#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' module MCollective describe Client do let(:client) do c = Client.new("/nonexisting") c.options = Util.default_options c end before :each do @security = mock @security.stubs(:initiated_by=) @connector = mock @connector.stubs(:connect) @connector.stubs(:subscribe) @connector.stubs(:unsubscribe) @ddl = mock @ddl.stubs(:meta).returns({:timeout => 1}) @discoverer = mock Discovery.expects(:new).returns(@discoverer) Config.instance.instance_variable_set("@configured", true) PluginManager.expects("[]").with("connector_plugin").returns(@connector) PluginManager.expects("[]").with("security_plugin").returns(@security) Timeout.stubs(:timeout).with(nil, MCollective::ClientTimeoutError) end describe "#initialize" do it "should set a timeout if a timeout has been specified" do Timeout.expects(:timeout).with(1, MCollective::ClientTimeoutError) Client.new({:config => "/nonexisting", :connection_timeout => 1}) end it "should try forever if no timeout has been set" do Timeout.expects(:timeout).with(nil, MCollective::ClientTimeoutError) Client.new({:config => "/nonexisting"}) end end describe "#sendreq" do it "should send the supplied message" do request = mock request.stubs(:agent) request.stubs(:ttl) request.stubs(:collective) client.expects(:createreq).with(request, "rspec", {}).returns(request) request.expects(:publish) request.expects(:requestid).returns("13fegbcw").twice result = client.sendreq(request, "rspec") result.should == "13fegbcw" end end describe "#createreq" do it "should create a request" do message = Message.new("rspec", nil, {:agent => "rspec", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => Util.empty_filter, :options => Util.default_options}) message.stubs(:encode!) client.stubs(:subscribe) message.stubs(:reply_to) result = client.createreq(message, "rspec") result.should == message end it "should create a new request if the message if not of type Message" do message = mock message.stubs(:encode!) client.stubs(:subscribe) message.stubs(:reply_to) Message.expects(:new).returns(message) result = client.createreq("message", "rspec") result.should == message end it "should subscripe to the reply queue unless has been specified" do message = Message.new("rspec", nil, {:agent => "rspec", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => Util.empty_filter, :options => Util.default_options}) message.stubs(:encode!) client.expects(:subscribe).with("rspec", :reply) message.stubs(:reply_to).returns(nil) client.createreq(message, "rspec") end it "should not subscribe to the reply queue if one has been specified" do message = Message.new("rspec", nil, {:agent => "rspec", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => Util.empty_filter, :options => Util.default_options}) message.stubs(:encode!) client.expects(:subscribe).never message.stubs(:reply_to).returns(:reply) client.createreq(message, "rspec") end end describe "#subscribe" do it "should subscribe to a destination if it hasn't already" do subscription = mock Util.stubs(:make_subscriptions).returns(subscription) Util.expects(:subscribe).with(subscription) client.subscribe("rspec", :queue) client.instance_variable_get(:@subscriptions).should == {"rspec" => 1} end it "should not subscribe to a destination if it already has" do client.instance_variable_get(:@subscriptions)["rspec"] = 1 Util.expects(:make_subscription).never client.subscribe("rspec", :queue) end end describe "#unsubscribe" do it "should unsubscribe if a subscription has been made" do subscription = mock client.instance_variable_get(:@subscriptions)["rspec"] = 1 Util.expects(:make_subscriptions).returns(subscription) Util.expects(:unsubscribe).with(subscription) client.unsubscribe("rspec", :queue) end it "should no unsubscribe if a subscription hasn't been made" do Util.expects(:make_subscription).never client.unsubscribe("rspec", :queue) end end describe "receive" do let(:message) do m = mock('message') m.stubs(:type=) m.stubs(:expected_msgid=) m.stubs(:decode!) m.stubs(:requestid).returns("erfs123") m.stubs(:payload).returns({:senderid => 'test-sender'}) m end let(:badmessage) do m = mock('badmessage') m.stubs(:type=) m.stubs(:expected_msgid=) m.stubs(:decode!) m.stubs(:requestid).returns("badmessage") m.stubs(:payload).returns({}) m end it "should receive a message" do @connector.stubs(:receive).returns(message) result = client.receive("erfs123") result.should == message end it 'should log who the message was from' do @connector.stubs(:receive).returns(message) Log.expects(:debug).with("Received reply to erfs123 from test-sender") client.receive("erfs123") end it "should log and retry if the message reqid does not match the expected msgid" do Log.stubs(:debug) Log.expects(:debug).with("Ignoring a message for some other client : Message reqid badmessage does not match our reqid erfs123") @connector.stubs(:receive).returns(badmessage, message) client.receive("erfs123") end it "should log and retry if a SecurityValidationFailed expection is raised" do Log.expects(:warn).with("Ignoring a message that did not pass security validations") badmessage.stubs(:decode!).raises(SecurityValidationFailed) @connector.stubs(:receive).returns(badmessage, message) client.receive("erfs123") end end describe "#discover" do it "should delegate to the discovery plugins" do @discoverer.expects(:discover).with({'collective' => 'mcollective'}, 1, 0).returns([]) client.discover({}, 1).should == [] end end describe "#req" do let(:message) do m = Message.new("rspec", nil, {:agent => "rspec", :type => :request, :collective => "mcollective", :filter => Util.empty_filter, :options => Util.default_options}) m.discovered_hosts = ["rspec"] m end let(:request) do r = mock r.stubs(:requestid).returns("erfs123") r end before :each do client.expects(:unsubscribe) @discoverer.expects(:discovery_timeout).with(message.options[:timeout], message.options[:filter]).returns(0) client.stubs(:createreq).returns(request) client.expects(:update_stat) end it "should thread the publisher and receiver if configured" do client.instance_variable_get(:@options)[:threaded] = true client.expects(:threaded_req).with(request, 2, 0, ['rspec']) message.options[:threaded] = true client.req(message) end it "should not thread the publisher and receiver if configured" do client.instance_variable_set(:@threaded, false) client.expects(:unthreaded_req).with(request, 2, 0, ['rspec']) client.req(message) end it "uses the publish_timeout from options when passed as an option" do client.expects(:unthreaded_req).with(request, 5, 0, ['rspec']) client.req(message, nil, message.options.merge(:publish_timeout => 5)) end it "uses the publish_timeout from config when passed as a config value" do client.expects(:unthreaded_req).with(request, 10, 0, ['rspec']) client.instance_variable_get(:@config).expects(:publish_timeout).returns(10) client.req(message) end end describe "#unthreaded_req" do it "should start a publisher and then start a receiver" do request = mock request.stubs(:requestid).returns("erfs123") client.expects(:start_publisher).with(request, 5) client.expects(:start_receiver).with("erfs123", 2, 10) client.unthreaded_req(request, 5, 10, 2) end end describe "#threaded_req" do it "should start a publisher thread and a receiver thread" do request = mock request.stubs(:requestid).returns("erfs123") p_thread = mock r_thread = mock Thread.expects(:new).yields.returns(p_thread) Thread.expects(:new).yields.returns(r_thread) client.expects(:start_publisher).with(request, 5) client.expects(:start_receiver).with("erfs123", 2, 15).returns(2) p_thread.expects(:join) result = client.threaded_req(request, 5, 10, 2) result.should == 2 end end describe "#start_publisher" do let(:message) do m = mock m.stubs(:requestid) m.stubs(:agent) m.stubs(:ttl) m.stubs(:collective) m end it "should publish the message" do Timeout.stubs(:timeout).with(2).yields message.expects(:publish) client.start_publisher(message, 2) end it "should log a warning on a timeout" do Timeout.stubs(:timeout).with(2).raises(Timeout::Error) Log.expects(:warn).with("Could not publish all messages. Publishing timed out.") client.start_publisher(message,2) end end describe "#start_receiver" do describe "waitfor is a number" do it "should go into a receive loop and receive until it reaches waitfor" do results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields message = mock client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(message) message.stubs(:payload).returns("msg1", "msg2", "msg3") client.start_receiver("erfs123", 3, 5) do |msg| results << msg end results.should == ["msg1", "msg2", "msg3"] end it "should log a warning if a timeout occurs" do results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields message = mock