= pdf -- pdf rendering brick for Zena This brick is used to render pdf from html pages. It exploit existing engine such as "princexml" or "pisa". The required engine must be installed on the server and the bricks configuration file must specify which engine to use. Example: pdf: switch: ON engine: prince You must also provide an asset host dedicated to serving the files needed by pdf generation (css documents, embedded images, etc). Set the asset host port in the bricks.yml file: asset_host: 7999 It is possible to add more engines. See implementations in "engine" folder in for details. There is one method "render" that takes a hash as argument. == Examples Bricks::Pdf.engine = 'prince' Bricks::Pdf.render :input => "myfile.html" => STDOUT Bricks::Pdf.render :input => "myfile.html", :output => "out.pdf" => out.pdf (file) Bricks::Pdf.render :data => "This is text to render." => STDOUT (strings) Bricks::Pdf.render :data => "This is text to render.", :output => "out.pdf" => out.pdf (file)