for 2.0 release. ### 1.2.0 - Support for external module dependencies with RSpecPuppet. - Support for nested hash parsing in Hieradata checks. - Support for `.puppet-lint.rc` config files in manually specified paths. - A few bug fixes for RSpecPuppet support. ### 1.1.1 (yanked from rubygems.org) - Rewrote and optimized RSpecPuppet module support. - A variety of minor fixes, cleanup, and improvements (e.g. ignored files now outputs in cyan and not blue) ### 1.1.0 - Support for RSpec, RSpecPuppet, and Beaker. - Empty hieradata file bug fix. ### 1.0.0 - Initial release.