define("dojox/gfx/vml_attach", ["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "./_base", "./matrix", "./path", "dojo/_base/Color", "./vml"], function (kernel, lang, g, m, pathLib, Color, vml){ kernel.experimental("dojox.gfx.vml_attach"); vml.attachNode = function(node){ // summary: // creates a shape from a Node // node: Node // a VML node if(!node) return null; var s = null; switch(node.tagName.toLowerCase()){ case vml.Rect.nodeType: s = new vml.Rect(node); attachRect(s); break; case vml.Ellipse.nodeType: if( =={ s = new vml.Circle(node); attachCircle(s); }else{ s = new vml.Ellipse(node); attachEllipse(s); } break; case vml.Path.nodeType: switch(node.getAttribute("dojoGfxType")){ case "line": s = new vml.Line(node); attachLine(s); break; case "polyline": s = new vml.Polyline(node); attachPolyline(s); break; case "path": s = new vml.Path(node); attachPath(s); break; case "text": s = new vml.Text(node); attachText(s); attachFont(s); attachTextTransform(s); break; case "textpath": s = new vml.TextPath(node); attachPath(s); attachText(s); attachFont(s); break; } break; case vml.Image.nodeType: switch(node.getAttribute("dojoGfxType")){ case "image": s = new vml.Image(node); attachImage(s); attachImageTransform(s); break; } break; default: //console.debug("FATAL ERROR! tagName = " + node.tagName); return null; } if(!(s instanceof vml.Image)){ attachFill(s); attachStroke(s); if(!(s instanceof vml.Text)){ attachTransform(s); } } return s; // dojox/gfx/shape.Shape }; vml.attachSurface = function(node){ // summary: // creates a surface from a Node // node: Node // a VML node var s = new vml.Surface(); s.clipNode = node; var r = s.rawNode = node.firstChild; var b = r.firstChild; if(!b || b.tagName != "rect"){ return null; // dojox/gfx.Surface } s.bgNode = r; return s; // dojox/gfx.Surface }; var attachFill = function(object){ // summary: // deduces a fill style from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var fillStyle = null, r = object.rawNode, fo = r.fill, stops, i, t; if(fo.on && fo.type == "gradient"){ fillStyle = lang.clone(g.defaultLinearGradient), rad = m._degToRad(fo.angle); fillStyle.x2 = Math.cos(rad); fillStyle.y2 = Math.sin(rad); fillStyle.colors = []; stops = fo.colors.value.split(";"); for(i = 0; i < stops.length; ++i){ t = stops[i].match(/\S+/g); if(!t || t.length != 2){ continue; } fillStyle.colors.push({offset: vml._parseFloat(t[0]), color: new Color(t[1])}); } }else if(fo.on && fo.type == "gradientradial"){ fillStyle = lang.clone(g.defaultRadialGradient), w = parseFloat(, h = parseFloat(; = isNaN(w) ? 0 : fo.focusposition.x * w; = isNaN(h) ? 0 : fo.focusposition.y * h; fillStyle.r = isNaN(w) ? 1 : w / 2; fillStyle.colors = []; stops = fo.colors.value.split(";"); for(i = stops.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ t = stops[i].match(/\S+/g); if(!t || t.length != 2){ continue; } fillStyle.colors.push({offset: vml._parseFloat(t[0]), color: new Color(t[1])}); } }else if(fo.on && fo.type == "tile"){ fillStyle = lang.clone(g.defaultPattern); fillStyle.width = g.pt2px(fo.size.x); // from pt fillStyle.height = g.pt2px(fo.size.y); // from pt fillStyle.x = fo.origin.x * fillStyle.width; fillStyle.y = fo.origin.y * fillStyle.height; fillStyle.src = fo.src; }else if(fo.on && r.fillcolor){ // a color object ! fillStyle = new Color(r.fillcolor+""); fillStyle.a = fo.opacity; } object.fillStyle = fillStyle; }; var attachStroke = function(object) { // summary: // deduces a stroke style from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var r = object.rawNode; if(!r.stroked){ object.strokeStyle = null; return; } var strokeStyle = object.strokeStyle = lang.clone(g.defaultStroke), rs = r.stroke; strokeStyle.color = new Color(r.strokecolor.value); strokeStyle.width = g.normalizedLength(r.strokeweight+""); strokeStyle.color.a = rs.opacity; strokeStyle.cap = this._translate(this._capMapReversed, rs.endcap); strokeStyle.join = rs.joinstyle == "miter" ? rs.miterlimit : rs.joinstyle; = rs.dashstyle; }; var attachTransform = function(object) { // summary: // deduces a transformation matrix from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var s = object.rawNode.skew, sm = s.matrix, so = s.offset; object.matrix = m.normalize({ xx: sm.xtox, xy: sm.ytox, yx: sm.xtoy, yy: sm.ytoy, dx: g.pt2px(so.x), dy: g.pt2px(so.y) }); }; var attachGroup = function(object){ // summary: // reconstructs all group shape parameters from a node (VML). // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape // attach the background object.bgNode = object.rawNode.firstChild; // TODO: check it first }; var attachRect = function(object){ // summary: // builds a rectangle shape from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape // a workaround for the VML's arcsize bug: cannot read arcsize of an instantiated node var r = object.rawNode, arcsize = r.outerHTML.match(/arcsize = \"(\d*\.?\d+[%f]?)