client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(message) message.stubs(:payload).returns("msg1", "msg2", "timeout") Log.expects(:warn).with("Could not receive all responses. Expected : 3. Received : 2") responded = client.start_receiver("erfs123", 3, 5) do |msg| if msg == "timeout" raise Timeout::Error end results << msg end results.should == ["msg1", "msg2"] responded.should == 2 end it "should not log a warning if a the response count is larger or equal to the expected number of responses" do results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields message = mock client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(message) message.stubs(:payload).returns("msg1", "msg2", "timeout") Log.expects(:warn).never responded = client.start_receiver("erfs123", 2, 5) do |msg| if msg == "timeout" raise Timeout::Error end results << msg end results.should == ["msg1", "msg2"] responded.should == 2 end end describe "waitfor is an array" do it "should go into a receive loop and receive until it matches waitfor" do senders = ["sender1", "sender2", "sender3", "sender4"] expected = senders.map {|s| Message.new({:callerid => "caller", :senderid => s}, nil, :type => :reply)} results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(*expected) client.start_receiver("erfs123", senders[0,3], 5) do |msg| results << msg end results.should == expected[0,3].map {|m| m.payload} end it "receive until it gets all expected responses" do senders = ["sender1", "sender2", "sender3", "sender4"] expected = senders.map {|s| Message.new({:callerid => "caller", :senderid => s}, nil, :type => :reply)} results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(*expected) client.start_receiver("erfs123", senders[1,3], 5) do |msg| results << msg end results.should == expected.map {|m| m.payload} end it "should log a warning if a timeout occurs" do senders = ["sender1", "sender2", "sender3"] messages = ["msg1", "msg2", "timeout"] expected = senders.zip(messages).map {|s, m| Message.new({:callerid => "caller", :senderid => s, :body => m}, nil, :type => :reply)} results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(*expected) Log.expects(:warn).with("Could not receive all responses. Did not receive responses from sender3") responded = client.start_receiver("erfs123", senders, 5) do |msg| if msg[:body] == "timeout" raise Timeout::Error end results << msg end results.should == expected[0,2].map {|m| m.payload} responded.should == 2 end it "should not log a warning if accepting all responses" do senders = ["sender1", "sender2", "sender3"] messages = ["msg1", "msg2", "timeout"] expected = senders.zip(messages).map {|s, m| Message.new({:callerid => "caller", :senderid => s, :body => m}, nil, :type => :reply)} results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(*expected) Log.expects(:warn).never responded = client.start_receiver("erfs123", [], 1) do |msg| if msg[:body] == "timeout" raise Timeout::Error end results << msg end results.should == expected[0,2].map {|m| m.payload} responded.should == 2 end it "should not log a warning if the response count is larger or equal to the expected number of responses" do senders = ["sender1", "sender2", "sender3"] messages = ["msg1", "msg2", "timeout"] expected = senders.zip(messages).map {|s, m| Message.new({:callerid => "caller", :senderid => s, :body => m}, nil, :type => :reply)} results = [] Timeout.stubs(:timeout).yields client.stubs(:receive).with("erfs123").returns(*expected) Log.expects(:warn).never responded = client.start_receiver("erfs123", senders[0,2], 5) do |msg| if msg[:body] == "timeout" raise Timeout::Error end results << msg end results.should == expected[0,2].map {|m| m.payload} responded.should == 2 end end end describe "#update_stat" do let(:before) do { :starttime => Time.now.to_f, :discoverytime => 0, :blocktime => 0, :totaltime => 0 } end let(:after) do { :starttime => 10.0, :discoverytime => 0, :blocktime => 10.0, :totaltime => 10.0, :responses => 5, :requestid => "erfs123", :noresponsefrom => [] } end it "should update stats and return the stats hash" do Time.stubs(:now).returns(10, 20) client.update_stat(before, 5, "erfs123").should == after end end describe "#discovered_req" do it "should raise a deprecation exception" do expect{ client.discovered_req(nil, nil) }.to raise_error("Client#discovered_req has been removed, please port your agent and client to the SimpleRPC framework") end end end end