# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Consider street corners on a Manhattan grid. We want to find the # minimal path from the most northeast city to the most # southeast city. Use Dijstra's algorithm # # # --------- Contexts: the home of the use cases for the example -------------- # # # ---------- This is the main Context for shortest path calculation ----------- # # There are eight roles in the algorithm: # # pathTo, which is the interface to whatever accumulates the path # current, which is the current intersection in the recursive algorithm # east_neighbor, which lies DIRECTLY to the east of current # south_neighbor, which is DIRECTLy to its south # destination, the target node # map, which is the oracle for the geometry # tentative_distance_values, which supports the algorithm, and is # owned by the CalculateShortestPath context (it is context data) # # # The algorithm is straight from Wikipedia: # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra's_algorithm # # and reads directly from the distance method, below # "Map" as in cartography rather than Computer Science... # # Map is a DCI role. The role in this example is played by an # object representing a particular Manhattan geometry ctx,source = Context::define :CalculateShortestPath do role :distance_labeled_graph_node do # Access to roles and other Context data tentative_distance_values do tentative_distance_values end # Role Methods tentative_distance do tentative_distance_values[@distance_labeled_graph_node] end set_tentative_distance_to do |x| tentative_distance_values[@distance_labeled_graph_node] = x end end # These are handles to to the roles role :map do distance_between do |a, b| dist = @map.distances[Edge.new(a, b)] # p "distance between #{a.name} and #{b.name} is #{dist}" dist end next_down_the_street_from do |x| n = east_neighbor_of x # p "next down the street from #{x.name} is #{n.name}" n end next_along_the_avenue_from do |x| n = south_neighbor_of x # p "next along the avenue from #{x.name} is #{n.name}" n end origin do map.root end nearest_unvisited_node_to_target do min = infinity selection = nil @unvisited.each_key { |intersection| bind :intersection=>:distance_labeled_graph_node if @unvisited[intersection] tentative_distance = intersection.tentative_distance if tentative_distance < min # p "min distance is updated from #{min} to #{tentative_distance}" min = tentative_distance selection = intersection end end } selection end unvisited do @unvisited end end role :current do # Access to roles and other Context data unvisited do map.unvisited end # Role Methods unvisited_neighbors do retval = Array.new if @south_neighbor != nil if unvisited[@south_neighbor] then retval << @south_neighbor end end if @east_neighbor != nil if unvisited[@east_neighbor] then retval << @east_neighbor end end # p "unvisited neighbors #{retval}" retval end tentative_distance do raise "key (#{current}) not found in #{@tentative_distance_values}" unless @tentative_distance_values && (@tentative_distance_values.has_key? current) @tentative_distance_values[current] end end role :unvisited do end # This module serves to provide the methods both for the # east_neighbor and south_neighbor roles role :neighbor_node do relable_node_as do |x| raise "Argument can't be nil" unless x raise "self can't be nil" unless @neighbor_node if x < neighbor_node.tentative_distance # p "updated tentative distance from #{neighbor_node.tentative_distance} to #{x}" neighbor_node.set_tentative_distance_to x :distance_was_udated else # p "left tentative distance at #{neighbor_node.tentative_distance} instead of #{x}" :distance_was_not_udated end end # Role Methods tentative_distance do raise "self can't be nil" unless @neighbor_node tentative_distance_values[@neighbor_node] end set_tentative_distance_to do |x| raise "Argument can't be nil" unless x raise "self can't be nil" unless @neighbor_node tentative_distance_values[@neighbor_node] = x end end # This is the method that starts the work. Called from initialize. execute do |path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash| do_inits(path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash) # Calculate tentative distances of unvisited neighbors unvisited_neighbors = current.unvisited_neighbors # p "#{unvisited_neighbors}" if unvisited_neighbors != nil unvisited_neighbors.each { |neighbor| bind :neighbor => :neighbor_node tentative_distance = current.tentative_distance raise "tentative distance can't be nil" if tentative_distance == nil distance_between = map.distance_between(current, neighbor) raise "distance between can't be nil" if distance_between == nil net_distance = tentative_distance + distance_between if neighbor.relable_node_as(net_distance) == :distance_was_udated # p "set path" pathTo[neighbor] = @current # p "path #{@pathTo}" end } end unvisited.delete(@current) # Are we done? if unvisited.size == 0 save_path(@path) else # The next current node is the one with the least distance in the # unvisited set selection = map.nearest_unvisited_node_to_target # Recur CalculateShortestPath.new(selection, destination, map, path, @unvisited, pathTo, tentative_distance_values) end end do_inits do |path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash| # The conditional switches between the first and subsequent instances of the # recursion (the algorithm is recursive in graph contexts) if path_vector.nil? def do_inits(path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash) # The conditional switches between the first and subsequent instances of the # recursion (the algorithm is recursive in graph contexts) if path_vector.nil? # Since path_vector isn't set up, this is the first iteration of the recursion @tentative_distance_values = Hash.new # This is the fundamental data structure for Dijkstra's algorithm, called # "Q" in the Wikipedia description. It is a boolean hash that maps a # node onto false or true according to whether it has been visited @unvisited = Hash.new # These initializations are directly from the description of the algorithm map.nodes.each { |node| @unvisited[node] = true } @unvisited.delete(map.origin) map.nodes.each { |node| bind :node=>:distance_labeled_graph_node; node.set_tentative_distance_to(infinity) } tentative_distance_values[map.origin] = 0 # The path array is kept in the outermost context and serves to store the # return path. Each recurring context may add something to the array along # the way. However, because of the nature of the algorithm, individual # Context instances don't deliver "partial paths" as partial answers. @path = Array.new # The pathTo map is a local associative array that remembers the # arrows between nodes through the array and erases them if we # re-label a node with a shorter distance @pathTo = Hash.new else # We are recurring. Just copy the values copied in from the previous iteration # of the recursion @tentative_distance_values = tentative_distance_values_hash @unvisited = unvisited_hash @path = path_vector @pathTo = pathto_hash end end # Since path_vector isn't set up, this is the first iteration of the recursion @tentative_distance_values = Hash.new # This is the fundamental data structure for Dijkstra's algorithm, called # "Q" in the Wikipedia description. It is a boolean hash that maps a # node onto false or true according to whether it has been visited @unvisited = Hash.new # These initializations are directly from the description of the algorithm map.nodes.each { |node| @unvisited[node] = true } @unvisited.delete(map.origin) # p "map #{map.nodes}" map.nodes.each { |node| bind :node => :distance_labeled_graph_node; node.set_tentative_distance_to(infinity) # p "initialized node #{node.name}" } tentative_distance_values[map.origin] = 0 # The path array is kept in the outermost context and serves to store the # return path. Each recurring context may add something to the array along # the way. However, because of the nature of the algorithm, individual # Context instances don't deliver "partial paths" as partial answers. @path = Array.new # The pathTo map is a local associative array that remembers the # arrows between nodes through the array and erases them if we # re-label a node with a shorter distance @pathTo = Hash.new else # We are recurring. Just copy the values copied in from the previous iteration # of the recursion @tentative_distance_values = tentative_distance_values_hash @unvisited = unvisited_hash @path = path_vector @pathTo = pathto_hash end end end class CalculateShortestPath def pathTo @pathTo end def east_neighbor; @east_neighbor end def south_neighbor; @south_neighbor end def path; @path end def destination; @destination end def tentative_distance_values; @tentative_distance_values end # This is a shortcut to information that really belongs in the Map. # To keep roles stateless, we hold the Map's unvisited structure in the # Context object. We access it as though it were in the map # Initialization def rebind(origin_node, geometries) @current = origin_node @map = geometries @east_neighbor = map.east_neighbor_of(origin_node) @south_neighbor = map.south_neighbor_of(origin_node) end # public initialize. It's overloaded so that the public version doesn't # have to pass a lot of crap; the initialize method takes care of # setting up internal data structures on the first invocation. On # recursion we override the defaults def initialize(origin_node, target_node, geometries, path_vector = nil, unvisited_hash = nil, pathto_hash = nil, tentative_distance_values_hash = nil) @destination = target_node rebind(origin_node, geometries) execute(path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash) end def each path.each { |node| yield node } end # This method does a simple traversal of the data structures (following pathTo) # to build the directed traversal vector for the minimum path def save_path(pathVector) node = destination begin pathVector << node node = pathTo[node] end while node != nil end end File.open('CalculateShortestPath_generated.rb', 'w') {|f| f.write(source) }