\"/)[1], style =, width = parseFloat(style.width), height = parseFloat(style.height); arcsize = (arcsize.indexOf("%") >= 0) ? parseFloat(arcsize) / 100 : vml._parseFloat(arcsize); // make an object object.shape = g.makeParameters(g.defaultRect, { x: parseInt(style.left), y: parseInt(, width: width, height: height, r: Math.min(width, height) * arcsize }); }; var attachEllipse = function(object){ // summary: // builds an ellipse shape from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var style =, rx = parseInt(style.width ) / 2, ry = parseInt(style.height) / 2; object.shape = g.makeParameters(g.defaultEllipse, { cx: parseInt(style.left) + rx, cy: parseInt( ) + ry, rx: rx, ry: ry }); }; var attachCircle = function(object){ // summary: // builds a circle shape from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var style =, r = parseInt(style.width) / 2; object.shape = g.makeParameters(g.defaultCircle, { cx: parseInt(style.left) + r, cy: parseInt( + r, r: r }); }; var attachLine = function(object){ // summary: // builds a line shape from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var shape = object.shape = lang.clone(g.defaultLine), p = object.rawNode.path.v.match(g.pathVmlRegExp); do{ if(p.length < 7 || p[0] != "m" || p[3] != "l" || p[6] != "e"){ break; } shape.x1 = parseInt(p[1]); shape.y1 = parseInt(p[2]); shape.x2 = parseInt(p[4]); shape.y2 = parseInt(p[5]); }while(false); }; var attachPolyline = function(object){ // summary: // builds a polyline/polygon shape from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var shape = object.shape = lang.clone(g.defaultPolyline), p = object.rawNode.path.v.match(g.pathVmlRegExp); do{ if(p.length < 3 || p[0] != "m"){ break; } var x = parseInt(p[0]), y = parseInt(p[1]); if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)){ break; } shape.points.push({x: x, y: y}); if(p.length < 6 || p[3] != "l"){ break; } for(var i = 4; i < p.length; i += 2){ x = parseInt(p[i]); y = parseInt(p[i + 1]); if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)){ break; } shape.points.push({x: x, y: y}); } }while(false); }; var attachImage = function(object){ // summary: // builds an image shape from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape object.shape = lang.clone(g.defaultImage); object.shape.src = object.rawNode.firstChild.src; }; var attachImageTransform = function(object) { // summary: // deduces a transformation matrix from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var mm = object.rawNode.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix"]; object.matrix = m.normalize({ xx: mm.M11, xy: mm.M12, yx: mm.M21, yy: mm.M22, dx: mm.Dx, dy: mm.Dy }); }; var attachText = function(object){ // summary: // builds a text shape from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var shape = object.shape = lang.clone(g.defaultText), r = object.rawNode, p = r.path.v.match(g.pathVmlRegExp); do{ if(!p || p.length != 7){ break; } var c = r.childNodes, i = 0; for(; i < c.length && c[i].tagName != "textpath"; ++i); if(i >= c.length){ break; } var s = c[i].style; shape.text = c[i].string; switch(s["v-text-align"]){ case "left": shape.x = parseInt(p[1]); shape.align = "start"; break; case "center": shape.x = (parseInt(p[1]) + parseInt(p[4])) / 2; shape.align = "middle"; break; case "right": shape.x = parseInt(p[4]); shape.align = "end"; break; } shape.y = parseInt(p[2]); shape.decoration = s["text-decoration"]; shape.rotated = s["v-rotate-letters"].toLowerCase() in vml._bool; shape.kerning = s["v-text-kern"].toLowerCase() in vml._bool; return; }while(false); object.shape = null; }; var attachFont = function(object){ // summary: // deduces a font style from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var fontStyle = object.fontStyle = lang.clone(g.defaultFont), c = object.rawNode.childNodes, i = 0; for(; i < c.length && c[i].tagName == "textpath"; ++i); if(i >= c.length){ object.fontStyle = null; return; } var s = c[i].style; = s.fontstyle; fontStyle.variant = s.fontvariant; fontStyle.weight = s.fontweight; fontStyle.size = s.fontsize; = s.fontfamily; }; var attachTextTransform = function(object) { // summary: // deduces a transformation matrix from a node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape attachTransform(object); var matrix = object.matrix, fs = object.fontStyle; // see comments in _getRealMatrix() if(matrix && fs){ object.matrix = m.multiply(matrix, {dy: g.normalizedLength(fs.size) * 0.35}); } }; var attachPath = function(object){ // summary: // builds a path shape from a Node. // object: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // a VML shape var shape = object.shape = lang.clone(g.defaultPath), p = object.rawNode.path.v.match(g.pathVmlRegExp), t = [], skip = false, map = pathLib._pathVmlToSvgMap; for(var i = 0; i < p.length; ++p){ var s = p[i]; if(s in map) { skip = false; t.push(map[s]); } else if(!skip){ var n = parseInt(s); if(isNaN(n)){ skip = true; }else{ t.push(n); } } } var l = t.length; if(l >= 4 && t[l - 1] == "" && t[l - 2] == 0 && t[l - 3] == 0 && t[l - 4] == "l"){ t.splice(l - 4, 4); } if(l){ shape.path = t.join(" "); } }; return vml; //return augmented vml api });