What is a Screen?
"Screen" is the most common class in MotionPrime, you can create entire application using only "Screens". Generally it's just a "UIViewController" wrapper with some syntax sugar. For RubyOnRails developers the nearest analogy would be "Controllers".
Render the screen.
You should rewrite the render
method of Prime::BaseScreen
, which will be runned after first opening screen.
class FooScreen < Prime::BaseScreen
def render
@main_section = MyProfileSection.new(screen: self, model: User.first)
Set screen's title
Title will be used in screen's navigation controller and will be shown on top of screen.
NOTE: screen should be created with enabled navigation (see "Initialize screen" block).
class FooScreen < Prime::BaseScreen
title 'Foo screen'
You can pass block to define screen's title
class FooScreen < Prime::BaseScreen
title { params[:title] }
Initialize screen.
Available options:
. When this options is true, screen will be created with navigation support: it will allow adding title and left/right buttons.
This option is false by default.def open_foo_screen
foo_screen = FooScreen.new(navigation: true)
Open screen: using app delegate.
Opening screen using app delegate is the most basic way, you would use it at least on app load.
Available options:
. When this option is true, screen will not be in content controller and will create new root screen.
You can use root: true when you have already opened screen with sidebar, and you want to open new screen without sidebar.
This option is false by default if you already have root screen and true if not.
. Send Prime::BaseScreen
instance to this option if you want to create root screen with sidebar.
Value of this options will be used as sidebar controller.
def open_foo_screen
foo_screen = FooScreen.new(navigation: true)
sidebar = MySidebar.new
app_delegate.open_screen foo_screen, sidebar: sidebar
Open screen: using parent screen.
Opening screen using parent screen is usefull if you want to create inherited screen. Parent screen should have been initialized with navigation support.
def open_second_screen
second_screen = SecondScreen.new(navigation: true)
foo_screen.open_screen second_screen