require 'spec/spec_helper' describe "ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Delta" do it "should call the toggle_delta method after a save" do @beta = => 'beta') @beta.stub_method(:toggle_delta => true) @beta.should have_received(:toggle_delta) end it "should call the toggle_delta method after a save!" do @beta = => 'beta') @beta.stub_method(:toggle_delta => true)! @beta.should have_received(:toggle_delta) end describe "suspended_delta method" do before :each do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => true) Person.sphinx_indexes.first.delta_object.stub_method(:` => "") end it "should execute the argument block with deltas disabled" do ThinkingSphinx.should_receive(:deltas_enabled=).once.with(false) ThinkingSphinx.should_receive(:deltas_enabled=).once.with(true) lambda { Person.suspended_delta { raise 'i was called' } }.should( raise_error(Exception) ) end it "should restore deltas_enabled to its original setting" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => false) ThinkingSphinx.should_receive(:deltas_enabled=).twice.with(false) Person.suspended_delta { 'no-op' } end it "should restore deltas_enabled to its original setting even if there was an exception" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => false) ThinkingSphinx.should_receive(:deltas_enabled=).twice.with(false) lambda { Person.suspended_delta { raise 'bad error' } }.should( raise_error(Exception) ) end it "should reindex by default after the code block is run" do Person.should_receive(:index_delta) Person.suspended_delta { 'no-op' } end it "should not reindex after the code block if false is passed in" do Person.should_not_receive(:index_delta) Person.suspended_delta(false) { 'no-op' } end end describe "toggle_delta method" do it "should set the delta value to true" do @person = be_false @person.send(:toggle_delta) be_true end end describe "index_delta method" do before :each do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub_method(:environment => "spec") ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => true, :sphinx_running? => true) Person.sphinx_indexes.first.delta_object.stub_method(:` => "") @person = @person.stub_method( :in_core_index? => false, :sphinx_document_id => 1 ) @client = Riddle::Client.stub_instance(:update => true) Riddle::Client.stub_method(:new => @client) end it "shouldn't index if delta indexing is disabled" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:deltas_enabled? => false) @person.send(:index_delta) Person.sphinx_indexes.first.delta_object.should_not have_received(:`) @client.should_not have_received(:update) end it "shouldn't index if index updating is disabled" do ThinkingSphinx.stub_method(:updates_enabled? => false) @person.send(:index_delta) Person.sphinx_indexes.first.delta_object.should_not have_received(:`) end it "shouldn't index if the environment is 'test'" do ThinkingSphinx.unstub_method(:deltas_enabled?) ThinkingSphinx.deltas_enabled = nil ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub_method(:environment => "test") @person.send(:index_delta) Person.sphinx_indexes.first.delta_object.should_not have_received(:`) end it "should call indexer for the delta index" do @person.send(:index_delta) Person.sphinx_indexes.first.delta_object.should have_received(:`).with( "#{ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.bin_path}indexer --config #{ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.config_file} --rotate person_delta" ) end it "shouldn't update the deleted attribute if not in the index" do @person.send(:index_delta) @client.should_not have_received(:update) end it "should update the deleted attribute if in the core index" do @person.stub_method(:in_core_index? => true) @person.send(:index_delta) @client.should have_received(:update) end end end