module Magick class Image def self.from_blob(blob, &add) # TODO multiple images in file [Image.from_image(Magick4J.MagickImage.from_blob(blob.to_java_bytes), &add)] end def, &add) info = image = Magick4J.ImageDatabase.createDefault(file.to_s, info._info) || [Image.from_image(image,&add)] end def self.from_image(image, &add) raise ArgumentError, 'First parameter must be a MagickImage instance.' unless image.is_a? Magick4J.MagickImage magick_image =, image.getHeight(), &add) magick_image._image = image magick_image end def self.allocate(*args, &add) info = if args.length == 1 case args[0] when String then # TODO Respect Dir.getwd name = args[0] @image = Magick4J.ImageDatabase.createDefault(name, info._info) || when Magick4J.MagickImage then @image = args[0] when Image then @image = args[0]._image else raise ArgumentError, "The argument just can be a String, a MagickImage or an Image instance." end else @image =[0], args[1], info._info) if args.length == 3 args[2].fill(self) end end end def background_color @image.getBackgroundColor end def background_color=(value) raise TypeError, "argument must be color name or pixel (#{value.class} given)" unless value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Pixel) value = Pixel.from_color(value) if value.is_a?(String) @image.setBackgroundColor(value) end def blur @image.getBlur end def blur=(value) raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion to float from #{value.class.to_s.downcase}" unless value.is_a? Numeric @image.setBlur(value) end def blur_image(radius=0.0, sigma=1.0) # Swap order on purpose. I wanted them the other way around in Magick4J. Image.from_image(,sigma).apply(_image)) end def change_geometry(geometry) geometry = Geometry.from_s(geometry.to_s) unless geometry.is_a? Geometry index = if geometry.flag.nil? 0 else geometry.flag._val end width_distance = geometry.width.nil? ? : JWidthDistances[index].new(geometry.width) height_distance = geometry.height.nil? ? : JHeightDistances[index].new(geometry.height) geometry =, height_distance, geometry.x, geometry.y) yield geometry.calculate_width(self._image), geometry.calculate_height(self._image), self end def charcoal(radius=0.0, sigma=1.0) Image.from_image(,sigma).apply(_image)) end def columns @image.getWidth end def composite(*args) # image, x, y, composite_op args[0] = args[0]._image! {|arg| arg.is_a?(Enum) ? arg._val : arg} Image.from_image(@image.composited(*args)) end def copy Image.from_image(@image.clone) end def crop(*args) copy.crop!(*args) end def crop!(*args) # gravity, x, y, width, height, reset_offset # Defaults. gravity = nil x = y = -1 reset_offset = false # Find available args. if args.first.is_a? GravityType gravity = args.shift._val end if [FalseClass, TrueClass].member? args.last.class reset = args.pop end if args.length == 4 x, y = args[0..1] end width, height = args[-2..-1] # Call Java. # TODO Why wouldn't we reset offset information? Do we need to use that? @image = unless gravity.nil? if x == -1 || y == -1 @image.crop(gravity, width, height) else @image.crop(gravity, x, y, width, height) end else @image.crop(x,y,width,height) end self end def display @image.display self end def edge(radius=0.0) Image.from_image( end def erase! @image.erase end def format @image.getFormat end def format= format @image.setFormat(format) self end def flip copy.flip end def flip! @image.flip self end def _image @image end def _image=(new_image) @image = new_image end def implode(amount=0.5) Image.from_image( end def _info @info end def _info=(new_info) @info = new_info end def initialize(columns, rows, fill=nil, &info_block) info = @image =, rows, info._info) fill.fill(self) if fill.respond_to? :fill end def matte @image.getMatte end def matte= matte @image.setMatte(matte) end def negate(grayscale=false) Image.from_image( end def normalize Image.from_image( end def quantize(number_colors=256, colorspace=RGBColorspace, dither=true, tree_depth=0, measure_error=false) Image.from_image(@image.quantized(number_colors, colorspace._val, dither, tree_depth, measure_error)) end def raise(width=6, height=6, raise=true) Image.from_image(@image.raised(width, height, raise)) end def remap # TODO: Implement. Just here to avoid warning in RMagick 2.9 file. end def resize(*args) copy.resize!(*args) end def resize!(*args) @image = if args.length == 1 @image.resized(args[0]) elsif args.length == 2 # It must be 4 nor 2, but two of them are not yet implemented # TODO Implement the other two arguments. # arg[0] --> new_width # arg[1] --> new_height # arg[2] --> filter=LanczosFilter # arg[3] --> support=1.0 @image.resized(args[0],args[1]) else Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of parameters(#{args.length} for 1 or 4)" end self end def rotate(amount, qualifier=nil) copy.rotate!(amount,qualifier) end def rotate!(amount, qualifier=nil) if qualifier == '<' && columns < rows @image.rotate(amount) self elsif qualifier == '>' && columns > rows @image.rotate(amount) self elsif qualifier.nil? @image.rotate(amount) self else nil end end def rows @image.getHeight end def shade(shading=false,azimuth=30,elevation=30) Image.from_image(,azimuth,elevation).apply(_image)) end def solarize(threshold=50) Image.from_image( end def store_pixels(x, y, columns, rows, pixels) ria_size = columns*rows raise IndexError, "not enough elements in array - expecting #{ria_size}, got #{pixels.size}" if pixels.size < ria_size @image.storePixels(x,y,columns,rows,pixels.to_java) end def to_blob(&add) info = @image.setFormat(info.format) if info.format String.from_java_bytes(@image.toBlob) end def watermark(mark, lightness=1.0, saturation=1.0, gravity=nil, x_offset=0, y_offset=0) if gravity.is_a? Numeric # gravity is technically an optional argument in the middle. gravity = nil y_offset = x_offset x_offset = gravity end # TODO Perform watermark. self end def wave(amplitude=25.0, wavelength=150.0) Image.from_image(,wavelength).apply(_image)) end def write(file, &add) # TODO I'm having trouble finding out how this info is used, so I'll skip using it for now. info = # TODO Resolve pwd as needed @image.write(file) self end def file_type(file) @image.file_type(file) end def file_path(file) @image.file_path(file) end class Info # TODO Replace with call to Java, or is this the better way? Should it be converted to the Java version only later? def background_color= background_color @info.setBackgroundColor(Magick4J.ColorDatabase.queryDefault(background_color)) end attr_accessor :format def _info @info end def initialize(&add) @info = instance_eval &add if add end def size= size size = Geometry.from_s(size) if size.is_a? String geometry = geometry.setWidth(size.width) geometry.setHeight(size.height) @info.setSize(geometry) end end end end